Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where Else Did The Crap Come From?

The FAA and the federal government are such morons sometimes. A man in New York was sitting out in his backyard recently when a literal backyard full of crap landed on him and his yard. Police came out and investigated and identified that the mass of brown stuff was indeed crap and that it came from an airplane. The FAA though has said it is still trying to determine whether it all came from an airplane. Huh? WTF else is up in the air that drops that much crap. I don't think it was a flock of seagulls. Great band, but probably not the culprit here. The FAA wants to spend some taxpayer money investigating for a few days before it can determine whether the excrement came from an airplane. Well, after they spend a million, maybe they will be able to confirm it all for us.


  1. What a waste of taxpayers money, of course it came from a plane what else could have made such a mess?

  2. This happens far more often than it should and the airlines should just contribute to a fund that pays out immediately whenever someone mistakenly releases the sewage. It's a complete joke.

  3. Can you just imagine sitting outside in your yard and all of a sudden a huge PLOP! Ick Nast doesn't even begin to describe this.

  4. The sheer unmitigated GALL of the airlines or FAA or any of them.

    They should immediately pay for cleaning up that citizen's yard and restoring any dead plantings, and STFU with any lame denials.

    I believe it also plops down out of the sky in congealed chemical blobs sometimes, doesn't it?

    Like the blue gunk you put in a camping toilet, for example?

  5. And I thought being hit by an asteroid was the scariest thing I had to worry about today- yeesh.

    I think I can safely say death by a hurling ball of crap has now risen to the top of my list for ways I do not want to go out.

    1. Your comment cracks me up!! Couldn't agree more. Hahaha!!

  6. O big ole chunk of poopy.

    I need to watch Joe Dirt again.

  7. The lead singer from Flock of Seagulls had the best hairdo ever. I wanted to do that to my head, but my mom wouldn't let me.

    Oh yeah, the FAA should be ashamed of themselves. Pay some money to the poor souls who get shit on, and stop wasting money on "investigations".

  8. They would rather waste money than pay this man the compensation he deserves, well guess what ? They will have to pay anyway...such jerks.

  9. Terrible. I'd sue not just the cleanup, but for the emotional distress of having fecal matter splattered all over my property.

  10. I'm sure that the actual cost of cleaning it up would be less than 1/100th the cost of the investigation....

  11. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Not only is this nasty, but it's a health hazard. Ugh, just the thought of it...

  12. It could have come from space. Maybe the International Space Station.

  13. The very definition of a bad day, imagine that converstation.

    "Oh, you had a bad day huh? Let me tell you what a bad day REALLY is."

  14. And you thought *your* day was shitty...

  15. @Big Mama, LOL!

    I can't imagine much worse.

    And yet, this is a pretty amusing story. Can't wait to share with my husband.

  16. I also live on Long Island. Shortly after I bouight my house 20+ years ago, "blue ice" crashed through a neighbor's roof. Yes, *that* blue ice. I don't know where these planes think they're dropping their waste but they're missing the Atlantic Ocean altogether.

  17. How is this legal? Remember when Dave Matthews Band tour bus dumped their shit in the Chicago River and it was a huge story? Why can airplanes do it but not buses? I don't get it.

  18. I just love the FAA....Fecal Aerial Assault!!!! BOMBS AWAY...

  19. Loved your comment Seachica.

    Growing up, our house was in direct line with the runways at the airport. The worst we had to deal with was rattling windows, and of course the noise.

  20. I live near the airport and the planes landing go right over our house. I can't help but thinking of Donnie Darko.

  21. At least it wasn't a herd of flying elephants.

  22. This reminds me of when Dave Matthew's tour bus driver emptied the bus's waste on a bridge over the Chicago River...onto (and into the mouths of) folks on a tour boat. Literally. (Sorry for the visual...)

  23. @ Ruby Dust--

    I knew I'd heard of that before!

  24. I know there was a Six Feet Under episode that started with the opening death being that of a wife hit by the flying blue ice mentioned above. It does have to be a serious health hazard.

  25. Okay, now that we've all had a nice vent, let's look at reality here.

    The FAA knows that it came from a plane. They most likely also have a pretty damned good idea what plane it was from, because they have flight path information they can use to determine which airline and which particular plane was overhead at that time.

    Here's the thing: if you want the government to be able to force a company to take responsibility for the cleanup or its costs (not to mention fining them for this violation), the government has to prove its case. Otherwise, the airline's lawyers will have this tied up for YEARS.

    If you're gonna diss anyone, diss the company that is outsourcing its plane maintenance overseas, willingly taking chances on shoddy work to save money, and then will not only not fess up to being the responsible party, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid liability for this.

    And once this airline is named, you all be sure to boycott it.

  26. I hope their investigative budget covers clean-up as well. Could have hit some poor shmo on the head & killed em! If they must dump, why not over water?

  27. Yes, good band indeed.

  28. Great band??? WTF?

  29. "It could have come from space."

    And they say the American educational system is lacking. Guess Canada has the same problem.

  30. Also can't rule out a chorus of heavenly angels taking a collective dump.

    I think that's a sign of the End Times. "And the sewage shall rain from the sky. And the people knew not what it meant."

  31. "God shat on me today."

  32. We need to diss the system that lets something like this happen. My plane tickets are going to go up because of ...... shit?!?!??! Just how much can any society take of this nonsense? Where is the corporate responsibility???

  33. Love the commentary on this. Scary that it's happened more than once! I need to ask my pilot cousin which airline this is!
