Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Your Turn

Are you a snob? Not that you look down on people but that you are a food snob? Wine snob? Coffee snob? I am not a snob about anything except red meat. I only like it rare and I think if it is not rare then it is beneath me. However, as for wine I will drink it straight from the box and have. Nothing like tipping over a box of wine and opening that spigot into your mouth. Same goes for any kind of booze. No booze is too cheap for me. As long as it does not say for external use only, I am all over it.


  1. I'm a tiny bit of a beer snob. There is certain swill I refuse to drink. Definitely prefer a nice bitter microbrew!

  2. I shop for quality. I don't always buy generic/store brand if there is a taste difference. What's the point of saving 20 cents if I don't like it.

    Oh, and liquid medicine (cough, childrens) got to go with brand name. Talk about tasting different.

  3. Food snob, music snob, fashion snob. Probably just a snob in general!

  4. Music & Coffee snob!

  5. I'm a chocolate snob. I have gotten to where I won't touch it if it isn't one of the better ones. My favorites are from a place in NC.

    their truffles are to die for!

    OT, just saw that Davey Jones from the Monkeys just died.

  6. I'm with MM.

    OMG, what happened to Davey??

  7. I'm a first class coffee snob. I grind my beans fresh for every pot and won't allow pre-ground in the house.
    As for food, I'd have to say the only thing I'm snobbish about that would be, of all things, hot dogs and pickles. There are only 3 brands I buy in hot order, Hebrew National, Nathans, and Sabrett.
    As for pickles, I won't touch anything not Kosher style or barrel cured.
    Undoubtedly, the food choices are the result of what I grew up with and got used to, however having tried other brands and styles, I inevitably come back to the same choices.
    The coffee choice, however, is something that evolved over the years, to where I know what I like and because I can, I do.

  8. I'm a total grammar snob. If someone uses poor grammar or can't distinguish between their/they're/there or to/too/two (among others), I immediately think less of them.

  9. Definitely not a coffee, food or wine snob.. as I'll pretty much eat whatever. I'm snob with taste. If someone likes wearing camo, watching Nascar, thinks Olive Garden is fine dining, has tacky visible tattoos... yep, I go into snob mode pretty quickly.

  10. I'd have to say I'm a beer snob. I refuse to drink domestic.

  11. Pizza snob and grammar snob right here. And proud of it.

  12. Music and Beer snob here.

  13. Yes, Davy Jones had a heart attack. He complained of chest pains last night. :-( :-( :-(

    I prefer certain brands of beer, but I'll drink any kind of wine, as long as it's not white zin. So...maybe I AM a wine snob. I don't know. I also prefer good coffee and only certain sodas.

    I'll also admit to being an English/grammar snob.

  14. Interesting question.

    I wouldn't be caught dead eating fast food. I guess you could say I'm a food snob, but I do find the whole organic thing to be a bunch of bullshit.

    Definitely a snob about education, etiquette and fashion, but when it comes to shopping, I mean really, who doesn't love a good sale?!?

  15. I'm not just a grammar snob, but I call people out when they mispronounce words and when they make up words. Also a pizza and bagel snob. Will only eat both when in NYC.

  16. Spudette, don't hate me because I am illiterat! LOL

    Certain things I am very snobby about.
    I am very picky about body products, laundry products and my booze. Liquor and wine don't have to be the most expensive, but they damn well have to be great! And ice cream, I am so dang picky and snobby about ice cream!

    I am pretty relaxed on many things though. And really relaxed about some makeup choices. Drugstore lines have really upped their game. The problem with makeup for me is, I love it all from high end to low end!

    Okay what is going on with Davie Jones?! I loved him when I was a kid! Hopefully it is one of those interent rumors.

  17. I'm a knitter and a huge yarn snob. No acrylic for me. I'm a bit of food snob.

  18. Like Elizabeth, I'm a taste snob. Also a bit of an education snob - I get really annoyed with people who are uneducated and proud of it. And yeah, I think there's a difference between private and public schools.

  19. I refuse diet pepsi, cheap perfume, cheap sunglasses and cheap handbags. I have a very strange affinity for very nice purses and sunglasses. I have quite the collection now. I also refuse to smell like Faith Hill, Beyonce, Celine Dion, or Britney Spears. I guess being a "sales professional" at Bloomingdales caught up with me.

    I also hate poor grammar.

  20. I'm a grammar snob, an education snob, an art snob, an interior design snob...actually, I'm just an awful human being.

  21. I'm a total beer snob. I don't drink much alcohol at all, but I do like good beer. No crappy mass-produced adjunct corn flavored yellow water for me. Sorry, Bud!! @Vicki Cupper, you are missing out by not drinking domestic beer. America has some marvelous microbrews. Take a trip to Asheville, NC, and prepare to be delighted. Or better yet, go to the Great American Beer Fest held every October in Denver. For two days, you can try hundreds of America's best small brewers (The big ones are there, too, but you can skip them.) one ounce at the time.

  22. I am an absolute food snob. Can't stop, won't stop.

  23. As a book editor by trade, I'm naturally a total grammar and spelling snob. I won't correct anyone to their face, but I judge.

    Makeup and hair product snob.

    Bag snob. Some would say I'm a clothes snob, but I'm all for a great steal at Forever 21 or H&M, so I'd have to disagree.

    Tequila snob.

    Not a wine or beer snob (three buck chuck is fantastic and I'm not above an ice cold Miller Light).

  24. What's wrong with acrylic yarn? That Redheart shit is the worst, but I like Vanna's Choice. I've made some cute sweaters with it and there's one brand at my LYS that's part wool/part acrylic that's pretty and holds its shape well. I hate Noro. That shit is stiff and scratchy and definitely not worth the price.

  25. Coffee snob. Life is too short to drink cheap coffee. Travel to Hawaii every other year to buy coffee. Yes, I know I could mail order. Pffffft.

    Perfume snob. Most of what I wear has gone out of production. I bought everything I could find on Ebay and stored it. I have perfume until I'm 120 - and nobody will ever smell like me.

    Those are the big 2. I cannot imagine ever being so desperate as to drink Maxwell House.

  26. im a small food and movie snob.

  27. Grammar and education snob, and I will openly admit that.

    I'm also a make-up/perfume snob. And I'm with Lauren - bag and sunglasses too.

  28. _-_

    Believe it or not Drug Emporuim is a great place to check out fragrances. They have a great selection and I was able to score a bottle of Paloma Picasso's Tentatuibs dirt cheap!

  29. I'm also trying to curb my purse snobby ways. The only thing I can say is thank goodness I am not a shoe girl!

  30. OMG, I was a huge second (or third?) generation Monkees fan!

    There's no info on this other than a blurb on Wikipedia, which makes me think it MAY be a hoax. There's nothing on any of the major news outlets. Yet. Will keep checking...

    Answering the original question, I'm a coffee snob.

  31. I think Merlin D. Bear and I lead separate, twin lives. I ground my beans every day and do not allow pre-ground beans, I buy only Hebrew National hot dogs and I only eat good, kosher pickles.

    In addition, I only like Coke products (preferably Diet Coke) and refuse to drink Pepsi products. And I prefer Dove chocolate when it comes to mass marketed chocolate.

  32. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I prefer my red meat rare as well but that's a taste preference, not a snob thing.

    But yes, I'm a snob. I'm a huge snob about the english language. I hate many words, such as "veggies," "t" instead of t-shirt, "f-bomb" and in a post from last week, I mentioned it's "sketch" and not "skit" in regards to SNL. My husband gets irritated but it's how I am. I flip out when sentences are ended with "at" and people improperly use "myself" and "whom" and can anyone spell "lose" properly?

    Although I understand and forgive the occasional misspelling of "you're" and "your" when you know the person knows the difference. We all make mistakes.

    I can be a bit of a clothes snob. I'm definitely a shoes and purse snob but I see clothes as a little more throw-away so I'm not too snobby for that. But it's just for me, I don't begrudge anyone their stuff or look down at them.

    I'm a bit of a wine snob.

    I don't think I'm a coffee snob but I just can't bring myself to buy it from McDonalds. I've heard nothing but good things but I just can't. I hate Tim Horton's and I once got Dunkin Donuts coffee while in the US and it was god awful. Could've just been the place, though.

    I also would kill myslf before going out in public looking like JLH does for her coffee runs. Personal appearance is extremely important and affects the way people treat you. It takes just as much time to put on decent fitting clothes than baggy sweats.

    As for chocolate, I'm not a snob. I hate that cheap Easter stuff but I will eat it. I'll eat any chocolate, regardless of colour. If given the choice, give me Cadbury!!!!!

  33. I'm with you Patty...I hate off brand products and my kids say I'm stuck up about it..but why save 10 cents for inferior products i would rather pay husband is quite the opposite.

  34. It's true. It's on TMZ and confirmed by Kneepads. RIP Davy...gone way too soon!

  35. Obviously, I am NOT a grammar snob.

  36. Another hot dog snob here! Moving to NC I was *scandalized* by the hot dogs they serve everywhere. OMG, red, tasteless, disgusting nonsense. It's tragic folks. :)
    I don't do any kind except 100% beef and preferably Nathans.

  37. Ok __-__=__ - now I have to know what you wear!
    I'm a scent snob too - I like unique, obscure fragrances...

  38. Hotel snob. And slowly becoming a part-time food snob.

  39. I think I am just a snob in general. I look down on people and judge them for all kinds of reasons. I admit it. I just feel superior in general ;)

    But seriously - coffee snob (freshly ground gourmet beans is the only thing that comes close to Swedish coffee, which is The Best), home decor snob (I would not date a guy who had a black poofy leather couch, for example), food snob (although that is a matter of opinion - my husband just think I am a picky eater), and a music snob, especially when it comes to singing.

    And a number of other things that make sme a complete and utter bitch, I'm sure.

  40. I'm not a food snob I could eat pizza over the kitchen sink and be just fine. I should mention my husband does the cooking, I have no imagination about food.

    Not a school, shoe, job, wine, beer, bag, or coffee snob.

    I'm a logic snob. I get internally crazed when someone on a show or in a book does or says something that flies in the face of logical thinking.

    My husband murmurs, "Honey, it's just a show".

  41. Now that someone else has said it, I will too.

    I'm a straight up snob because I am very particular about who I speand my time with. I will not be friends with just anyone!

  42. Definitely a beer and food snob. Won't drink bud or Coors or other similar beers. Won't east near that notes up to a certain standard.
    Got no problem with two buck chuck though

  43. Read this post earlier, walked away making a mental list of what I'm snobby about...

    I'm just a snob, apparently.

  44. hahahahahaha @maja! My husband had a black poofy leather couch in his condo when we met. I made him move it to his office when I moved in. He also had an accent wall painted red and pretty much all black furniture. I whipped him into shape though! I couldn't fault an absolutely amazing guy for his home decor taste. That's just silly. Those things you can change. :) You can't change an asshole, but you can change bad esthetics. But god I fucking hated that couch.

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Oh I forgot a big one. I am a full-on music snob. I will judge a person for what they listen to. Not for guilty pleasures, there are some terrible songs I love, but if someone's absolute favourite band just sucks, I don't want to spend much time with that person.

    I think I'm also a comedy snob. Or at least, a snob about what's funny. When people think something is hilarious that I find stupid or ridiculously unfunny, I kind of judge.

    I'm totally not a food snob. I know what I like and I'm particular about it but I'm not above eating over the sink from the pot. And I like really good cheeses but I'll still eat the low-grade stuff. It's cheese.

    I do insist that the proper glass is used for beverages but that's not being a snob, that's being civilized.

  46. Like Spud, grammar snob. Also pizza, bagels and deli snob. The crap that passes for previous three is disgustingingly unbelievable. And Im only in RI from NY!! Guess I'm Nyc snob, lol. Chocolate snob too- has to be milk, preferably dove, no cheapo choc for me.

  47. Moving to Seattle is turning me into a coffee snob. I live in a two coffe pot house -- espresso for him, Drip for me. Freshly ground beans each morning. A good quality bean. For now, we share a grinder -- except during the holiday season when I buy peppermint coffee and make peppermint mochas.

    I'm a Mexican food snob. I have learned not to get it anywhere but California or Texas. When I have no choice, I order guacamole and judge the restaurant from there. My snobbery doesn't extend to del taco, though -- that's not real Mexican so it doesn't count.

    In Seattle, I am amazed at the level of snobbery about meat. People insist on eating ethically raised meat, which seems like an oxymoron to me. Either you eat the meat that was killed for your eating pleasure, or you go vegetarian. If I'm going to eat dead animal, I'm just toying with the animal by worrying about how it lived it's life!

  48. I guess I'm a science snob. I think everyone should know basic science. I will not buy a product if it says "no chemicals." It just not true. My sister-in-law is having a baby and she thinks what others in her family have will effect what she has. She thinks she has more then 50% chance of having another boy. Since most of the people in her family have sons.What really makes me sad is she's a teacher. Luckily you only have to be smarter then the people you teach and she teaches first grade.

    I'm also a time snob. I won't waste my time talking to someone who won't listen to what I have to say.

  49. It's not the Seattle natives that are snobs about meat. Anything from the QFC meat dept. is fine. Used to play softball with a bunch of QFC butchers actually.

    The mom of one of my daughter's friends is a professional coffee snob (i.e., buyer for a coffee importer). She literally travels the world tasting coffee. Surprisingly, she's not at all snooty about being served plain ol' drip from Peet's.

  50. I'm a wine, music, dog care, raw diary, hippy food, cleanliness snob.

  51. A snob in general but I'll pin point wine for this one - I will only drink white wine with seafood. I think it's the tacky wine.

  52. One other thing...I'm a snob about beer. I will *not* drink cheap American beers. I'll have Sam Adams in a pinch, but no way will I touch Bud, Coors or another of those other piss water brands.

    I wouldn't call it snobbery, but I'm particular about certain brands of foods. For years I carted Bernstein's italian dressing bottles home with me whenever I'd fly to the west coast. I'd also buy See's candies to cart back east. I travel an hour south to get my brand of coffee syrup. And I travel across the bridge to buy my brand of light vanilla soy milk.

  53. My friends say I'm a film snob. I have something like 200 foreign movies in my DVD collection. Fellini, Antonioni, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Bunuel, Truffaut, Godard, Herzog. I don't think that makes me a sob. Okay maybe it does a little. LoL. But I don't look down on every other type of movie. I saw Dumb And Dumber 15 times and still laugh my ass off at it. I laugh at Jackass and South Park too. Pauline Kael once said you have to love the lowbrow along with the artistic.

  54. @wino, thank you for reminding me! How could I forget that I am a snob about how people train their dogs.

    It must be done with kindness, and the dog must be a good canine citizen.
    I do look down on folks who can't or won't control a dog that jumps on people, runs out an open door, barks incessantly or otherwise behaves badly without the owner working on correcting the issue.

  55. i am a weed snob, I will not smoke your shake, thank you.

    life's too short to give a shit about all the other stuff. I just don't like a stem and seed headache.

    although i refuse to touch mcdonald's, Subway and Tim Hortons.

    1. I don't need to wonder if that's catnip, k-thanks.

  56. probably a bit of a snob. I don't judge other people for their choices of things but I am pretty picky about the choices I make for myself about certain things.

    Most definitely not a food snob--but more for things like books, or hobbies...

  57. Yes, I'm a snob about a lot of things: food, restaurants, books, music, education, movies and the like. However, I would never let anyone know I am a snob because I wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings.

  58. "I'm not a snob; ask anyone. Well, anyone who matters!" (Simon LeBon.)
    I have a weird one: book snob. I won't read books purchased in a supermarket, drugstore or airport, and hate cheaply-made trade paperback editions of any book.
    As far as most of the other topics covered, it just seems like common sense to want what you want and get it.
    My mom's favorite phrase when I was growing up was, "It's the same thing, only cheaper." Trying to point out the contradiction in that statement was pointless.

  59. 1. grammar snob.
    2. education snob.
    3. private school snob.
    4. humor snob (e.g. sarcasm, satire, irony).
    5. opinion snob.
    6. religion snob.

  60. So glad someone mentioned Tim Hortons - I HATE that place when I'm in Canada!

    I'm a pizza snob, bagel snob, and food snob. They have to be nice to the animals if I'm going to eat meat -so free range and organic for me whenever possible.

  61. I'm a sheet snob. They have to have genuinely high thread count, and have that heavy feel to them. They have to be amazingly soft. Harder to find these days.

  62. I try very hard not too be judgementa when it comes to people's life choices. However,I am very much a snob when it comes to common sense,people who can grasp the concept of accountability and carry on an intelligent conversation. If you are lacking,don't,and can't.. we will not be friends. I have zero patience with idiots.

  63. Im a grammer snob, a bullshitter snob, a u look terrible in that wig snob and a food snob! I also snob on people with terrible manners something that i cant stand!

  64. I'm a gigantic grammar snob, and I am absolutely not ashamed. A slip up now and then is human and forgivable, but it drives me batshit to see idiotic typos in public places. What's so hard about asking a second set of eyes to look over something before you have a menu printed, or a shop sign made, or a headline go to press? Seriously.

    There's a restaurant with a van near the place where I work that advertises "German-Asian Fusian." FUSIAN. Also, "Asian" is juuuuuust a tad broad. But whatever.

    It also bemuses me when people misspell words or use faulty syntax while calling people out for their grammatical mistakes. That happens a LOT on this blog, and I revel in pointing it out whenever it does. Like the people who bitch at Enty for his wonky wordage while forgetting to use commas and paragraph breaks while doing so. OMG. Fuck those people.

    And don't even get me STARTED on textspeak. *shudder*

    I'm also a book snob. I mean, you can read the Twilight series and like it -- and that's totally your prerogative -- but please don't try to tell me that those books are literature. They are not. They are a massive waste of paper and an assault on the beautiful English language that I love so much.

    However, I'm not a music snob, and am actively irritated by people who are. People who turn their noses up at acts once they become popular drive me insane. Just listen to whatever makes you boogie, and do it with pride.

    And I detest the term "foodie," but I'm DEFINITELY a culinary snob. I'm a health conscious person, and cook for myself more often than not. Thanks to Monsanto, there's a ton of poisonous stuff out there that gets labeled as edible.

    And I NEVER drink cheap beer. Good GOD.

  65. I'm definitely a grammar/language snob, an intelligence snob (people who are proud of being ignorant drive me crazy!!!), a bit of a sheet snob (it doesn't have to be high thread count, but it DOES have to be 100% cotton), a bit of a chocolate snob (Hershey's is fine, but I can't stand the really cheap stuff), and historical costume snob--I drove a former roommate nuts once watching Bram Stoker's Dracula in the theatre over how Winona Ryder's clothes were 1885, not 1897, and since the character was a young woman, it's not as if she'd been wearing them for years...) There are lots of other things I'm not necessarily a snob over, but I can be incredibly picky about a lot of things in terms of needing a particular kind of underwear/cosmetics/socks/shoes/clothes/food ingredients/etc.

    Oh, and I don't think we can ever eat meat together, Enty--I have to have mine well done/brown all the way through, because having it pink feels all wrong to me and makes me queasy. (One reason why I don't order steak; people don't object as much to a burger being cooked well done. Oh, and pot roast is much better than regular roast beef!)

  66. Good grief, the more I think about this, I may be snobbier than I think.

    Living in Las Vegas we get tons of guests, some invited, some not.

    We provide a private bedroom and bath with all the amenities, robes, slippers, rubber duckies in the tub.

    I really can't stand people who don't have the manners to be a good guest. The worst by far are the people that spill and stain something and don't mention it, or break something and don't mention it. I find myself just *terribly busy and unable to accommodate them* the next time.

  67. Cheese and Jeans snob

  68. I am a spelling snob, a manners snob, but even more than that: a Calendar snob! I have specific calendars that I buy every year. I have about 9 different ones that I buy, not counting the ones that just catch my imagination. And if I see something I know someone else will enjoy, I buy it for them. No, I do not want the free ones that my work gives out, thank you anyway.

  69. @BigMama - Love the Chocolate Fetish! You need to visit & try The French Broad Chocolate Lounge!
    @RJ - we do have some damn good beer here.

    In my older age, I have become more of a beer & food snob. My town has so much fabulous beer, it's hard to ever go back to the domestics like Miller Lite. Although with that said, since I've been dieting, if I choose beer, I'll have Mich Ultra & MGD 64 (I know, I know, but it's 64 calories!). My husband & I were talking about favorite restaurants as a kid & how we loved Shoneys but now we wouldn't set foot in one.

    I'm not so much an education snob, but intelligence, yes. My grandmother was forced to drop out of school to help support her family, but she educated herself, was well spoken & well read. Rednecks are a huge turnoff for me.

    Manners is a big one for me, too.

    I try to NOT be super judgemental, but sometimes people make it sooo hard. ;)

  70. Oh, I'm a Diet Coke/Coke Zero girl. I once drunkenly stated that Pepsi tasted like the devil's a-hole. I stand by that statement.

  71. Totally a purse snob now... its bad for my bank account! I am also a weed snob (live in Cali so it comes with the territory). I won't be caught dead out in public in pajamas and without makeup. I can't stand when people don't at least make themselves presentable when out in public!
    I just the only other thing is science (biology/ecology in particular). I also think everyone should know and understand the basics of the world around them and I do look down on those who are completely ignorant to the nature world.

  72. I'm a book snob! I won't read anything that the mass public reads, eg Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight etc. I find these books horrid. I'm somewhat of a grammar snob and definitely a common sense snob.

  73. @Robin the Mad Photographer
    Didn't you love how Dracula was wearing purple sunglasses? Modern sunglasses were not mass produced until 1929.

    My fave of that movie was Keanu Reeves who kept changing his accent throughout it.

    The costumer designer won an Oscar for that movie too!

  74. Grammar snob, fashion snob, travel snob, music snob, TV snob, movie snob, beer snob, chocolate snob, food snob, table manners snob.

    I try to suppress my snobbishness, but it looks like I'm in good company!

    Henriette - Me too! I refuse to read the mass produced books, e.g. Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code, Twilight and Hunger Games. Blegh.

  75. I shunned Harry Potter for years, until one of my professors insisted I read The Sorcerer's Stone. I quickly became a convert, and spent a snowy weekend devouring the second and third HP books.

    I *totally* understand literary snobbery and the avoidance of mass-marketed bullshit, but J.K. Rowling is an incredibly skilled writer. Her prose is brilliant, lively, and more imaginatively constructed than most anything else out there. If you eschew the series simply because of its popularity, you're really missing out.

  76. @Ida
    I like J.K. Rowling as a person, but her writing leaves me cold. I read an excerpt at the insistence of a former student, and she didn't do it for me.

  77. I will say my one exception is Stephen King who I feel is very underated. I've taught 'Salem's Lot for a number of years.

  78. @Henriette -- Fair enough. :-) Hell, I hated Anna Karenina. Ditto Heart of Darkness. You definitely can't force yourself to like something.

    I completely agree with you about Stephen King. Not all prolific writers appeal to me (*cough, cough,* Joyce Carol Oates *cough, cough*), but I've always loved his work. His output is INSANE, and he's got an admirably crazy imagination. I loved his book On Writing. It's a pretty inspiring read for those of us who suffer from intense creative blockage every now and then.

  79. I am a book snob and a chocolate snob. I am a grammer snob only when someone speaks ---I had an educated person tell me that "someone smothercated the child". WTF?? You have a college degree, talk like it.

  80. I am also a t-shirt snob. I have to make sure it feels soft and the thread is double sewn(so it does not rip easily) and feels comfortable. I bought a t-shirt without checking this and they had sewn it with fishing line thread. Most uncomfortable clothing ever.
