Thursday, March 08, 2012

Elisabeth Moss Is Not A Fan Of Fred Armisen

Elisabeth Moss gives a really long interview to New York Post Magazine and they are making a big deal about how she finally talks about her reason for getting divorced to SNL star Fred Armisen. She really doesn't though. She gives a bizarre quote.

"It's so hard to talk about. One of the greatest things I heard someone say about him is, 'He's so great at doing impersonations. But the greatest impersonation he does is that of a normal person.' To me, that sums it up. And I think that's...that's it. I've never told anyone that. And I don't want to waste any more of my life talking about it."

But what did she say? That he is fake? Dishonest? I don't get the quote. Someone explain it to me please. She also says she never talks to him. Well yeah, because if she spoke like this no one would understand. Despite her COS pedigree, I am a fan of Elisabeth. I think the only other COS person I can stand is probably Juliette Lewis. I bet she has some great stories.


  1. This really makes me like her even more! Although I'm not privy to what happened in their relationship, I can understand what she's saying. More women need the attitude of "it's over, let's move on" when it comes to relationships. Brava!

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I don't understand why she needs to pose like that. Happy Women's Day!

  3. Wow! Love this quote. It speaks volumes about him.

  4. I think she's just saying he is a wacko and didn't really show his true personality until too late.

    What is COS?

  5. I think she's just saying he is a wacko and didn't really show his true personality until too late.

    What is COS?

  6. He acts normal to everyone else, but he's not a normal person. But I think that's true of every single person I ever met in comedy. They are a strange breed.

  7. @bekH: COS is Church of Scientology. She looks prettier there than I've ever seen her.

  8. COS = church of scientology. I would love Elizabeth Moss if it weren't for her being a scientologist. I'd also be more likely to side with her. But, since she's a member of the church of wacko, I have to think that Fred may have had good reason for getting divorced.

    And yeah, what she is saying is that he didn't show his true personality until they were married, and his true personality is not of a normal person. I don't find the quote so bizarre or hard to understand.

  9. One other comment...based on Portlandia, I'm thinking Fred must take some really good drugs. I'm sure that goes against COS beliefs. :)

  10. I took it as her saying he is batshit crazy but with mad covering skills. The crazy always shows eventually. *side-eye at my brother*

  11. I think CDan revealed a blind item about their marriage. That he was into unsafe sex with hookers and she didnt realize that he was such a freak

  12. I get it--he's apparently not really "normal" and she's telling the world he can act normal when he wants to.

    Sexy pose! She looks faboo.

    But COS?! Back away...back away...

  13. Haaa, BigMama! We've all got one in the family, don't we?

  14. Armisen's pretty pleased with himself for someone who plays himself, with minor variations provided by hair and makeup, in every role. How tough is that? Apparently, his mind-boggling skills need to be praised and showered with cookies. Team Eliz.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hard to say for sure. She obviously didn't know him very well when they got married. Or like young girls sometimes do, she had an idea in her head about who he was and it didn't match up. Or, he put on a game face. Only she will know which one is the correct answer. Also factor in that she is a scientologist and maybe she thought he would just go along with it. I really like her in Mad Men and I hope to see her in other things.

  17. Seems pretty straightforward to me. She was saying that someone told her that they realized he was really good at seeming normal, when really he wasn't- and that was the easiest way to sum up why their relationship didn't work. She thought he was one way, and it turned out he wasn't that guy.

    Good for her.

  18. Considering she's a Scientologist anything she says carries no weight with me. And in my book Fred is so much more talented than Elizabeth it's no contest. PORTLANDIA is hysterical and his impersonations & sketches on SNL are original & clever.

  19. P.S. bet he didn't realize what he was getting into when he naively married a Scientologist....

  20. I'm going to cut Elisabeth a break. She was born in to COS, her parents were practicing. It's not like she chose it. The people who choose it are the ones I am way more wary of.

    As for Fred Armisen, she articulated well what I've always thought about him.

  21. She's a Scientologist? Then what does she know about being normal?

  22. I totally get what she's saying. Been there. My ex-husband? Everyone thinks he's a good guy, but at home, he's belittling, insulting, uncaring, and demeaning, in order to get some kind of mental/psychological control over you. Which is why he's my EX-husband.

  23. He's sounds like my brother.

    He looks like a tool in those Portlandia ads.

  24. No fan of Scientology but it's a little harsh to be shaming and blaming people who were born into the thing. Come to think of it, it's a little harsh to be shaming and blaming people who just got caught up in it as a coping mechanism (and a rather effective one at that) and then couldn't get out. Sanctimony: it's not just for religious nuts.

  25. Hard for me to see Fred Armisen as being naive. Much as I don't like the COS the guy doesn't live under a rock or anything. He knew that was part and parcel of it. For whatever reason, he blew it off, didn't care or probably knew in his gut the relationship wouldn't last. Doesn't matter... I like them both and enjoy their work.

  26. A tsetse fly with lobotomy could see that he's just dang creepy. Still so funny in the SNL sexual harrasment video with Tom Brady. Bet she's thanking her lucky stars she didn't procreate with him. And now that the MadMen PR machine is gearing up for the new season, let the celebrity gut spilling begin!!

  27. I hope Peggy Olsen doesn't dress like that at that office! (although that would get her some don draper, for sure!)

  28. I understand her quote and think the comments here are correct that she didn't really know him.

    I like them both and think both are extremely talented.

  29. She looks lovely, too bad about the COS, now who's not normal?
    I too took it to mean he can fool people, and that she didn't know his true persona till it was too late. I once married a compulsive liar, they are really good at appearing normal. He was bat shit crazy and I ended up seeking therapy. He was floored when I served him with divorce papers.

  30. I find that picture extremely demeaning. And I'm no prude. Um , she may hv been born into scientology, but she can read and think for herself, cant she? Just go to their website, listen to their spokespeople and u will know sci is an invented damaging organization. So no pass for her there
    Dont know anything about Fred except he is hilarious. Like her work as well

  31. I love her.

    all truly creative people are difficult and/or crazy. so, I think that she meant that. and that she couldn't live with him like she would a normal person because he wasn't one.

    he is amazingly talented and so is she.

  32. I'd bet money Fred is a jerk. He seems like he'd be horrible. I think he's talented, love watching him, but I bet he's less than nice IRL. Comes off very full of himself in the interviews I've seen. Sometimes supertalented people are like that.

    Elizabeth looks great!

  33. I couldn't agree more with Jennifer H. A scientologist talking about normal is like a Kardashian talking about class.

  34. @EmEyeKay - LOVE your profile pic. *snort*

    She looks beautiful in this pic.

    I think she is saying he's a weirdo...which...duh?

  35. I have loved her since her days on the West Wing. I think this is a great quote. He clearly hurt her and I applaud her keeping the details private. I think she looks awesome in this photo too!

  36. I know people who know Armisen waaaaay back from his musician days pre-SNL and say HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE things about him and just to say his name around them still gets them angry.

  37. Of course she doesn't talk to him. He is an SP (suppressed person) and Scientologists don't talk to them.

    I find it hard to take serious anyone whose "religion" that believes in Xenu yet lies about their belief in it and can't share their basic beliefs of the religion they practice. By the time you are an adult you should be able to understand how likely it is that Xenu really came on a spaceship 75 million years ago to earth with a few billion people and dropped them in a volcano, killing them with h-bombs.

    I never thought Fred was funny until I saw his interviews with Jimmy Fallon on Late Night. He's still not that funny to me on SNL, but now I appreciate him.

  38. Anonymous4:52 PM

    She's trashing an ex. I'm sure we all have exes that would say not so nice things about us. Doesn't mean we're bad people or it's true.

    There's no way their marriage could have worked. She's in a cultish religion and he wasn't a member.

    I can't remember what blog I saw it on, either DListed or Superficial maybe, but there was a picture of her beside a picture of Mr. Burns. Long lost love child.

  39. Haven't read any of the comments, but the short answer is that she fucking hates his guts.

    No further translation is needed.

  40. I was saying to a friend the other day how I think one of the main reasons why marriages between actors/actresses hardly work is because you never know when they are acting or being themselves. I'm sure it's even worse being married to a hardcore method actor/actress.

    That is kind of what I get from reading her quote, that she didn't really know the REAL person.

    I'm disappointed that she is a member of COS but I still love her anyway! I remember finding out that she was the one doing those Excederin ads.

  41. I really love Portlandia, and find Fred funny on it, but it is Carrie Brownstein that really makes it so good.

  42. I wish I could impersonate a normal person.

    Seriously. I have my quirks, we all do, but people think I'm a little further around the bend than I actually am. For instance, if I say something about my cats, people say, all careful-like, "How many cats do you have?" Like I'm one of THOSE people. "Two, just two." They are ALWAYS surprised. I'm also very germ-conscious, so people think OCD, but I'm not one of those every pen just so and no backwards dollar bills in the till kind of people (not that there's anything wrong with that; I just would never NOTICE that the bills in the till are not all facing the same way). Apparently I come off as closer to the edge than I feel I actually am. So, yes, I wish I could do a better job impersonating "normal;" it's a good skill to have in work and life.

    But in this case I think Fred and Elisabeth got married before they knew each other well and neither one had seen the other person in ordinary life.

  43. One more thing: someone referenced Chuck Klosterman by last name he really that famous? I remember how surprised I was once when he was the guest on Carson Daly. I thought, wow, that guy looks like Chuck Klosterman, I wonder who he is? And it was him! I remember reading his early stuff and thinking he wouldn't get far not knowing the their/there/they're distinction, and apparently I was wrong.

  44. @Lelania, thank you. Took it off Enty's post yesterday, it killed me!

  45. Well the thing that jumps out at me is that SHE is totally HOT, but he is a complete DORK.

  46. Anonymous4:14 PM

    What does COS stand for? Cosine? Or cos', as in just cos'? Like just because?
