Friday, March 16, 2012

Brooke Mueller Gets No Jail Time

Despite being caught with enough coke to be charged with intent to distribute and also pleading guilty to felony possession of coke, Brooke will not spend a day in jail and will be placed on 12 months probation. After those 12 months if she stays out of trouble then everything will disappear. If you ever get arrested, I think the place to do so is Aspen. Mueller used the same attorney that got Charlie off for holding a knife to her throat. Nice to know they keep it all in the family.


  1. Hollywood "justice" is practiced in Aspen, huh?

  2. No surprise. She has money.

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    If I ever decide to become a hardened criminal, I'm moving to Aspen. Or maybe L.A.

  4. I bet that guys retainer fee is huge

  5. that is crazy ... my son was charged with several minor possession charges (mj) and ended up with a 3 year sentence to prison. she pleads guilty to felony possession of coke and gets PROBATION?

    and yea, i'm in colorado .. just not in the rich and famous city/county

  6. Well my baby brother was charged with possession and intent to distribute coke and only spent one night in jail. Charges were also dropped since he has a first time offender and was headed off to bootcamp. Stupid kid!

    Depends on the judge. People get off all the time with a slap on the wrist.

    Now Brooke, on the other hand, is obviously not a first timer. Seems like the only celebs that get jail time are the tax evaders.

  7. I guess the place to do it is LA/Aspen but we know the name to use is always Lohan.

  8. I guar-un-TEE this trick is going back on the pipe. Betcha.

  9. I feel like a broken record (remember those??) when I say, "I just feel bad for the childrens."

    Kinda on/off topic: My husband had the March Madness on last night and there was an ad with Charlie Sheen. I forget what he was hawking but he was surrounded by scantily clad hot women, but he looked downright AWFUL. I seriously cringed.

  10. Come on people, what's more pathetic than this, is Charlie Sheen's hairpiece!

  11. I think when you have less than 4 grams (or an 8-ball) your intent is not to distribute, it's to get messed up.

    She needs locked down rehab, not jail.

  12. I cant stand charlie sheen. I do wish he would go away. Nothing bad just go away!

  13. Aspen is actually an awful place.

    There are virtually no residents that vote, so they get horrible government.

  14. Of course she's not. She's a celebrity (for just being married to Charlie). Celebrities and Hollywood folk get a slap on the wrist and 100 chances...or more even.

  15. Of course she's not. She's a celebrity (for just being married to Charlie). Celebrities and Hollywood folk get a slap on the wrist and 100 chances...or more even.

  16. Money and connections! People have gone to prison for a lot less....its all bullsh**!!

  17. Of course Aspen is easy on celebs - how many millions do you think they get from the annual influx of celebs?
