Monday, March 05, 2012

Brian Littrell Robbed Of $120K Worth Of Jewelry

I didn't even know Brian Littrell had $120K worth of jewelry. Maybe this is why the Backstreet Boys keep touring so Brian can pay for his jewelry habit. Anyway, the idiot left all the jewelry on a hotel night stand when he checked out of his hotel room. When he called back to the hotel, it was all gone. Turns out that $110K of the $120K was his wife's engagement ring. The rest of the stuff was just a bunch of Backstreet Back diamond pins.


  1. Since they can track when the room was entered I'd say the housekeeper is in trouble or someone is trying for some insurance fraud.

  2. He did get married at the height of the BSB run. So I can see him dumping a ton of dough on a ring.

    I agree with @robert theft or fraud. I just hope some poor housekeeper doesn't take the fall for theft he Brian sold it and now claims theft. Like Courtney Love likes to do. Her engagment ring from Kurt was "stolen" from a hotel also.

  3. I really don't think it's fraud. And yes, I believe he has that kind of money.

  4. My husband works in the hotel industry and says, basically, if you don't put your stuff in a safe, you're f****d, even if you're positive the only person in the room was housekeeping.

    This is why I lock all my stuff in a safe in the room & we usually keep the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door whether we are in there or not.

  5. Where was Blohan when all this went down?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ha haaaa, @ Vicki Cupper! Good one.

  8. If the engagement ring was stolen (or misplaced) wouldn't it be her fault instead of Brians?

  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Ok, I'm not rich so what do I know but I, like I'm sure everyone else here, scour the hotel room right before checking out. And the nightstand is usually where I leave a thank you note and a tip. How do you miss jewellery?

  10. I don't know about Brian Littrell's wife, but my engagement ring is insured.

  11. I thought that was a great pic of Courtney Love for a sec.

  12. good, Im glad it was stolen. Spending such an obscene amount of money on a diamond that more than likely was a blood diamond and hording all that money on one piece of jewlery for one person is grotesque to me.

    While theft is obviously bad, I'd say the odds are the person who stole that was probably barely making a living wage. Hope it helped them.

  13. Jasmine,

    What happened to working for things you want instead of stealing them? If the thief took that low paying job that is their CHOICE.If you want a high paying job, you have to work for it.
    And if BRIAN wants to spend that much on a diamond, that's HIS CHOICE. It's HIS money. HE EARNED IT!

  14. I used to work in a hotel, and one time a member of the Insane Clown Posse left a platinum and pave diamond necklace in his room. The housekeeper found it, turned it in to the maintenance guy who turned it in to me and asked me if it was real. Oh, it was real all right, and worth about 50k. I put it in the hotel safe, and the road manager called me a few hours later freaking out. I shipped it to their next destination.

    There are days I wished I put it up on EBay, I can't lie. Heh.

  15. "If you want a high paying job, you have to work for it."

    Yep, all those single mothers working double shifts at McDonald's are just lazy.

  16. Chewysmama- I do think people should have to 'earn' their money.

    BUT,like Mooshki said, MANY MANY MANY people have to work 2,3 and sometimes 4 shifts at different places to earn enough money to live off of.
    This country DOES NOT PAY people a living wage. period.

    And most big hotel chains in the USA do not have unions, so hourly wage and benefits like health care and sick leave are often slim to none, while the hourly is minimum or just above that.

    Perhaps you may not know this but if you take say, minimum wage in parts of Cali, where I live, it is $7.25-7.50. Say someone works 40 hours a week, times 52 weeks (this is assuming they take no vacations and sick days) and that comes to $15, 600. THE POVERTY THRESHOLD for a family of 3(lets assume a single parent and 2 kids, which is extremely common) in California is $17,070. So this woman who works for 40 hrs STILL makes thousands under even being considered at poverty level.

    Tell me again why this ring, which costs than people at poverty level make in almost 6 YEARS, is not a sign of the grotesque differences in income brackets in the United States?!

  17. Mooski and Jasmine,

    No one told those single mothers to go out, spread their legs,and get pregnant without a having a stable degree. That was their choice. There are consequences for choices. Period. And if a person really wants to make changes in their life, they will sacrafice and find a way. Instead of making excuses, they need to make it happen.

    And as for Brian, he made it happen so he is entitled to spend HIS money on whatever HE pleases. It's called life. Get over it.

  18. I have to disagree with that to a certain extent. The hotel I worked at was just outside East St. Louis. Most of the people who had housekeeping jobs at minimum wage felt LUCKY to have them, because there is nothing else there. NOTHING. Most of them had never even graduated high school. They don't have the same opportunities. I had a long talk with the head housekeeper and he'd hired a guy who was 27 -- and this was his first job. His first job! Unless you work with people in this situation you cannot begin to understand the desperation and obstacles they face. Two sisters who worked for me put together a family and friend album of people they loved who had been shot and killed. They showed me an album of SIXTY SEVEN PEOPLE. Sixty seven people they were either related to or had been friends with who were shot to death. These sisters were in their mid-twenties.

    I cannot even imagine that much tragedy.

    I loved that job and every single person I worked with. They were all amazing people. They didn't make excuses. They worked their asses off with a whole different knowledge of the world of which most people are totally unaware.

  19. Brian littrell plases not that nice robbed jewellery store house brian littrell other people and I love you never hurts you I miss you from your friend Charlotte brzeczek

    1. Brian littrell be nice secrets Santa Claus I love you put ring back arptment do it from charlotte brzeczek happy merry christmas

    2. Brian littrell met charlotte brzeczk come back and job wine water liqour beersin job jewel ocso being happy

    3. Brian Littrell are you ok your girl charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek I miss you whole lot and I miss you whole lot and I love you Brian Littrell my happy man and musle man you are funny man whole ever

  20. Brian littrell put ring back and earrings put back please and I love you and I miss you whole lot from charlotte be nice brian sata clus coming to town do it please trouble don.t again from charlotte

  21. Replies
    1. Brian littrell you hot dogs so like charlotte likes hot dogs all comments and jim carry as me I have heart surgery

  22. Brian littrell why love charlotte brzeczek and tour wives live charlotte why you pick on charlotte brzeczek why do that with charlotte and your waives

  23. Brian littrell your married man charlott brzeczek I am virgin and married with your wife

    1. Brian Littrell your team atl in the laed right now charlotte brzeczek with my brothre joe brown my sisterlaw maira brown and fmaily my mom his son

    2. brian littrell your team they lost yor crying about your girl not here friend Charlotte brzeczek grilfriend as friends just right now

  24. Brian Littrell I love you I miss you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek

  25. Brian Littrell and charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek happy anniversary on may 8 tomorrow I will be 5 years in job employee of month last March come see me in my friend brian Littrell come back jewel ocso pretty please Brian Littrell I love you whole lot and I miss you whole lot world.

  26. Brian Littrell going after party I say yes pretty please Brian Littrell I love you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek I love you and I miss you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek just a friend with girl

  27. Brian Littrell going after party I say yes pretty please Brian Littrell I love you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek I love you and I miss you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek just a friend with girl

  28. Brian Littrell come back pretty please help me my mom mary brzeczek brian littrell I tell her tell me what do Brian Littrell come back Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek I tell my mom mary tell her get grounded right now

  29. Hi Brian Littrell are you okay right now I miss you whole lot I love you whole lot Charlotte nicole nicky brzeczek I I am sick right now

  30. Hi Brian Littrell today is Charlotte brzeczek happy birthday the big 30 years old right now
