Friday, March 02, 2012

Britney Spears Settles With Former Bodyguard

After a year or so of Britney Spears' former bodyguard sharing stories of Britney's outrageous behavior and sexual harassment, Britney finally settled her case out of court. I think the main reason for settling is that Britney did not want to have to hear about these things she did and I think people would have been riveted as the guy talked about Britney walking around naked and things she said to him and the way she treated her children so it was best to get it over with. I do know the screening process to being a bodyguard has now changed. That does not mean Britney is still not doing the same stuff, you just will not hear about it anymore.


  1. I'm not even going to lie, I would love to sit around with this guy in a relaxed setting feeding him beer. I bet he would have some hilarious stories to tell. Nope, scratch that. I want to sit around with the body guards who still work for her and have since day one. THEY have all the good stories.

  2. Good. Move on with your life Britney, preferably in a place other than the limelight of tabloids and paps. Shouldn't you have your own island by now?!?!??!

  3. EXACTLY what _-_=_ said: Britney needs to go off on her own island, spend lots of quiet time with people who genuinely love her. Which is probably only her sons. And just relax.

  4. All the Britney stories I read are sad. She really needs to retire.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The part of this post which concerns me the most is "the way she treated her children." How did/does she treat her children? I don't care how much she SEEMS to have her life together, she's a nut job.

  6. @Mama Mia - one of the things said in the past was that she let the kids eat all kinds of sugary junk, so much that their dental health was in jeopardy.

    God only knows what else!

  7. I don't think she is capable of caring for her kids without assistance.

  8. So a naked chick who is famous and loaded with money, whose body is tight again, walks around naked and throw herself at him...and he's upset about it? Oh please. He's also saying she picked her nose and farted all the time. I don't doubt that Britney farted and picked her nose all the time...but realistically...the body guard is not with her alone I would think...and he'd only be working when there was a chance she was in danger or on the road...which means, her handlers were probably also with her.

    I think the guy was just looking for money and embarassing her was the only way he could guarantee fast money.

  9. i think it's always weird he did work for her without to sign a confidentiality agreement and i agree with @crila16

  10. I know that I would feel embarrassed, harassed, and humiliated if my boss or a client (male/female) felt that because of their position, they could walk around naked, hit on me, etc. Even if he is a guy, why wouldn't he have similar feelings? I think there's a bit of a double standard that's applied when sexual harassment happens to men.

    Britney was also not mentally well during this time, so he probably felt weird and awkward, instead of feeling turned on by watching her walking around naked.

  11. If they settled in court and she paid him, then she is guilty of something.

  12. I read his statement. If I had a roommate who acted the way she did, I'd get a new roommate, pronto. None of that stuff is attractive and you're right, @Liz, if it were turned around people would be more upset.

    The worst part would be seeing a parent treating a child that way.

  13. Such negativity today. Let her move on with her life.

  14. @Liz, totally agree.

  15. Pen-a-lope, why? because we believe she was fucked up out her mind she did this?

    She is not right in the head. The only reason why she is doing relatively well is because of her Dad. She needs to retire and take care of herself.

  16. I'm amazed you all, including Enty, are so willing to believe this. We've seen no such behavior otherwise, including the tour, she's had people like Edan around her forever, and this one abberation who came and went in her life in a short period gets 100% cred? Come on.

  17. @parissucksliterally - not necessarily. It could be more cost effective to settle, also she could stipulate that part of the settlement is for him to stop talking about her so he couldnt further damage her "brand".

  18. Wasnt she completely bonkers at the time? Wacked out with a life threatening case of bi-polar disorder?
    Seriously, body guard? Naked crazy women farting is too much for you? Glad Im not depending on you then, I dont handle fiber well.
