Thursday, March 01, 2012

Eddie Murphy And Toni Braxton "Dating"

Eddie Murphy is trying to find anything that is popular and latch on like no tomorrow. So, he has started dating Toni Braxton. I think this ill turn out about as well as when he dated Mel B. That got him a child he denied until a paternity test and a huge monthly child support bill. With Toni, I don't think there will be children, but I also bet she is not going to allow Eddie to have people like Johnny Gill to have "recording sessions" that turn into sleepovers.


  1. I don't get Eddie Murphy at all. His personal life, that is. Gay? Straight? Bi? Prefers transsexuals? Truthfully, I don't care, but I just hope that he is doing what makes him happy, rather than doing what he feels may be expected of him.

  2. I think he's a repressed homosexual. I don't know him though, so who the hell knows. I bet Trina & Gabe have some tips for them in regards to transsexuals though!

  3. If he's gay, it would be nice for him to just come OUT. The more celebs who do, the better.

    What concerns me more is that he's rumored to be such an ASSHOLE to women. Toni, what are you thinking?

  4. What will Tamare have to say about this? "This is bullshit dot com."

    I was hoping Toni and her ex-husband would work it out. She seems to really care about him.

    Toni is super high maintenance, I don't see this lasting very long.

  5. the guy has 8 kids and has been an asshat about paternity for at least 1. if toni were smart, she'd be running in the opposite direction FAST.

  6. I had always heard that Eddie and arsenio hall c were a couple in the 90s

  7. I pegged him as gay when I saw his first HBO special. Dont know why he fights it, its no big deal. And I dont know why, but he doesnt seem that funny now.

  8. Does Toni have a penis?

  9. perhaps he considers himself pansexual, like Alan Cumming.

  10. I think this is just for reality tv, not real dating. Eddie wants a look at how intrusive it might actually be in his life.

  11. He's got a feature film coming out this week or next. Just PR painting him as a straight guy; notice he chose a woman unlikely to get pregnant (she's not young and has lupus.)

  12. This won't end well.

  13. @Lori - I think most celebrities are Pansexual they just don't know the big fancy name for it. ;)

  14. I remember way back when Eddie could sell movie tickets because he was funny. Now he's resorting to hooking up with someone 'cause they're doing reality tv?

    What happened, Eddie? I really want to know. Did aliens come and snatch you and suck out your humor with an anal probe? You used to make me laugh. I miss that Eddie.

  15. I can never get past the AIDS routine he used to do as part of his stand-up. The guy's a huge asshole.

  16. @nolachickee, I had completely forgotten that he has a new movie coming out. Perhaps Eddie should build a time machine and try this stunt for Norbit. Maybe that would have gained him some publicity. Nah, just kidding. If he had a time machine, he should use it for a greater purpose. Y'know, like never making the mistake that was the movie Norbit.

  17. I was thinking the same thing - that this is a PR stunt for his new movie (which I didn't know he had coming out until I saw the commercial). And it doesn't look like it is going to be a very good movie either.

  18. What happened to Eddie? He was so funny in 1981. It was only a little over thirty years ago!

    I remember when he picked up the transexual in LA. Lucky for him Frank Gifford got caught with a flight attendant the following day.

    Eight kids? Eddie's got something like twenty kids! Back in the early 80s, he was getting women pregnant left and right and denying them ALL! DNA tests through off his game plan.
