Monday, February 06, 2012

Random Photos Part Two - Superbowl

Gisele Bundchen consoles Tom Brady.

Katy Perry needed no consoling at all.
Lenny Kravitz was at the game.
So was Jessica Simpson.
Rosie O'Donnell brought her girlfriend.
David Arquette was the Superbowl jester.
And Eva Longoria promoted illegal gambling at her house. Nice payoffs though.


  1. Jessica looks great!

  2. I worry about David Arquette, he seems so......lost

    Katy cracks me up

    Lenny always is the coolest guy in the room, now he's the coolest guy in the stadium

  3. I found out the song Katy dedicated to Tebow was "Peacock". Now THAT is hilarious! Love it!

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Tom and Gisele are a very masculine couple, non? She's two-faced, isn't she. She can either look fantastic or horrifying.

    I think Lenny Kravitz tries too hard. This will never stop being funny to me:

  5. I'm with you, anita_mark. Other than good cheekbones, I think Gis is nothing special bordering on ugly from the neck up. If you glued that head on a regular body, she would never get face-only modeling gigs. Ever.

  6. The Lenny Kravitz photo - is it me or are the people sitting tilted forward? It looks like if you got up you would fall right over the edge! Creepy.

  7. Wow Jessica looks gorgeous there!!!

  8. YAY Giants!
    Mrs. Brady should NOT be denigrating Mr. Brady's work colleagues. Somebody's going to have to clean up that mess and I think it will not be Mrs. Brady!
    The camera's tilted in the Lenny skybox photo.

  9. Is it just me or is Lenny in the nosebleed seats? Jessica looked great in a pre-game interview hawking her new show. I don't see Tom reaching out to the Missus. I want to go to a super bowl just once. If my team ever makes it back there, I just might do it.

    We had lots of football pools going on yesterday, Enty. At least some of my family members made some $$$s.

  10. Jessica looks beautiful...

  11. mngddss - I went to the Brickyard Nascar race in Indy a few years back. Getting to our seats was scary, almost straight down (up). I had broken both my legs a few years earlier and was panicked walking up and down. Once we got to the seats they were great though. When you try to seat hundreds of thousands of people into a venue I guess that's how they have to do it. won't go again though

  12. Haha I thought David Arquette was a very high looking Derek Jeter. *makes appointment to get eyes examined*

  13. Jessica is glowing

  14. Jessica looks beautiful.

    Nothing Gisele says will comfort Mr. Brady.
    In the second pic she's saying *I tried to help by throwing the receiver under the bus.* He's saying
    *You did F**king what????*

    If you want a nosebleed experience go to the NASCAR race in Bristol, the whole setup is so banked that you can sit in the stands and look through the passenger window, through the car and out the driver's window to the track.

    Ahh David, always the doof.

  15. LOL@DelRiser on Gisele

    that is hilarious

  16. Agreed w/ all Jessica comments - she looks so happy too.

    Agree with @anita_mark about Giselle. Although, I've always thought she was hot until I saw these photos. She looks TERRIBLE!!

  17. Im bored with David Arquette's schtick. It's one thing to be fun and funny and lighthearted but he just looks childish and immature to me. Poor Courtney Cox.

  18. I cannot STAND Gisele.

  19. Giselle really reminds me of Annie Lebowitz in the second photo.

  20. Jessica must have finally washed her hair and brushed her teeth. It is amazing what a little bit of hygiene can do for a person.

  21. What kind of pool is Eva running over there? You are supposed to pick your squares first and then the numbers are put on randomly.

  22. Tom Brady is a fucking brat.

  23. @Amartel- ok I'm biased (Pats fan but congrats to the Giants, they were the better team) and honestly am not a fan of Gisele at all, but I don't think her comments about how TB can't throw and catch at the same time & the dropped passes were that bad. If you watch the clip she is being hounded by NY-centric journalists/papparazi after her husband just lost something that really meant a lot to him in front of a national audience. I can't honestly say I wouldn't respond out of turn and in frustration and anger either were I in that situation. Or that if it were Wes Welker or Aaron Hernandez who was married to a famous person, that their wives wouldn't have said something as well. It was a frustrating loss and there were a lot of dropped passes at critical moments, there isn't any denying that. I seriously doubt this will have any impact on the Pats locker room in any way, I think that is the easy story for the sports media to tell and it is getting blown way out of proportion.

  24. The funniest thing I saw a Giants fan post on Fb was "I hope Tom Brady doesn't lose his endorsement deal from Uggs after this."

    Rosie's gf like a Madonna/Sheryl Crow hybrid.
