Friday, February 03, 2012

Roseanne For President

Lots of celebrities do a lot of talking about politics but Roseanne Barr is actually doing some walking to go along with her talking. She has officially filed the paperwork to run for President and wants to be the Green Party candidate. I bet you think I am going to make fun of her. Nope. Not at all. I think she will provide a brashness and honesty that is missing from every political campaign. I try to stay out of politics on this site and I am perfectly willing to slam all politicians no matter the party. The one thing I find consistent with all politicians though is they all will use ten words when one will do and Roseanne would not be like that. There is very little a President does so I am not sure how bad Roseanne could mess up anything if she was elected and the four years would certainly be entertaining. I am more proud of her for stepping up to the plate and trying and maybe now she can learn the words to the National Anthem.


  1. Wow, Jon Stewart is going to have a field day with this.

  2. I would vote for her before I would vote for Gingrich or Romney, that's for sure. She talks a lot of common sense, will be interesting to see what happens.

  3. Yes, but will she grab her crotch and spit every time the anthem is played?

    Totally OT: Did anyone see Snooki last night on "Watch What Happens"? Apparently she was trashed one night and peed IN A NIGHTCLUB. ON THE DANCE FLOOR (albeit apparently in a corner, like that makes it right). Anyhoo, Andy said, "I hope you're not going to pee here tonight", and Snooki said she wasn't and that her UTI had cleared up and that she probably got it "from butt sex". :|

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    She'd be my pick over any of the Republican candidates. I laughed when I saw this on TMZ last night, and the poll they had going showed Obama 39%, Roseanne 36& and Romney 24%. They also said that one of the planks of her platform is legal marijuana.

    Why not Roseanne? She's got some brains, she's outspoken and brutally honest, and she might do a good job.

  5. I don't think the problem with Roseanne actually being president lies as much within our country as outside. The way this would look to the rest of the world if she was actually elected in would easily make this country's democratic system officially a joke. Not that she really has a snowballs chance in hell of winning, but in the long run, it would be terrible. She does have good view points and makes sense when she talks but so what. I can make 100% total sense when talking about things too, it doesn't mean when I apply myself I can do it.

  6. Seriously, I'd pick her over any Republican too.

  7. ^Same. She might not have as much credibility as Obama, but she's got LOADS more than Romney.

  8. I love her, and I follow her and Johnny Argent, her SO on Twitter. They are very smart and bring up a lot of very valid points.

    I would pick her over any Republican in the field and Obama is iffy with me right now, lol.

    She couldn't screw it up any worse than the rest of them, and she has a lot of common sense.

  9. I think she said on Letterman last year that she was going to run - her two major points at the time were "legalize marijuana" and "no more taxes".

    She could win.

  10. I can't believe that Ent just said the President does very little so how could she screw it up? Seriously? Time to give your head a shake.

  11. The more competition, the better, I say. Neither party speaks to me and I'm sick to death of them both!

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM

    @bnl1016 - agreed, but since we've already had a B movie actor and a frat boy win the election, and one of the serious candidates was previously hustled out of congress due to ethics violations, I don't think she would be much more embarrassing. "Those crazy Americans".

  13. Gross. Another faded celebrity squawking for attention.
    To everyone saying that they'd vote for her - please tell me you're joking. If not, why would you vote for her? What does she say she would do as President? Why is she running? How is she more qualified than the candidates who are running already? Why the automatic knee-jerk urge to vote for a celebrity?

  14. enty, she DOES know the words now. ha, on her show she sang it.

  15. I see no clear choice yet for my vote. While she is interesting to consider, I for one don't need a President who whines.

  16. Mango! Omg I love you for the Snooki craziness- LOVE Andy's non-reaction :))

    here's the clip

    Oh yeah--- I agree with most of you
    here- Rosanne's tell it like it is demeanor already puts her far ahead of most Republican AND democratic candidates IMO.

  17. I agree we need to legalize marijuana across the board, especially in light of the fact the 99% of our economy is based on oil, a non renewable energy source, and every, single thing we get from black oil, we can get from hemp. However, I just don't feel that Barr is the woman for the job.

    I also agree that both parties are really one continual party of Bullshit.

    (however, barry's not going anywhere. So no need to even get worked up, sad but true. didn't the 2000 election teach us all that only the electoral vote is what matters. thus it's who THEY want in, not who we want in. Damn them all. CRICKY)

  18. You Americans. Always with the amusing politicans. :)

  19. She definitely has my vote! Finally a worthy candidate... I voted for "Mr. Change? Nope!" in 2008 and was thrilled that he won. I am a liberal through and through, but I will not vote for him this time. I refuse to pay for another $4 million vacation to Hawaii. O(ver)bama!

  20. What's sad is she doesn't seem to understand she IS part of the 1%!

    Personally, every time I see that commercial where she gets hit by a log I LMAO. I can't stand whiners!

  21. @OMAMA

    I'd check my figures if I were you. 99% doesn't seem right.

  22. You can move to Canada, Amartel. It's no problem. ;)

  23. US political system became a joke even before elections were rigged and stolen from the people.

    These days politicians need more words so they can get the mask on.

  24. I like Roseanne, but oooh buddy is she out there! I stumbled across her blog, because she has written a few senarios of what the Connor family would be like now (interesting stuff!). But I read on and while I applaud her for speaking her mind and being herself, she came off as really odd.... She will never make it, but good for her for trying. I like that she will try, regardless of the outcome, and if that doesn't work - back to the drawing board!

  25. @Sue Ellen, right now I am taking a Macroeconomic class in conjunction with a Intergrated Science class, with both text books being written in 2011. And you're right about the factual 99%, however here's a quote from our class discussion two weeks ago on how to alleviate the nations passive debt, and it's in my response to a classmate who wanted us to drill here;

    "The problem in continuing the drilling for oil, whether on our land or not, is that it's not a renewable form of energy. Once we take it out, there's no replenishing it. And considering the bulk of our economy rests on fossil fuels, I'd say we sure as heck need to find a better, more responsible, conservative and cost effective way. In fact, in my other class that I am in right now, Integrated Life Sciences, in our text for this week, we're discussing fossil fuels and it reads, "the economy of the United States today depends almost completely on the burning of fossil fuels" (Trefil). It continues to reiterate what I already said, that the problem in which lies, the fossil fuels cannot be replaced. So drilling here shouldn't even be an option. Again, I know I'm a broken record on this, but hemp is the most feasible solution.

    So although 99% may be off, "almost completely dependent" to me is quite a bit, no? And I have friends who have been receiving grants to figure out how to CREATE algae so we can make fuel faster, but again, hemp is here and there is no need to create anything.

    Trefil, J and Hazen, R.M. (2010) "The Sciences: An Intergrated Approach." George Mason University. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

  26. **and yes, I should have ended "solution" with another parentheses. But I am far from perfect. Mi dispiace, ok.

  27. whatever.......Jesus, take the goddamn wheel :)

    parenthesis, quotations..........

  28. i'd vote for her over any of those religious zealots and racists from the right.

    follow her on twitter, her platform is amazing and a much needed voice.

  29. I'd vote for her over the empty suit Obama or Slick Romney, that's for sure. They're both useless.

  30. Have any of you been to any of the conservative blogs recently? They HATE Romney. They don't like Mr. White Sherman Klump Newt either. A good percentage of conservatives are vowing to not even vote this year.

    I'm a staunch liberal and support President Obama but I can get behind Roseanne. Will John Goodman be her V.P. pick?

  31. Hey, Sue Ellen, you Canadian, you. Thanks for the invite but I'm no where near giving up.
    ; )
    Just blowing off steam at people who complain about how the political system is so screwed up (boohoo) then turn right around enthuse about the fictional self-promoting candidacy of a washed up crazy old lady celebrity. If you don't take your government seriously, it won't take you seriously either. This is the road to Idiocracy. (Which is a great horror movie, by the way.)

    Happy weekend.

  32. I'm so sick of politicians, I say bring her on!

  33. (At least we know she probably can't be bought, unlike the rest of the assholes.)

  34. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat. Our democratic system is already a joke.

  35. @OMAMA

    I was thinking strictly of percentages of imports/exports, but now that I've read your posts I totally see what you're saying with the 99%, and while I don't disagree with you about hemp (I'll also throw corn and wind into the equation), it's inherently problematic in its application. I mean, where would you put these huge farms? There's no land.

    IMO, a combination of oil, gas, wind, water, hemp/corn etc is probably the best. Not too much strain on any resource, I reckon. But I don't really know. What I do know is that we are fucked if we don't figure out something soon.

  36. @Amartel

    I also thought Idiocracy was a horror movie. Couldn't stand to watch the whole thing.


  37. Sigh. Barry is locked in until 2012. The Republican Party is so disorganized that they are eating their own. I hate the two party system. We have no options here.

  38. Saw this post while searching for Roseanne posts and HOLY SHIT ITS HILARIOUS! And even funnier with Trump in the White House! President doesn't do much! Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
