Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Man Has Heart Attack At Heart Attack Grill

Ever since a reader sent in a photo of herself with the menu of the Heart Attack Grill, I have really wanted to go. I am not sure I want to be wheeled out of there in an ambulance, but I would like to go. My diet has been pretty heartbreaking at this point and I would like to think a visit to this restaurant might be in the cards. I am not giving up. I just want some progress. Plus, if I gained a few pounds I could eat at the place for free. Anyone over 350 eats free. Yes, I know, then I would have more weight to lose.

Anyway, this guy was at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas and was eating a burger that has 6,000 calories called the Triple Bypass Burger which is shown above. At some point while eating it, the guy in his 40's had a heart attack and an ambulances were called and photographers just happened to be there to catch the scene of the guy on a gurney. Publicity stunt? I don't think so. Law enforcement officials frown on that type of thing. What I did not know was that the owner of the chain used to be a nutritionist and also owned a Jenny Craig franchise. Guess he has changed his ways.


  1. I laughed. I know it was in .....
    bad taste.

  2. I laughed, too -- and I don't care. This is Darwinism at its finest.

    Can't knock the restaurant for trying to convey a false image, I suppose...

  3. I saw the story about this place on the Travel Channel and the owner is CREEPY as hell. He said he was a nutritionist before, but said he saw more and more people just gaining weight so he decided to forget being a nutritionist and help them be as unhealthy as possible, with a gleam in his eye. I swear it was almost as if he was excited he might kill someone.

  4. OMG, people are crazy.

  5. I looooove burgers, it's my downfall ala The Hoff, but that burger in the pic looks fucking repulsive. I wouldn't even touch it...looks like some homemade crap. Give me a Bob's Big Boy burg or an In-n-Out burg any day over that crapola.

  6. didn't their spokesperson die of a heart attack also?

    Yeah, piles of money will make you change your ways pretty quickly.

  7. I laughed, too -- and I don't care. This is Darwinism at its finest.

    Yep. I have no sympathy for stupid people doing stupid things.

  8. And, this is gossip how? I said it before and I'll say it again (yes, and yell at me all you want)- I come here for gossip. Not to learn where some fat man has a heart attack. I will be coming here much less often. This blog just keeps getting more and more lame.

  9. I guess the former nutritionist figured, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

  10. @Audrey - I'd WAY rather hear about a gluttonous fucker's heart giving out than read a post about some Teen Mom.

    Personally, I think the lamest thing about CDAN nowadays is how Enty still kisses Buzzfoto's ass. Dude, the discerning among us know how those blinds are total bullshit. Please.

  11. @ Ida - totally agree about posts regarding Teen Moms. Actually, thanks to reality tv, gossip blogs have lots to write about, unfortunately, those are not the "celebs" I'm interested in.

  12. Ugh, I hate to hear about people in their 40s having heart attacks!

  13. ^Most people in their forties are wise enough to avoid something called The Triple-Bypass Burger.

  14. @ T-Grape - yeah but I bet you wouldn't eat a burger off of pool flagstones. On camera, no less.

    According to Wikipedia, Heart Attack Grill's tag line is "Taste Worth Dying For" and their wait staff are dressed as doctors and nurses and they cook their fries in lard. Sounds gruesome.

  15. Audrey - this post is so much better than plenty of gossip. It doesn't have to be strictly gossip for us to snark. We have learned to snark on just about anything. It's good for us. Snark on CDANers!

  16. @ _-_ it's not the snark, per se, it's the non-celebrity content. But to each his or her own!

  17. A man having a Heart Attack while dining AT the Heart Attack Grill...

    Eating a Triple Bypass Burger and prolly ending up NEEDING a triple bypass surgery...

    The owner of the chain previously owning a Jenny Craig....


    THIS SHIT should be sung to music because it's the 2012 version of Alanis's 'Ironic'. Someone page (80s shout out) her ass, because Alanis is the authority on all things ironic, and we need her official approval~

  18. I laughed at first but then it made me sad. I'm thinking that you already have to be in pretty bad shape for one meal to do you in - it wasn't the burger that caused it, it was the proverbial final straw, I'm sure. It makes me a little verklemmt when I think about how little people actually know about what the food they eat actually does to them.

    But I have to admit that the picture makes me hungry. Doesn't mean I'm going to go eat a huge burger for lunch, but I'm not sure I can resist the temptation of melted cheese!

  19. & I second what @Jasmine said. Where is Alanis when you need her?

  20. I think the Heart Attack Grill qualifies as celebrity since it's been featured on some of the Food TV shows. Otherwise, I can agree with you.

  21. Enty - glad you're not giving up on the diet - sometimes progress takes time. If you've changed the way you eat, and are doing so every day, then that IS progress, and soon you'll see it. It's only been 45 days. You deserve a pat on the back for what you've accomplished!

  22. Audrey, ever heard the definition of insanity? Repeating the same action and expecting a different result? Yes, you have said this before, so why don't you stop saying it and instead go find something that does interest you?

  23. I wonder if the wife had a salad?

  24. I think the people taking the pics were patrons though?

    The whole concept of this restaurant is gross...sounds like a medical themed Hooters.

  25. So, I wrote this about cheeseburgers once:
