Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Miley Cyrus Breaks Her Tailbone

I actually kind of like Miley Cyrus after she Tweeted that she broke her tailbone. No, I don't like her because she injured herself but because she got it attempting to do a front flip onto her sofa from the floor. So, I am guessing she was stoned rather than drunk. She seems more of a pot smoker than she does a boozer. Later in life that will change when it is easier for her to go out and drink. The good thing I have noticed about Miley is that for the most part she tends to do her partying away from public areas. To have learned that at such a young age means if she ever goes to rehab it will be tough to see it coming. This could of course change when she is legally allowed to get wasted at clubs.

Anyway, she probably got dared or was trying to show off and got just about the whole way through the flip and the next thing you know a great party is ruined because someone has to go to the emergency room. I love that she was willing to take a chance and she almost made it. If she was doing a front flip and busted her tailbone on the couch it means that she almost landed it. She has probably landed it hundreds of times, but this once, it was probably good weed and threw her off a bit.

I have never tried to do a front flip to a couch, but my various drinking injuries involve the following:

Broken arm - trampoline
Cut head - slipped off a diving board
Broken ankle - Did not see that pot hole
Busted ankle - Did not see that curb
Bad gash on leg - riding on the back of a motorcycle not a good idea
Mugged - Did not see that guy with the knife

Those were just like over the course of a year. I could go on, but I do not want everyone to see how I have contributed to the higher insurance premiums you all pay.


  1. I kinda like her too but I refuse to admit it in public.

    My favorite injury (is that possible?) is the one I got when I was 5 and tried to get the swing to go all the way around the pole, as in over it. In my mind I almost made it, but I do have a great scar on my knee to prove I tried.

  2. Enty - have you thought about NOT DRINKING? Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something.

  3. head gash - danced into a wall at age 4
    head gash - was bounced off a teeter totter
    sprained ankle - chunky shoes combined with stairs
    split ear - fight with sister, floor and couch
    leg gash - rusty screw
    split between lip/nose - sprinkler accident
    hand gash - bread knife/stupidity

    There are tons more. These are just the ones I can remember that caused stitches.

  4. I can appreciate her a lot more now that she isn't shoving her face in the media every day. I think it shows a lot of maturity that she seems to have made a conscious effort to not be so Lindsay.

    Also, I don't think she'll necessarily turn to alcohol later when she is of age. She's famous, she can get it anytime. It may be hard to believe but some people just prefer pot over alcohol.

  5. She's growing on me just a little.

  6. She looks drunk to me in the pics of her on TMZ from Liams birthday party.

  7. The only thing I've broken is my nose and the doctor just pushed it back into place...
    Poor thing thats gotta hurt..

  8. FWIW when someone says they broke their tail bone, it generally means they hit it very hard and it hurts really bad.

  9. I broke my tailbone when just beginning to roller blade. Never went to doc because there's nothing they can do. Hurt like a bitch for at least 6 months, just awful. The worse was actually getting up from a sitting position.

  10. Broken arm - age 8 - using the clothesline pole as a gymnastics bar.

    Broken ankle - age 34 - wasted at a Pearl Jam concert.

  11. ah, she's a tool, but a lot of people do stupid things while wasted at age 19.

    I ran into a glass door. That is all I am admitting. lol

  12. When I was a teen I slipped and fell in the bathtub, cracked my tailbone.

    What really hurt was the ruptured oil gland that turned into a boil like thing right at the point of my tailbone. After two weeks it was ready to lance.
    You come to realize that your entire body is hooked to your ass.
    8 stitiches eyebrow playground mishap
    6 stitches arm, nail
    20 stitiches brother closed car door on finger.
    5 stitches washing broken glass.
    More mishaps but the stitches after that were for surgeries and that doesn't count here.

  13. COCAINE: Bad gash on leg - age: 22 - fighting with boyfriend and feel on low-rider style bike.

    DRINKING: Bashed up face - age: 34 - got into a physical fight with my little was 25 years in the making and epic. We're lucky we both made it out alive.

  14. This is the kind of thing 19 year old girls do even when they are sober. I can't hate on her for this one.

  15. You could turn this into a Your Turn. List your broken bones and how you got them. Or ... most embarrassing injury.

  16. She seems like a semi normal kid doing stupid things.....2005_black eye, asphalt broke my fall

  17. Agree Miley is so much more likeable when she's out of the public eye. Side eye to Lindsay.

  18. I get a vibe from Miley that she is a hell cat in bed. I'm thinking she was liking it rough and that's the real story behind the busted tailbone.

  19. I broke my tailbone 2 years ago slipping in the kitchen and it STILL hurts! It'll probably hurt til I'm dead :(

  20. I broke my coccyx in junior high when I slipped on some icy steps and fell right on my ass. Like msgirl said, that shit hurt for 6 months. I had to sit down and get up gingerly until well into summer. I've also badly sprained my ankles more times than I can remember. One time I actually broke an ankle and had to wear a cast for months. Not only did that suck (and itch) but my leg was really hairy when the cast was finally cut off, lol.

  21. Oh, and did Enty ever show a picture of the dick cake Miley got her boyfriend for his birthday? I saw it on another site. WTF was she thinking? What hetero guy wants a dick cake??

  22. @Mango - that's my point. She's a hell cat in the sack. SHE wanted the dick cake. Didn't care if the BF liked it or not.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. love her

    7th grade: broken ankle: hurdles-gym class.
    10th grade: chunk of my arm eaten during an attack by my friend's german shepherd "Bart".

  25. I've broken my tailbone at least 3-4 times. I'm talented that way. The last time was when my youngest son was born. He was barely a 7-pounder, but it had previously healed at a weird angle. So it was dislocated to allow his birth. It beat a Cesarian. Otherwise (for those readers who are pregnant, I do not want to scare anyone!)it was a very quick and easy labor.

  26. I was 8 and excited to go to Cedar POint the next day. So I got in the laundry basket and rode it down te steps. Got a nice bruise on my head and had to go to hospital for possible concussion. Yeah

  27. I also broke my tail bone by falling in the shower. That was the most painful injury I can remember. I had to sit on pillows for a while because my butt hurt so bad. A gal I used to work with broke hers when she fell down running around a swimming pool.

  28. I agree, she seems like she'd be adventurous in bed. But I believe her story of how she broke her tailbone. Girl likes her pot and partying.

    Does it have to be pot vs. drinking? Why not prefer both?

  29. At last count... broken 12 bones.. smh, I really need to act my age... Anyhoo.. this girl makes plenty of money.. WHY for the love of Pete, can she not get her grill fixed!?!?!? Dang.. get this girl some braces.. quick!

  30. @ Nicolé Reneé - She DID get her grill fixed. Try Google images "Miley Cyrus teeth before and after"

  31. I've been ridiculously lucky.

    1998 - sprained both ankles while trying to 'catch the lights' at a near empty dance club. I was literally just jumping light to lights made from the disco ball. Do that drunk and you TOO will sprain both ankles.

    2008 - almost cut thumb up while making deviche (stupid onion!!). Was only mildly buzzed. 3 stitches.

    2009 - didn't see a (very low) bench on the sidewalk and fell right over it, with my right cheek hitting the gutter. Really sexy, completely inebriated.

    That last one mostly bruised my ego since I had to go to work with a 30 years of age.

  32. ow! I slipped on the ice and dislocated my tailbone a long time ago. You DON'T want to know how the dr put it back in position, lol. Very painful injury.

    Broke my ankle 3 yrs ago. Fell down a short flight of stairs while carrying some boxes, and bent my foot completely backwards--essentially broke my foot off.

    That's it for bone injuries....but that was enough. Tailbone really no kidding hurt a lot.

  33. I've always liked Miley, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. :)

  34. Poor girl. And I'm sort of pissed that the 'panties in a wad' crowd is using this kid as a whipping post. Shame on them! I cannot stand self-righteous hypocrites. Or the religiously insane.

  35. I sprained my ankles so many times over the years that at one point my mom joked that I should just criss-cross my crutches and mount them on the living room wall like snowshoes. The most memorable time was as a high school sophomore auditioning for You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown--they had us doing this weird dance step (that was NEVER used in the actual show, BTW), and I bent my ankle over & went down hard. I spent the rest of the evening soaking my ankle in a stew pot full of ice water while watching TV & hearing all about Gary Gilmore's execution (January 17, 1977--I remember it well). And no, I didn't get a part, damn it. :-(

    The only time I actually broke a bone that I know of was when I was 9 & slammed my right ring finger in a car door after coming home from a Bible School function. At the time, the X-rays said it was fine, but in just the last couple of months, I had to have my right hand X-rayed, and apparently it did break right near the tip, and the bone never grew back together (it's filled in w/scar tissue, and according to the hand specialist I saw, quite stable). Guess X-rays are a lot better now than they were in 1971, eh?

  36. Not a big poster, but I had to comment on this one. 1979 wasted on multiple substances at The Clash concert at the Hollywood Palladium. Managed to crowd surf onto the stage where I proceeded to hang onto Joe Strummer's leg for 2 or 3 songs. While this was going on multiple dudes in the front row were trying to rip my pants off. So there I was one arm around Joe and one clutching at the waistband of my jeans. A stage hand finally got me off Joe and very nicely walked me to the side of a very high stage and shoved me backwards off the side as hard as he could. Fucker. I was being obnoxious, but I didn't deserve that. Anyway, I landed on my back, cracked my elbow, bruised my ribs and got a knot on the back of my head. Lost my jacket and shoes and drove home in a blackout. Didn't feel a thing till the next day. To add insult to injury. My wannabe musician boyfriend at the time got mad at me cause I was "hanging on to someother guitar players leg".

    That wasn't just "some guitar player" - it for FUCKING JOE STRUMMER! RIP Joe.

    And yes, I started settling my shit down not too long after that episode, although at the ripe old age of 55, I still get in the pit from time to time. Yeah, I'm hardcore like that. BW

  37. I've posted about stitches, but I feel for all you who have wrecked your ankles too.
    I was 15 miles out in the desert when I started a dirt bike and the starter came back up under compression and just about drove my heel up to my elbows.
    Dr. said I should have broken it, ankles don't heal very fast, uneven ground was a bitch for a year.

  38. Anonymous9:15 PM

    That shit hurts, been there done that. I feel for her. And I will openly admit that the older she gets the more tolerable she is. She actually seems like she'd be really fun to smoke a joint with. ;)
