Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jennifer Masche Gets Married Again

Jennifer Masche, who you probably last saw in Raising Sextuplets before she started dating a married guy, and her husband caught her cheating has ended up marrying that guy. Jennifer had previously dated the guy she was cheating with so I wonder how come they just did not end up married in the first place and then would have saved her husband and her boyfriend's wife a lot of grief. Of course then there would also not be six wonderful kids running around, so there is that to be considered too.

Jenny's husband Bryan is not without blame in this whole thing because he did get arrested when he confronted his wife about the affair and did not do so in a calm and orderly fashion. Jenny got secretly married without telling her ex and made the kids promise not to tell anyone either. Umm, what kind of parent does that?


  1. HomeWrecker - Both of them...

  2. a divisive one. it's horrible what some children of divorced parents have to put up with.

    another person who is 'famous' because they bred too many young 'uns.

  3. she probably didn't want her ex-husband to know she was getting married so that he didn't try to disrupt the ceremony, or make a scene at home in front of her kids.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Who cares? I'm too tired to get morally outraged over what other people do.

  5. I have no sympathy for any Angelinas, or Brads for that matter. I know it takes two, but we all pretty much know how a woman acts around a man she wants, whether married or not.

  6. It doesn't sound like Jenny's husband was to blame at all. She had already left him. He just reacted poorly. Now she will most likely get custody of the kids, keep the house, the husband will only be able to afford a small apartment after child support meaning he can't get much time with them, and the kids are stuck living with a guy who will never love them as much as their Dad.

    Thanks Mom!

  7. I watched their show and the husband, Bryan, came off as a very selfish, narcissistic asshat. He was always putting his wife down and move their family across country to get away from her parents while he did not have a job. I don't condone her cheating but I also don't believe too much of what he has to say.

  8. I've only seen bits of pieces of the show, but the husband was verbally abusive to the wife. Not to say that she is innocent in this, but he is up on his high horse talking about how his ex-wife is damaging the children, as he is selling a story about their mother to the media.

  9. I used to be very judgmental of people who did stuff like this, and so was my husband...

    UNTIL I re-met my now-husband. We grew up together, didn't see each other for almost 30 years after high school. He was married, miserably so, for 16 years. He was divorced for 5 years by the time I came back to my hometown and saw him again. We married 2 months later.

    My point being, we both figure that if we'd seen each other at any point during his marriage, he'd have left her that day for me. Maybe that's romance talking, I dunno. But we're so compatible that we can see how these things can happen.

    Oh, and very few people knew we were getting married, why? Cuz he didn't want his ex to know, not knowing what kind of stuff she might pull.

  10. I don't really know anything about these people, but I am glad that she married quietly and didn't sell the photos to a tabloid.

  11. they are both idiots

  12. my ex has a new wife and baby and STILL has not told the kids (or me, but we do not speak). he thinks the kids don't know. even when they refer to the baby my name he plays dumb. their step-monster hates them and won't speak to them.

    anyway, what kind of parent does that? the lying, sneaky kind. when you are use to living a lie, i think its probably hard to know when to stop.

  13. A very scared parent.

  14. She's either extremely scared or just mental. Either way is sad.

  15. Can this "turning your uterus into a clown car for fame & fortune" bullshit stop NOW??? Human beings were NOT meant to have litters; multiple births used to be a big deal because (a) it happened so seldom, and (b) it was even more unusual for most or all of the babies to survive. Now, with IVF, fertility drugs, and the ability to keep even some of the tiniest preemies alive, it's rapidly becoming No Big Deal--sorry, folks, but it's just not going to make you the mint now it might have 50 years ago...

    (It also makes a big difference if the family is sufficiently photogenic, has a good back story, or--I hate to say it--is of a "desirable" ethnicity. I remember 10-15 years ago seeing a program on multiples that discussed even then how much less of a novelty they were, and that the attention, money and help their parents used to be able to count on simply wasn't there. I distinctly remember one family with 4 adorable boys, all of whom IIRC were identical--that was definitely a naturally-occurring phenomenon. Mom was trying to find companies that might want to use her sons in their advertising, so the family could pull in some much-needed money to help with the kids' expenses, but I don't think she had any luck...quads just weren't exciting anymore when there were sextuplets to be had, plus no one wanted to use 4 little black boys in their ads. And they were adorable, too... *sigh* )

  16. I agree with others who say the hubbie was a dick. He was rude and passive-aggressive on the show. How must he have acted behind closed doors?

  17. I remember when there was one set of living sextuplets - from South Africa. I wanted to grow up and have some too. This was years before this was common place. It just seemed cool to my friends and I in grade school. Marriages are hard enough w/o multiples. Add a set of six and a bad marriage and you get Jon & Kate and these idiots. I admire the many families who have managed to stay together and bring up happy families. The only ones I know by name are the Dilleys. They are still together, right???
