Monday, February 06, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Still Loves Russell

Taylor Armstrong was on The Today Show this morning and was going on and on about her new go to reason for doing Real Housewives. It was not about fame or money, but to keep her safe and her daughter safe. She also says that she misses Russell and loves him and that her best times in her life were with him and her worst. I honestly could only watch about 30 seconds of Taylor. I just can't handle her anymore.


  1. Then please stop posting about this one. All I can do is shrug.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    ^^^^ Agreed.

  3. Keep them safe from bankruptcy?

  4. She looks anorexic in that photo. Ick. And she's totally doing RHOBH for the money and ego. Weird that she's saying she misses Russell - did she read a poll suggesting that people would like her more if she missed him?!

  5. Wait until you get a load of her on The View. She's delusional skank.

  6. I can't even look at this women's picture. I feel so bad, but she's just very, very frightening looking.

  7. This bitch is crazy. Why is she news worthy???

  8. Sadly I understand how she feels. Unless you have been in a similar situation you can't really understand. Though I think she needs to just shut up and stay hidden.

  9. Nobody does RHO for art. Not news worthy.

  10. Knew she was going to be on the View but turned off the tube in case the View or Nielsen ratings noticed.

  11. A homely woman, who was treated badly, with no prospects. Now making questionable comments to try and stay relevant. Sad, yes, noteworthy no.

  12. zero fucks given about this famewhore trying to still make a buck off a suicide.

    please stop trying to make ANY of the RHO___ happen.

  13. Trying to hide stick thin arms is the only excuse for what she's wearing.

    Taylor is playing the grieving widow for sympathy. Oh, and book sales. Can't forget that.

  14. Russell is gone and nobody really knows what really happened between them.

    What we do know is that this woman is a known liar and is now trying to parlay what she can into more $$$.

    I have no doubt some of what she is saying in terms of abuse did happen but we'll never know for sure what went down between them.

    He had other kids than just her daughter who are old enough to see and read the story she is putting out there for cash. And she doesn't care.

    She needs to get off my TV.

  15. I actually don't mind her airing his abuse and the rollcoaster way being in love with someone who abuses you can fuck with your emotions and make you feel.

    I also dont give two fucks if his kids eventually find out about his abusive tendancies or not- almost ALL his previous partners also have histories of filing abusive reports on his nasty ass. People becoming parents doesnt transform them into angels, their children have a right to know who they were as people. I dont believe in shielding children from truth, that's hogwash.

    HOWEVER, I cant stand Taylor because she IS trying to get fame/money out of this sitch. She has alterior motives and she is clearly manipulative, if you watch more than 3 episodes of either season of RHOBH you can see her pattern of victim playing and attention seeker. For that, I am in a constant state of eye rolling around this bitch.

    It was shocking to hear about some of the verbally abusive texts and messages Russell left Taylor that the other Housewives were witness to. that was intense.

  16. She's such a lying sack of shit. According to her, her marriage was just a business arrangement, but he also "could have been the love of her life." She can't even keep her lies straight.

  17. Her lies are as big as her lips, and that's saying something.

    On the other hand, I completely believe that she was a victim of spousal abuse. She acts like someone whose spouse abused her--she's alternately full of bravado and narcissism and then turns around and plays the victim card. That fame monger of a psychiatrist of hers is doing her no favors. Until she sees HER role and HER payoff for being a victim, she's just destined to whine and lie her way into another abusive relationship. To anyone who has never been in a relationship like this, it's hard to understand how much the victim also benefits from the symbiotic relationship with her abuser. It's so comples--she needs therapy, lots of it, and she doesn't need a shrink who is itching to be on tv every chance he gets (without his socks on).

    I bet she lies so much because she has no idea of what is true, and the person I feel sorriest for is her poor kid, who will never know anything but the warped little world of Russell and Taylor's House of Lies.
