Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Need To Know Where Babies Come From?

This girl will be happy to tell you.


  1. We were driving one day with my then 6 year old son when his babysitter was pregnant and asked us how the doctor was going to get the baby out of her tummy. I explained to him that the baby will come out of her vagina and the doctor would help her. I figured the simplest and most accurate explanation was the best.

    Moments of silence passed with silent glances between my husband and me, neither of us daring to look back at him. Finally, he declared "I am soooo glad I am a boy and never have to worry about having a baby!!!"

    1. Hilarious. I can't wait until my son starts speaking.

  2. First, you knot the bellybutton, then you wash the baby.

    She's not entirely wrong...*L*

  3. Hilarious! The belly button played a prominent role in my early reproductive beliefs, too.

  4. lol @IceAngel thats super cute!
    I LOVE the scene in Knocked Up where one of the little Apatows talks about where babies come from. "Then your butt falls off and you dig around and you find a baby" (or something like that...)

    1. I watched that movie constantly while I was pregnant. I still LOL at that scene.

  5. I had to explain that to a 3 yr old when I was pregnant. Good lord, the looks I got!

    Then about 8 years later I had to explain how the baby got in there. She didn't care much for that explanation either.

  6. She's so close though. She just brass tacked it and left out the gross stuff.

  7. Her name is Liah and she is seven (7) years old : )

  8. I really love that video!
    I was raised to always tell kids the "truth" about sensitive questions such as this, but the older I get, the more I love hearing kids' own creative & often charming explanations.
    **In SOME things I think we strip children of their innocence too young. JMHO!!!
