Saturday, February 04, 2012

More Drunk Daniel Radcliffe News

Earlier this week, Daniel Radcliffe spoke about his drinking problem and his propensity to blackout almost every night. Now he says that he can point out all the scenes in Harry Potter where he was dead drunk. He claims he never drank while actually on the set but there were many times he showed up to work still drunk from the night before and had not gone to bed. He says that he can see the scenes and can tell he is dead behind the eyes. I can tell you that I never noticed. I bet he was not the only actor on the set to be drunk or wasted. That one guy grew pot in his house so I am pretty sure he probably came baked a few times.

I wonder what movie in time had the most actors who were the most messed up and still did well. You would think something from the 60's like Easy Rider, but it is probably some movie from the 80's where everyone is all coked up.


  1. There was never a drunker actor than John Barrymore. Check him out in "Dinner at Eight", "Grand Hotel" or any other of his early-30s classics. He is a drunk playing a drunk.

    Can't say much about the rest of the cast in those films - although Wally Beery certainly loved to get his drink on.

  2. Although I love the film, it's still so sad that by doing Less Than Zero, RDJ became a full fledged drug addict. I'm sure there were beaucoup drugs on that set.

  3. Uh, Enty? You're not supposed to be wondering about that. WE'RE supposed to be wondering, YOU'RE supposed to be hinting!

    While I applaud Daniel for his honesty regarding his issues, he's kinda ruining the series for me. Not ruining, but... I'm going to think of this every time I see one, and I will, due to the small person I live with. I get it though. In my experience, the newly sober spout HONESTY HONESTY HONESTY and tell you things you wish you didn't know.

  4. The guy in The English Patient...shit, what's his name? I could go to IMDB but I'm too lazy. The guy who played Sayid on Lost.

    High as a kite in that movie. Heroin.

  5. Peter O'Toole and Richard Harris (before he passed away) talked about working drunk many times. They would even be rip-roaring drunk while doing PLAYS. That's hardcore. I bet Richard Burton was drunk during some of his movies.

  6. I agree EmEyeKay. It's ruining the series for me. I don't want to be thinking about if Harry was drunk while fighting Malfoy or talking to Dumbledore. I get where he is coming from, but I'd rather wish he'd shut up about it.

  7. I think the 80's coke movie was that horrible one with Demi Moore and Dan Ackroyd?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Naveen Andrews , maja

  10. Naveen Andrews makes me feel funny inside. ;)

  11. Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed were coked out of their minds on the set of "Smoky and The Bandit"

  12. I am glad he held it together on film.
    Being a teenager is hard enough, even harder while in the public eye.

  13. LOOK at that little punum in that pic!!!

    It continues to be beyond my comprehension when I hear about young kids doing this level of drinking/drugs/sex etc.


    Anyways, if this helps Dan or others reading about his struggle with addiction get clean than Im all for it. Nothing could ruin this series for me-

    Though I will say I continue to be scarred by Enty's old hollywood reveals- if I have to hear one more time about Jean Harlow and Cary Grant and Betty White having a ass to mouth orgy* I think Im gonna have to get therapy.

    *this is an exaggerated example of the fuckery we've had to read about :P

  14. Jasmine, the Old Hollywood reveals freak me out, too. I've gotten to where I don't read them. Ignorance is bliss.

  15. Carrie Fisher all through "Empire Strikes Back." She spent her nights partying with John Belushi, Dan Aykrord, Eric Idle. 'Nough said.

  16. All of the St. Elmo's Fire cast. Weren't they drunk or high during the entire filming?

  17. Anything with Donald Sutherland and Richard Harris. They freely admit they were ALWAYS drunk. 99% of the cast of St. Elmo's Fire were drunk or high. Rob Lowe described it in his book.

  18. I read somewhere that the movie Goin' South with Jack Nicholson had so much coke, that it would be easier to say who was'nt doing drugs then who was.

  19. Naveen Andrews does the same to my lady bits Reno. Yummy yummy man.

    Carrie Fisher talks about how f'd up everyone was on SNL so why should the movies be any different?
