Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston Funeral

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  1. is anyone not paying heed to the dangers of mixing drugs and alcohol.

  2. the singing is so beautiful

  3. Bobby B. got kicked out after 5 minutes before the funeral began.

  4. And about the dangers of mixing substances...I AM HEEDING that warning myself, for the rest of my life. Been there, done that (well, not quite all THAT) and at age 47 I am leaving the partying to the younguns.

    Liver, kidneys, heart, lungs--it all adds up. And when we get to the gates every second of our lives will be judged. I hope God is being lenient on Whitney.

    I am thankfully able to sit here at home watching every minute of the coverage and it is really nice. Costner is on now...

  5. Kevin Costner has no clue that Bobby Kristina is sitting right behind him.

  6. I think that's a cousin behind him. I think Cissy and BK are down in the front row, with their backs to the cameras.

    Damn, he is still a FINE-looking man. And he has the same ears as my Grandaddy.

  7. I can't stand Alecia Keys. She can sing, but other than that, I detest her.

  8. Alicia Keys bra is showing.

  9. omg Alica Keys, please stop screaming!

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  12. Thanks Jason

    WTF?!~ Bobby Brown brought an entourage of freaking 9 PEOPLE to the funeral and then leaves in a huff when he's told the entourage cant sit in the family section up front???


    And the fact that this is televised is seriously weirding me out.

  13. Okay gang I will say it.

    I am so over dead Whitney!

    *ducks for cover*

  14. Her bodyguard said some very nice things.

  15. How the F*@$ does that friggin Jessie Jackson always manage to worm his way front and center.

  16. I will be frank--
    I am thoroughly enjoying the closure, and am gaining a lot of strength from it for things in my own life. I've loved the whole service, and have been crying my eyeballs out.

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  18. I've been watching bits and pieces.

    Alicia Keys was good, but my favorite is the nurses in the white uniforms circa 1950. I can hear Phaedra on the phone right now lining up her own group of funeral nurses.

  19. The family leaving with the casket and "I Will Always Love You" had me a little verklempt.

  20. Loved, loved, loved it. Loved Rev. Winans.

    As the popular, deceased Rev. Thoroughgood from here in our region said RIGHT BEFORE he collapsed and died last week--

    Get. Right. With. (Your) God.

    Plain and simple.

    Kudos to the Governor for being there as well.

    Y'all will probably never hear me be religious again here on CDAN, but this funeral touched me and I am very grateful it was televised.

    Cissy really DID bring the whole world to church today, something that is often sorely missing in my life.

  21. i didn't catch all of it...(can't believe how long it was)...but what i did see, i loved. i swear the african-american community knows how do church...they really made it about celebrating her life, and i loved that it was somber, funny, formal and disorganized all at the same time-humanity at its finest.

    i especially loved tyler this man never went to seminary is beyond me...the man can PREACH. also loved the kevin costner story about knocking back the leftover little cups of communion grape juice. i totally sang along w/ 'jesus love me' at the end, and i got super weepy watching miss cissy sob when the pallbearers lifted the casket onto their shoulders. it was a lovely tribute. rip whitney. #iwillalwaysloveyou

  22. A gossip-related question about the funeral: WHO was that fine hunk in the hat outside with Bobby? Did any y'all see him in the photos? Very nice. Would love to know who that was...

  23. i liked Perry,her bodyguard and Costner(great speech) in funeral

  24. Bobby Brown! Didnt even make it in the door! Classic!

  25. @selenakyle, i believe the man in the hat is bobby's son!

  26. Aretha Franklin was supposed to sing. She was introduced but apparently was not there. I hope she's OK. Was Governor Christie there? I know he took some flak for ordering the state's flags lowered to half-staff.

  27. I also hate to say this, but Whitney Houston brought on her own death. Millions of dollars but she barely sought treatment for her addiction(s) and, instead, squandered it all on drugs. I just can't mourn her when there are true victims out there that truly deserve to be honored.

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  30. And NO way in hell should anyone lower their flag to half mast for her! That is an honor that should be reserved only for those who served their community and died honorably. What on earth did Houston ever do that wasn't purely self-serving?!

  31. Whitney donated a lot of money to military organizations. I think she deserved the half-mast.

  32. You know, I don't hate on those who are ready to move on. I never knew her. I didn't really want to know her. I was a little shocked when her death was reported - only because I remember when her first album came out and how much I loved it. But I'm really saddened that SO much is made of her passing and Jill Kinmont Boothe barely got a mention. That woman was a true inspiration and a great example of triumphing over tragedy. She was the subject of "The Other Side of the Mountain" and really showed how to make lemonade when life hands you lemonds. RIP Jill Kinmont Boothe!

  33. I just read that Mel Gibson was invited to Whitney's funeral but he was unable to make it. Apparently, he tried to get Whitney off drugs and her family never forgot that.

  34. Kathy Griffin said one time that Courtney Love was at a Whitney Houston intervention. "When Courtney Love tells you you're hitting the crack pipe too hard, that's bad."
    No matter; her troubles are behind her now. RIP, Whitney.

  35. Ah, yes--thanks. Must've been Landon Brown. Looked quite good in the hat. Gorgeous chin and lips.
