Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Biebs Is Now Legal

It was a long time coming and I realize he looks 9, but Justin Bieber is now 18 and can legally have sex with his older girlfriend Selena Gomez. Justin celebrated his 18th birthday like all teens do. He went on Ellen. Wait, not everyone gets to do this? Oh, and while he was on the show he got gifted a Fisker Karma plug in car which every celebrity wants but few possess. Leo got the first one and Al Gore is still on the waiting list. Maybe Al should sing Baby and see what happens.


  1. So Selena is officially not a child molester anymore, nice to know.

  2. No more statutory rape! I bet Selena never thought she'd say those words!

    Have you guys seen the Bieber videos on Funny or Die? This one makes me laugh the most, I also like the dentist one.

  3. They look like two gay women having a chit-chat.

  4. LOL @billybob

    no wonder this kids ego is overbloated people give him cars and compare him to the next Sinatra.

    Aren't the tweens over him yet?

  5. Legal, but still a douche.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. He keeps getting prettier every day, more feminine by the moment.

    Then again, the definitions of femininity and masculinity seem to be changing among the youth. A 17 year old boy just told me that ALL the boys in his school have at least one pierced ear, as he does, but most have two. And he's a macho little hockey player.

    Which is a good thing, I think.

  8. Hahahaha, thanks EmEyeKay.

  9. @timebob,

    NO, the teens are not over him. My 15yo looooves the Bieber. And she loves Chris Brown. There are many arguments at my house, as you can imagine. And I've heard far too many Bieber songs because they are the soundtrack of her life. I wish I were kidding. :-/

  10. he's not a bad kid, i'm not going to begruge him his fame. happy birthday to him.

    so what ever happened to the cry-wolf baby mamma?

  11. I will listen to Bieber before I listen to Chris brown. He's spoiled, but harmless...for now

  12. At work our neighbor has a Fisker electric car. It is so fucking cool. I call it his Batmobile.

  13. He looks like her little sister.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see that appeal of this kid. He's not cool, he's not sexy, and his music ranges from ok to annoying for me.

  14. No, he's none of those things, but then if we found him cool and sexy, there'd be something really, really wrong with us.

  15. @nolachickee - he's cute. The perfect way for little girls in love with puppies and horses to transition to liking men. The first step is to like the "safe" guy, the one who is cute and reminds you of your teddy bear. Eventually, you get to understanding your sexuality, and you start pushing boundaries. That's when you start liking the rebels.

    Teen idols always fit the "cute" mode.

    Of course he doesn't appeal to you - you're using different criteria to judge men than a 13 year old girl.
