Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Demi Moore Still Looks Skinny To Me

I'm not sure that I go with the observation that Demi Moore is not scary skinny any longer. To me in this photo taken over the weekend, she still looks skinny. She is wearing a baggy sweater. I look good in a baggy sweater. She could weigh 20 pounds and a sweater would cover that up. Her legs don't look like they have any fat on them and her face even looks more gaunt. Plus, it is a photo. Go take a photo of yourself and see if you look fatter than you really are. If I take a photo of myself, I am like the before ad for any weight loss ad you have ever seen.


  1. The one leg looks pretty dang sunken-in if you ask me.

  2. I do not believe she was in rehab. She hid out, and her people floated the rehab rumors, including even saying Cirque, though it was confirmed she was NOT there. She didn't go to rehab, and she is still an addict and anorexic. And, if you read any statements from her camp, they talk about "treatment," not rehab. She clearly didn't go. Just like she and Ashton never actually married, which is why we've not seen any DIVORCE papers filed. That stupid statement she issued, that she was ending her marriage, was so silly. Who does that? In the rare instance they do, don't papers IMMEDIATELY follow? Yeah. It's been since November? Nada. No marriage, no divorce. These people live for publicity and don't exist without it.

  3. @PS I think you are exactly right about all that.

  4. I work with people who wore wedding rings and called their sig other their husbands. After they broke up they admitted they were never married and was just easier socially to address them as a spouse. Saved on divorce lawyers too.

    I never thought Ashton & Demi were married either. Their only legal bindings are some business and charity foundations they share.

    At least Joshua Jackson says that he and Diana Kruger aren't married but wear wedding rings as a symbold of their commitment.

    Demi is old hollywood, you just throw a bunch of lies against a wall and go with what sticks. You will never see a day of honesty from her.

  5. So, what about common-law marriage? I know where I'm from (Texas), if you represent yourselves as married, you are considered legally married. Is that not the case in CA? I could look it up, but am just too lazy.

  6. @Amanda...CA is not a common-law state

  7. Wouldn't marrying Ashton have affected her alimony from Bruce? Personally I'd never have given up that gravy train, especially when my career is basically over.

  8. @PS - I'm inclined to agree, though I never thought about it before... if she actually was in treatment, something would have leaked. She comes off as though she's in total denial, so your theory makes sense.

  9. @PS - makes sense to me

  10. Perhaps she was getting more plastic surgery.

  11. Look at her thigh. That's just skin and bones right there.

  12. It's going to take Demi a long time and a lot of therapy to regain her health, both physical and mental.

  13. I hate to say it, but I don't think she'll live long enough to regain any kind of health. Anorexia + drugs = shortcut to OD.

  14. i thought common law marriage is you live with someone in a committed relationship for 7 years... (which is longer than most hollywood "marriages" by what 6.5 years)

    i think it also depends if the state recognizes common law.
