Friday, March 30, 2012

Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson ThisClose Yesterday

Ahh, I think I smell the spark from here. Lindsay Lohan had lunch with her sister Ali at Chateau Marmont. Or, as Lindsay prefers to call it, the place I can get wasted out of my mind in a bungalow and no one notices. Lindsay was celebrating her freedom after five years of probation. The current over/under for how long she goes without being arrested is one year. As I Tweeted a bit ago, I am going with the over. I think she can stay out of jail for one year. Notice I did not say out of trouble. I think she will limit her partying to indoors, steal only from people who will not press charges and otherwise make herself scarce except for the occasional spill onto the sidewalk which she will blame on faulty sidewalk construction and sue the city and win millions of dollars to get back at them for making her life miserable for the past five years because it is their fault for her problems, not hers.

Anyway, The NY Post says that at the next table over from Lindsay was Samantha Ronson. Samantha just broke up with her girlfriend and you know that Samantha knew that Lindsay eats most meals at the same place and I think wanted to just get in front of Lindsay. They did not say anything at lunch, but I bet there was a text or two yesterday that may have turned into a sext and this weekend, Lindsay will be pounding on Samantha's door begging to be let in.


  1. I don't know if she can keep out of trouble for a year. She'd have to move to the Himalayas or something, to REALLY not get into trouble.

    Aw, c'mon Sam, throw her a bone.

  2. "Pounding on Samantha's-"

    O_o No no no no!

    Oh, whew, it says door! I was dealing with a bad mental image of two skinny methfaces going at it for a minute there. Whew!

    I need more sleep, I think... lol

  3. Let's help her keep out of trouble by not discussing her for a year, too.

  4. Is the Chateau Marmont Lindsay's favorite place in the whole world? It seems like she's ALWAYS there...and I'm just super surprised she's even allowed back in there with all her bad behavior when she's drunk or on drugs.

  5. @EmEyeKay-Totally agree. No way she makes it a year.

  6. As long as she gets herself kicked off the Liz Taylor film, I don't care but am thinking 8 months.

  7. Nope she won't make it. For now it's just a question of when ?

  8. NY Post says SamRo left 10 min after La Lohan showed up. I always kind of liked her and want to think she learned her lesson.

    As for Lilo, I'd say a year is optimistic.

  9. So when we talk about going a year without getting in trouble, I'm assuming that we aren't counting any potential fall-out from her latest hit-and-run?

  10. she is a fool she went on TMZ live yesterday and actually had the balls to say to Harvey Levin she wasn't driving the car when the guy was hit. TMZ has the video of her driving and switching seats with her assistant.

    She is still a liar and only wants what she lost and not have to work for it to get it back.

  11. I agree she won't make it a year. Hell she couldn't make it a week in NYC. If she was serious she would move somewhere that isn't LA, NYC, Miami, or anywhere else she can easily get into a party scene. Maybe she should head up to San Francisco. I'm sure she'd still find trouble but maybe it'll be with hippies and they will help her chill out a bit instead of being a train wreck constantly happening.

    As for getting back with Ronson. Since I don't know any of these people I really hope there is some deeper attraction going on with Lindsay and these people. Honestly, probably not. When I first saw a photo of Lindsay and Samantha Ronson my first thought was, "That is an ugly dude". The headline said Sam not Samantha hence my assumption but still Ronson is Ugly. I think that combined with some of Lindsay's other "relationships" is pretty evident that she is more concerned with what people can provide her. Didn't she get with Ronson when her "Singing" career was floundering? and then Terry Richardson a couple months back as she is trying to gain a more notable image.

    Hell I can't think of one person that most people would consider having equal looks as Lindsay since she dated the guy who played Fez. While I don't believe she is as attractive now as she was years ago her going back to being a red-head makes her about 10x as hot as the blonde IMO and I would think she could have landed someone more mainstream and "attactive" then the two I have listed amongst others I have seen her "with".

    Anyway getting back to the original point. Lindsay won't last a year and she will blame comments like mine and others about how it "Drove" her to get back into a troubled state. Just like that Invisible Children guy "couldn't handle" the stress. Or you know the drugs and prostitutes he was spending the donations on. but whatever it's never their fault people. It's our fault smh

  12. She was never really *really* punished for all the shenanigans she's pulled in the past few years. Morgue arrest (with friends to party with)...heading to Cannes, missing court appointments, going to jail for 84 minutes, its all been one gigantic skate party for her. And now she's free to do whatever she wants w/ no one looking over her shoulder. There is NO WAY she will stay out of trouble because she hasn't had to pay for anything she's already done. So yeah, under a year, for sure...

  13. I like LL. I hope she's happy and healthy. I'm also looking forward to the Eliz Taylor movie - I think LL will be great.

  14. I agree with everyone who says there is no way she will stay out of trouble.

    She is a loser, and will fuck up again. She never took responsibility for anything she did. Nor do I believe for a second she is sober.

  15. If she gets back with Ronson, she won't make it a year without an arrest. If she stays clear of Ronson, she might go a year without an arrest. Either way, there will be lots of incidents.

  16. Actually the Ronson's are all nice kids...even though they are trust fund kids they all work, are very close and don't want Lindsay anywhere near their sister. I personally think Lindsay is poison for anyone to be near.

  17. She will never make it a year without getting into some kind of trouble but living in LA just gives her a get outta Jail Free Card. shes not leaving the city

  18. must never have been to San Francisco if you think that it's full of hippies and people cant get into trouble here.

  19. Lori,
    After New York , San Francisco is the only place I want to it..

  20. I had always heard Lindsay was the stalker in that relationship.

  21. No way LL will make it 2 months, and yes TROUBLE is in SF, BIG party city, but so much fun and out of the LA scene so could be a good place for her to get her drink and drug on.

  22. All I can concentrate on is the Rumer Willis lookalike behind her.

  23. Did Lindsay steal one of Hilary Clinton's pantsuits?

    And Lindsay stay out of trouble? In L.A.? With the summer coming up? The summer is when Lindsay fucks up the most.

    Which means I'm REALLY looking forward to this summer. LoL.

  24. @Shakey - LOL. I totally see it. And how about that Jude Law looking mofo behind them?

  25. She won't stay out of trouble for a whole year. Why should she? Getting into trouble has little to no consequences for her, and she clearly feels she should be getting work based on the fact that she is Lindsay Lohan, so she really has no incentive to stay out of trouble.

  26. sorry folks but i dont give her more than two weeks before we see the latest perp walk. she is hell bent on screwing up her life. A year, Enty? Seriously? She is an accident waiting to happen

  27. Guess who threw a wild party at the Chateau Marmont with 45 people until early this morning?

  28. Labor Day, at the latest.

    She should go up to SF, that is definitely a place she could party all night and still get home without needing to get behind the wheel of a car and kill someone else.

  29. Why, for the love of all that is holy.... Put on a bloody bra!

  30. The Radar article states they watched "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"... Jesus that's a depressing movie. Ugh, that is one of the saddest things in the LL repertoire.

  31. Crila, I think she's living there right now. They did ban her for a while, but then they let her back in - I don't know why.

  32. She will fuck up by or on the 4th of July holiday. Jail is imminent for Lilo.

  33. I heard from a person in the know that Lindsay is actually a high end escort and works out of chateau marmont. Charges $4,000 for 2 hours. makes sense...
