Thursday, February 09, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Heads Out On A Date

Taylor Armstrong took some time off from exploiting her dead husband for money and went out on a date with some guy who looks like he does not go out much. Well, actually he might, but I love the way he is trying to look young with the shirt untucked. I do that too, but that is because if I tuck my shirt in, the buttons will explode because of the force of pressure my stomach makes on them. I feel like my diet is going nowhere. Yes, I have lost a little more than 15 pounds but I spend so much time trying to always get back the weight I gain on the weekends that there is never any step down to more weight loss.

I am not sure what would ever convince me to ask Taylor Armstrong out on a date. I don't know if it is the fact that she seemingly has multiple personalities, a charming disposition and more botulism inside her than a 25 year old can of green beans with dents in it, I just do not find her to be someone I would ever want to spend a few hours a lone with and attempt to make conversation. This guy obviously has no such issues. Probably a huge drinker or he has a bad head cold, is hopped up on NyQuil and does not even remember anything about the evening.


  1. cheers! to the 15lb weight loss.

  2. I could have *sworn* she was nailing Dr. Shoeless.


  3. okay unrelated but has anyone seen this pic of Macauley Culkin? Yikes...

  4. Can you imagine kissing her? The horror!!!

  5. Why would you tuck that shirt into jeans?

  6. @East Village Gypsy -- HO.LEE.SHIT.BALLS.

    Ugh. Parents, don't let your children be child stars!!!

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Is it just me, or does he resemble the dead husband?

  8. I thought he resembled the dead husband too.

    Enty, don't get hung up on the weight loss - weigh yourself once a month and no more.

  9. WELL DONE ENTY!!!! You can do it!!!!

  10. @ Ida. I know. I had to post about it. SHOCKED. He looks like he is seriously ill. Such a huge step away from that sweet young boy he once was...

  11. @Ida - I think she's doin' the doctor too. This guy is just a decoy.

  12. This guy could pass for Russell's brother.

    OC's Vicki is dating a guy who looks a lot like her ex, Donn.

    These ladies need some variety.

  13. Nolachickee: the doctor, Dr. Sophy, is an openly gay shrink here in LA

  14. BWA HA HAAAA, Ida! Your comment just made me literally guffaw out loud.

    Thx, I needed a good laugh.

    He looks like Rickety Cricket from Always Sunny in Phila combined with the meth head's mug shot in our local news.


    Ya know, that Red Bull is bad shit. Look at Demi!

    I had to get off it, personally. It nearly ruined my esophagus. I can only drink it occasionally now, but for a time it called to me like some dang crack or something (which I have NEVER touched, btw).

  15. @The Bitch Next Door - thank you for that info. My gaydar didn't go off for him.

    Taylor seems like the kind of chick that crushes on gay men, then acts all bent out of shape when she finally gets it that they're not playing for the same team.

  16. What does it feel like to be kissed by someone with that foreign *thing* in their lip? Shud.Der.

  17. They were telling her on the reunion show that the implants in her lips look better. What kinda crack are they smoking? They look exactly the same as they always have...big and scary looking. She's so unattractive.

    The guy who actually spent time with her on a date, looks just like Russell, with a bit more hair.

  18. Ewww, creepy. He DOES resemble Russell in this pic.

  19. Keep it up, Enty - be more careful on the weekends - you can do it!

    Dude reminds me of Russell.

  20. @EVGypsy - OMG! Looks like an old man! With cancer! Christ!

  21. Dont watch the housewives shows so Im going with the MC ot thread. Holy crap thats either drugs or severe illness.

  22. This bitch is psychotic. The Daily Beast has two articles on her and it's pretty scary stuff. There's also a site that's been going through her book and comparing it to her Twitter and nothing matches up. She's so narcissistic and delusional that she doesn't think she has to cover for herself.

    And she is so heinously ugly.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

  23. Sis, I love how her "dislocated" jaw has now turned into a jaw that was "out of place" and she massaged it back while lying in bed instead of snapping it back in over a toilet. I still think she probably was abused by him, but not to the extent that she claims, and that abuse, while awful, doesn't give her a free pass on all her other nasty stuff.

  24. Yay...congrats on the weight loss!

    I was listening to a Siruis interview this morning with Taylor. She does not need to date right now, imho. She came across as sympathetic and admits to being a damaged person. Some of the stuff she was talking about was textbook classic abuse in the home that started on their first date and some was in front of his two sons. She also said there were several restraining orders against him from previous girlfriends, she did not mention the ex-wife though. She also grew up in an abusive home and admits to being totally dependant on whatever the guy wanted to her to do. I just hope for her daughters sake that she grows up a well balanced and smart young lady. Cycles of abuse are terrible burdens to carry.

    I hope she does not return to RHOBH, and I can do without Kyle, Kim and Adrienne, but Bravo and the viewers like the extra drama.

    I was shocked when the housewives said her lips looked great, uh no.

  25. I cannot stand this manhole mouth.

  26. @califblondy - YES! He looks like an older version of Russell.
