Saturday, March 10, 2012

Britney Spears Now Wants $20M For X Factor

As I opined yesterday, I thought $10M for Britney Spears being a judge on X Factor was little on the low side considering she could make that in a week or two of concerts. Turns out she thinks it is low too and now wants $20M for sitting around giving her opinions. I say pay her whatever she wants because if you don't get some kind of excitement for your show then this season will be even worse than last and you might not get renewed for another year. Competition shows are supposed to be less expensive because you are not paying stars, but when you are paying three judges almost the same amount as you paid the entire cast of Friends combined at the height of their popularity, then you have some cost issues and you better deliver.


  1. I don't watch this show, but I'll watch for Britney. She's bat shit crazy. And I say that in a good way. You don't know what she's going to do or say. I know people that know her, and they say that she has no filter. That's what we want on television.

  2. I will also be watchin just for Britney. we havent seen her say anything that wasnt preapproved for years.

  3. If Howard Stern's worth $20 million for 'America's Got Talent' (I read somewhere that's how much he's getting), Britney's worth at least that much.

    People will tune in just to see what kind of craziness will spurt forth from her mouth. I know that's why I'll watch (at least for a while).

  4. Good for her. Brit should NOT be paid the same as JLo. Brit should be getting much more.

  5. I think whatever she says will be pre planned before hand. I think this more about rehabbing her image away from bat shit crazy (even though she still is) it will also delay her getting married keeping Jamie in contol for awhile longer.

  6. I Agree. Pay her what she wants. Wasn't simon making 60 mil during the last season of idol?

  7. Maybe she reads the blog and decided you're right, Ent.

    I wonder if her opinions would be more about marketability or "musical quality".

  8. All I can say is Simon Cowell must be so fucking desperate.

  9. Batshit crazy fer sure. PAY HER!!!

  10. I don't think she would ever want to be negative with contestants, though. I suspect she'll be supersweet.

  11. As the Union Pacific could tell you - train wrecks cost money!

  12. almost 1 billion people go hungry in the world, and some has-been slob gets 20 mil to judge yet another singing contest.

    kind of a f***d up world

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
