Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whitney Houston Back In New Jersey - Nancy Grace Says Whitney Was Murdered

Whitney Houston's body was flown to New Jersey on Tyler Perry's jet last night and a funeral service is being planned for Newark's Prudential Center which holds about 18,000 people. I am sure the place will be packed if the family does ultimately decide to hold it there. Meanwhile, Whitney's doctors can be expected to feel some heat over the medication they prescribed to Whitney and they face possible charges but of course nothing will really happen to them and if it does it will be years and years down the road and no one will care anymore.

Over in the world only inhabited by Nancy Grace, last night she claims someone pushed Whitney Houston under the water and held her there and killed her. I think Nancy is really stepping out on a limb here. Although, there was water in the lungs right?


  1. Oh good lord, Nancy Grace is so fos. Go back to helping to find lost children, sweetie, we need you worse there.

  2. I had not heard about the water in the lungs. hmmmmmmmm

    Nancy Grace is in permanant "Shark Jump" mode anymore. She reminds me of Glenn Beck, anything to get people talking.

  3. Whitney needed no help to drown in the bathtub. She was high as a kite, and likely fell back when bathing.

  4. She needs to stick with stalking Casey Anthony and make sure her dog doesn't disappear.

  5. Actually, it was an unintentional suicide 20+ years in the making.

  6. Actually, it was an unintentional suicide 20+ years in the making.

  7. Nancy Grace is a disgrace.

  8. She fell asleep in the tub, she had taken a tranq, probably had a glass or two of champagne and that's that...
    And this could happen to anyone..
    What bothers me is that no one checked on her earlier...
    They were all probably enjoying all the goodies sent to her suite and forgot all about her.

  9. Nancy Grace should be silenced. She has provable major integrity issues see how her story of her brothers death has changed. She was disciplined by the court in GA for improper conduct as prosecutor. She completely fails to recognize a basic premise of American law innocence till proven guilty.

    Those of you who give her any credence, who think she does any thing productive need a major reality check! She is just playing to your fears.

  10. i think the doctor will get prosecuted look at conrad murray

  11. I'm on team Misch. Two bits says the prescriptions were from doctors on both coasts and maybe Europe who didn't know about the other prescriptions, or asked and the patient lied. It happens.

  12. @weezy: Add to that the fact that she's Whitney Houston, and she prolly had no trouble getting scrips. While everyone is quick to jump on these doctors, they forget that doctors are human, too, and can be just as starstruck as the rest of us. And let us not forget that addicts know how to get what they want and can be quite charming, if need be.

  13. Forgot to add: fuck Nancy Grace. I feel sorry for her kids. Not her husband, tho, cuz I assume he's a grown ass man and knew what he was buying, I mean, getting into.

  14. the autopsy is sealed and toxicology will take 4-6 weeks everything is speculation at this point.

    Nancy is just looking for her next "tot-mom" to exploit.

  15. Heard an interesting theory yesterday, don't know if it is true or would apply but again it sounded interesting.

    I guess in the 'hood it is thought that if you put someone in cold water when they OD it is a way to bring them around. Total BS of course but I wonder if that is how she ended up in the bathtub.

  16. Anonymous9:15 AM

    There was not enough water in her lungs for an accidental drowning.

  17. Right there was a small amount. Which makes me wonder if she really was alone at the time. It's a stretch I will admit but I think someone was with her, claimed to have left and then came back. What if they were there the whole time called for help and submerged her in the tub to try to revive her. It's possible she could have taken in a small amount of water.

    If she had fallen into the tub there should have been tell tale bruise marks.

    Something isn't adding up and we don't have the full story. That said, Nancy Grace is full of it. I don't think anything sinister happened to her, I just don't think we have the full truth of all that went on.

  18. From what I understand Whitney was broke. She was living on money borrowed from the record company. Also..she didn't write her own songs. Her entire song tableau was written by others. So Whitney's estate will make jack shit off her death at least as far as her songs go. So, why would someone kill her? For what? MOTIVE PLEASE!

  19. My guess as to what happened is that she ingested a lethal combination of drugs and liquor (I don't remember the specific meds, but weren't at least 2 of them tranquilizers?) before getting into the tub, not realizing what she'd done, passed out, slipped into a terminal coma, and at some point just slid underwater. She may have inhaled a small amount of water, but presumably the drug cocktail alone would have killed her.

    It's possible her people were in the next room "partying," but then again, plenty of folks like taking nice, long baths (and if you're bringing lunch in there with you, it sounds as if you might be planning a good long soak), and it might only have been after she'd spent much longer in there than usual that someone thought to check, or else looked at the clock, realized she needed to start getting ready for the party, and decided to see what was up. In all likelihood, it was just a tragic accident, albeit one many years in the making, and Nancy Grace needs to stop hanging out w/the tinfoil hat crowd ASAP.

  20. Interesting blurb this morning that a former body guard is saying he and/or the entourage never let Whitney take baths (showers only) and did not leave her alone for longer than 7 or 8 minutes out of fear of her accidentally hurting herself. It was on GMA, I need to search for the entire interview.

  21. Bathtub drownings are rare for adults. I fell asleep in the tub after a fun afternoon of drinking in the Caribbean and came nowhere near slipping under the water;>.

    If she had died, and somewhow slipped under the water she probably would have taken a whole lot more in.

    Using either theory (drown taking a bath or if someone was trying to revive her) a crime scene investigator ccoupled with the autopsy results should be able to figure it out with no problem. I don't think they will be calling Nancy Grace for any help ;>

  22. Can you charge drugs and drink for murder?

  23. Shut the fuck up, Nancy Grace. That media whore will say anything to get people to watch her on television. Shitting on someone's tragic demise is why there's a special level of hell reserved just for her.

  24. Could you imagine the conspiracy theories we would have if Elvis died during the age of the Internets?

    LA times had pics of the room. So creepy.

  25. I can easily spend an hour in the bathtub. My husband used to check on me, but now he knows I can stay in there for a very long time, he just lets me be. Glass of wine, magazine, face mask etc. Bliss.

  26. So just Conrad Murray gets jail time? Not Whitney's docs, not Heath Ledger's? Not even Anna Nicole's, who gave her excessive amounts of morphine even while she was pregnant w/ her daughter?

  27. Nancy Grace is right! It was the Star Wackers!

    (That's a joke.)

  28. Yes, Nancy. O.J. and Conrad Murray escaped from jail and they both did it.

    *Makes crazy sign with finger at side of head.*

  29. to me, with whitney being such a sad drug addict, its amazing she didn't die sooner. nancy is just trying to get her name out there because dancing with the stars is over.

    I imagine that if whitney fell into a drug induced sleep and then sunk into the tub, that she might have inhaled water while unconscious.

    in any case, its very sad and I feel for her family, especially her daughter.

  30. I heard that Clive Davis was called first and he was the one who took the real drugs out of the bathroom.

    I do not think it was a murder but an accident waiting to happen for
    20 years.

  31. "It was the Star Wackers!"

    LOL! That's a much better conspiracy theory than the people who are saying the Illuminati killed her off so Beyonce could take over her throne. Ugh. Our world has gone insane.

  32. Well, she was a mess. She was in deep debt. And, Clive Davis was fully financially supporting her. There was no way he'd ever be able to recoup that money as she hadn't had a hit in, God...who knows as it's been so long, and we all know what happens to Icons record sales once they leave us early. So I wouldn't be surprised. Toppled with how fast they got her body out of there. However, we shall not know till we too pass. So, what can we really do? The money and players involved control the police on up. So, really, May God bless her soul and her child's. That's all we can do is send good energy their way.

    (and no, I don't think Amy Winehouse was wacked. Just look at the importance of the date she passed on. Her time had come, as she was done here....."One Bright Morning When I work is Done I will, Fly I way home," hence, Lioness Records. MJ on the otherhand........quite possibly the same situation as WH)

  33. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Nancy is a vile pig that should be muzzled for the greater good of humanity.
