Friday, March 02, 2012

Lindsay Lohan On Fallon

Did you watch Lindsay Lohan on Jimmy Fallon last night? Yes, it looks like she is still suffering from what I now call lip implosion and she is definitely puffy, especially while seated, but I am an honest guy and she was not half bad on the show last night. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow on Saturday Night Live. If anyone watches it on the east coast, let me know if there is anything I need to pay attention to or to set my drink down and focus.


  1. Ugh. I just wish she would go away and here we are on the upswing.

  2. I will not be watching SNL
    She had it-at one time-then lost it. But in "losing it" she never ever took responsibility for HER actions. Her whole family is this way. Even on the Today show yesterday, when asked where she would be in 5 years-she said something about the Oscars. THE.OSCARS. Not "I hope to be working in a series or just living my life". Let her just fade into obscurity, along with her family. If she stays sober and gets better, good for her, but please, can we ban her like Paris and the Kartrashians? Pretty please Enty, with bacon on top?

  3. I saw Mean Girls and I never could understand what all the uproar was about. She was very cute, but she didn't do anything spectacular. In my humble opinion, of course. However, there must have been a drought of good young actresses at that time because there is a generation that fell hard for her and just can't let go.

  4. If she is bloated-looking because she is off the blow, then good for her!

    At age 25-26 and still drinking a lot, damn straight she'll look kinda fat. We ALL would/did/do.

    And actually eating instead of killing her appetite with the blow, then ditto.

    So I do hope she is on a REAL change pattern, but with the damage done by those ick/nast parents, I wonder if that will be possible...


  5. She is her Dad's daughter and he is quite obviously a psychopath. He has exhibited every type of behavior that indicates psychopathy. She comes from genetically brain damaged stock. There is no escape. There is no cure. Put her away and keep the rest of society safe. She is not amusing. Maybe she and Paris can be BFF now. And then Dina could be a real housewife on TV!

  6. if she thinks one SNL apperance is going to revive her career then she is buying Crack from Uganda.

  7. I agree, I have never seen her take responsibility for any of her actions. Until I see that, I will never believe she is sober or has any remorse. The only reason she has any regrets is because she ruined her career.

  8. Does she really have that role of Liz Taylor in that Lifetime movie? Is it definite? I've looked but I haven't seen any confirmation but she talks about it like the contract's been signed.

  9. The only one confirming it is Lindsay. Lifetime isn't denying it but they aren't confirming it either. The last statement from them was they were speaking with several actresses.

    I think they are just enjoying all the free press they are getting out of her.

  10. Timebob, maybe she is thinking that if it worked for Betty White, it can work for her.

    The difference is that the awesome Betty is pretty much loved by all, Lindsay is pretty much liked by none. There was no great demand to bring her on SNL.

    I am all about comebacks and trying to better yourself, but I am just waiting for Lindsay to go away. Harsh, I know. :(

  11. selenakyle, she's bloated BECAUSE of the blow, not cuz she's off of it. Haven't you ever heard of coke bloat? That's why her arms and legs are so stick skinny and her face and pooch are so swollen. Plus the booze ain't helping either. Sad.

  12. As bad as SNL is anymore, the two deserve each other.

    Really, can anyone imagine Lohan doing a skit with Belushi?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That wig is an SNL skit on it's own....whoa.

    Also, I go to school with girls in their early 20s...they are thin but those who I know drink/go on drinking binges have THE EXACT SAME look as Lilo. That skinny girl, shitty skin color, bloated face thing. It's from drinking FOR SURE, coke I cant confirm but seeing a lot of my school class-mates over the years with the identical physical conditions brought on by drinking, i can say that for sure that's happening.

  15. Will never believe she is clean for 2 reasons:

    Nothing is ever her fault. - oh I know she's talking that she got herself into her mess, but she's just blowing smoke to get a job.

    She doesn't say how long she's been clean. Every addict I've ever dealt with (many as I've worked in the mental health field) could tell me the number of days they've been clean. Not only CAN they tell you, but they are PROUD to tell you. This trick just ain't.

    It's only a matter of time before she self destructs once again...

  16. Looks like I'm the only one here rooting for her comeback. I love a good underdog story. It's all about baby steps. Go Lilo! But seriously, go back to red.

    Enty - Long story short, I won't be watching her live on Saturday, otherwise I'd keep you updated.

  17. @Moose - I watched the original SNL back in the '70s. Belushi (may he rest in peace) would have squashed her like a bug. I can just see him now, wearing a wig of whatever color you call that, imitating her. He did a mean Liz Taylor back in the day.

  18. A few months ago my friend took me to a belated bday dinner at Beauty and Essex, the bathroom there is interesting - it doubles as a odd little bathroom lounge with a mini bar that serves champagne, was White Oprah's bday (Dina Lohan) and she was there with Lindsay and Ali and some of their friends. I watched them (all of which looked hammered) and young Ali was also grabbing a glass of champagne for herself. She was SCARY skinny and the face looked crazy to me. Not sure if it was make up, surgery or both. Dina looked a mess too. I don't know, but I deeply suspect this family uses together. Its very troubling, and they are brazen about it. Trashy.

  19. I will be watching. Live, not even DVR. I think it will be good. I haven't seen Fallon yet. Very interested to see how he handled it.

  20. I'm sure I've said it on here before, but she reminds me of Dana Plato. Does anyone else see this? It doesn't help that Dana also hit a major downward spiral in her life and unfortunately we all know how that ended.

  21. Absolutely agree with Dani! Any recovering addict that can't say how long they've been sober isn't. Plain and simple. I saw her on The Today Show and there was zero accountability.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I want her shoes.

    If I can go from Sunday to Friday without alcohol, I notice a huge difference in my face and how my clothes fit. I don't know about coke because I've never done it but alcohol bloats the fuck out of you.

    I want her shoes.

  23. Short note: If she can't remember her sobriety date, it doesn't exist. It's more important than our so-called birth date because it's our true birth day into the real world.
