Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eddie Griffin Got Married & Divorced In 6 Months

Talk about fast. Eddie Griffin not only got married and separated in six months, he managed to also get officially divorced in that time frame. That is fast. That is like cheating on your wedding night fast. That is I cheated during the rehearsal dinner and should never have married you but everything was paid for fast. Oh, the crazier thing about this? There was actually a one month reconciliation involved in this six month timeline. The divorce was finalized in Nevada. They also got married there. They don't mess around in Nevada. Get married quick, get divorced quick, lose your money quick and at the end of the day you can still go see Cher, eat a buffet and pick up a deck of hooker cards from the day laborers on the strip.


  1. Until now, l had entirely forgotten Eddie Griffin

  2. Ugh, those hooker cards drive me crazy.

  3. Every time I see those cards being handed out and summarily dumped on the ground I think the cops should call the girl on the card and tell her to come down and pick up her trash.

    And who is Eddie Griffin?

    1. Hey, prosties need to eat, too. It's not their fault people are litterbugs.

  4. No clue who this is

  5. I have no idea who this is either but perhaps he & Kim K should marry each other and then get another record divorce - perhaps 24 hours later? They'd love the publicity.

  6. Guy's not the sharpest knife in the butcher shop. Saw him on Bill Maher once and while the panel was discussing politics and issues Eddie just sat there looking lost and unable to understand what was being discussed. Don't think he said more than two words.

  7. I love you enty!

    Happy Sunday Funday!

  8. 6 months? That's like 3 marriages and divorces for Kim Kuntrashian in the same timeframe.

  9. I was of the opinion that Americans were fighting for the sanctity of marriage by a vast majority. Did Nevada not get the memo?

  10. And still, the "sanctity" of marriage is denied to same sex couples, because, you know, they'd make a mockery of it.... *giant eye roll*

  11. The bulk of Southern Nevada, meaning Las Vegas exists as a service industry town. You want to get married, sure. You want to get divorced, sure. You want to gamble, sure. You want to leave your money here, by all means SURE.

  12. I got married in Vegas! It was super easy and fast! They were great to me and the hubs. The only way to get married I say. As far as divorcing goes, does he live there? You can't just get a divorce in any state. Each state has certain divorce laws. I couldn't get a divorce in Nevada from my first hubs because we lived in California.

  13. I got married in NV and we were living in NC when we seperated. He moved back to Reno.
    Well, in NC you have to be seperated for ONE YEAR before you can get divorced. We said fuck that shit and he filed in Reno. Two weeks later I signed and DONE.
    Yeah. Go NV!

  14. @Henriette - do you watch Mad Men? When Betty decided she wanted to divorce Don...NY at that time was a state that really frowned upon divorce, so in order to get around that she flew to Nevada, lived there for six weeks, and then filed for divorce. Granted, that was set in the early 60's, but I would imagine that workaround still exists. So depending on how badly he really needed out of this marriage, maybe he did that.

    OMG MAD MEN TONIGHT YESSSS (sorry, I cannot contain my excitement and your question gave me the perfect excuse to squee over it)

    As to Eddie Griffin, I'm just a bit flabbergasted anyone wanted to marry him. He's ugly IMO and looks like he is obnoxious, and not even interestingly so. I'd be too bored to be annoyed with him.

  15. Kim K is still married, and it'll probably be a long while yet before she can get her divorce finalized, so he's definitely got her beat.

    Enty, you might as well have just said "Mario Lopez fast," because that description sounds just like his marriage to Ali Landry. Scumbag.

  16. Never heard of him.

  17. Yeah, you got to show Nevada residency to get a divorce there. I bet this guy has a home there OR rented a place for a few months. It's still much easier to get married than divorced.

    Quick divorces still happen in Mexico and South America. That's how Skeletor did it to marry JBlow.

    NY has draconian divorce laws! It always shocks me how bad they are in the 21st century.

  18. Now he's doing a show at the Rio Hotel and Casino several nights a week in a very OFF-main room I've never even heard of. Show should be pretty good because he's needing the BUCK$ baaaad! I might have to check it out!

  19. I hadn't heard anything about him in a lonnnnnng time until I saw that billboard for his new nightly show, I was puzzled, and now I saw this, so obviously UNpuzzled as to why he's slummin it! ;)
