Monday, March 12, 2012

Katy Perry's Dad Says Katy Perry Is Reason Marriage Ended

I don't think Katy Perry is still texting Russell Brand, but her father is. In an interview with US Weekly, Keith Hudson says there are no hard feelings and that he thinks Russell is great and they text and that the whole marriage breakup thing can be blamed on his daughter. Yeah, he said it. He actually said that Katy got really busy and never had time to see Russell. I did the math a month or two ago and I can't remember exactly but in the entire time they were married, the couple were together for like 31 days total and that includes the honeymoon. Still though, to throw your daughter under the bus like that? Not good.


  1. Wow, no wonder Katy and Rihanna are such good friends-they both have jackasses for fathers.

  2. An overly-religious asshole blaming his daughter for her marriage fail? Color me not surprised at all. Doesn't Katy know that the only place for a married woman is the kitchen?

  3. I bet the next phone call he has with his daughter isn't going to end with an "I miss you daddy"

  4. Maybe he's trying to protect himself from Russell, in case he's feeling angry and in the mood for an outing.

  5. I think Beth is exactly right! Must make nice with the ex son in law who knows too much!

  6. what is it 1885? Katy should give up her career and sit at the feet of Russell? If Russell cared so much about Katy he should of gotten on a tour bus and gone with her on tour.

    The two of them had nothing in common but sex. After awhile that gets old if you have nothing to keep you together emotionally or intellectually.

  7. Three very strange people.

  8. @Timebob - this!

    I feel sorry for Katy here. Her dad has no right to speculate to the press on how her marriage fell apart. I would be mortified if one of my parents did that. I just don't see how it is any of his business, because there were two people in that marriage and neither one of them was her father.

  9. That's because Charles Nelson Reilly finds his daughters ex-hubby attractive.

  10. Well, while I think her dad is a dick for calling her out like this, I also don't think he is wrong about Katy never making her marriage a priority in her life. I'm not sure Russel did either. They never put their marriage first. I had a cousin whose parents remained weirdly attached to her ex-husband after their divorce. They kept inviting him to all their family functions and went to any event of his. The rest of the family thought it was horrible.

  11. Oh, by the way, I meant to say in the above post that I don't think Katy was any more responsible for the divorce than Russel. Like I said, he didn't really put forth any more effort than she did for them to spend time together.

  12. @Giulia-My sentiments exactly

  13. @Giulia-My sentiments exactly

  14. I'm with Beth - Brand has something on Katy's dad - but I bet she knows about it and is ok with it to protect her dad.

  15. These "fathers" need to shut the f*ck up!!!!!

  16. Russell knew he was marrying a pop star. He had to have know that her career was just starting to take of'f and she would need to be on the road. Why didn't he go with her? He is just as much as fault.

  17. Wait--the real reveal here is that Truman Capote spawned.

  18. I think it ended because she wouldnt play by the rules. No drinking,no drugs, no meat. Not that hard.

  19. Katy Perry likes to party and she's only 25. Her dad is probably right but it's not the coolest thing to say.

  20. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Well at least now we know where her desperation comes from. Like father, like daughter.

    Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!

  21. @Vickie- Why yes she does! That's why she bid so much on those cooking lessons at the Oscars. ;)

  22. Agree with Beth.

  23. I wonder if Keith Hudson has called Billy Ray Cyrus yet? ;-)

  24. @Janet 926: I agree. Russell knew what he was getting into. It takes two to make a relationship work. Katy gets blamed a lot for partying too much, but Russell was off screwing women left and right. He might not have bragged about it, the way Katy talked about drinking, but he was definitely not faithful throughout their marriage.

  25. Someone needs to tell Daddy Perry to butt out of his daughter's marriage and shut the hell up...oh, well, looks like I just did. :-) Really, it's been her and Russell, and there's probably fault on both sides, but her dad doesn't need to go shooting his mouth off publicly about the whole business--whatever happened to discretion, anyway? Sheesh...

  26. I think Daddy Perry is looking for some fame himself and how better to do it than to respond to requests for quotes..You watch. He'll get all thrilled with the attention and get caught with some man in some bathroom by the press...Count with me now...3, 2, 1.

  27. There is enough stupidity between Perry and Brandt to end a marriage. I would call it even and let it go.

  28. My mother spouts opinions like this. Regularly tells my older sister that if her husband leaves her, he has reason to. Tells me that even though I'm Veg I need to cook meat for my husband because men "need" it. Every time he gets sick, it's my fault because I don't feed him enough meat for him to be healthy. (Note, I don't stop him from eating meat whenever he wants. But I don't feel I need to prepare it for him!) Tells my younger sister this baby (4th at 40) better be her last because she's "too old" for it (more to the point, opines that she "should have been done" at 3 kids at 38. Well, too late now!).

    And then mom wonders why I seem so "distant."

  29. The dad is gay. Russell knows. The family very nervous he will tell. Hence all the arse licking the parents especially the dad have been doing for ages.
