Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marston Hefner Pleads No Contest

Marston Hefner went the technical route with his pleading yesterday in court. I don't even know why people bother with no contest, except so they can say they never plead guilty. It is the same thing and is just saving a little face although I don't know how much face you can save after beating a woman. There is not much salvation. Marston plead no contest to one charge of misdemeanor domestic violence and will have to go to one year of domestic violence classes and stay away from Claire Sinclair for three years.


  1. Wonder how his college career is going, since he goes to USF in San Francisco. I bet he drops out.

  2. He is one ugly, ugly man. In spite of his beautiful mother, he seems to have gotten the worst of his father's looks. Or maybe it's just his ugly insides shining through.

  3. I was gonna say the same thing. His mother is so gorgeous, but those Hefner genes are apparently too overpowering. Ugh.

    This chick seemed sweet on Holly's World.

  4. SMH in shame for my Alma mater.

  5. There's no way in hell you're a lawyer, making statements that nolo contendre is the same as pleading guilty. You didn't say "tantamount to a guilty plea" you said "it is the same thing". It most decidedly is NOT. Go hit the laws books again.

  6. I usually try to not knock someone for their looks but with Marston, it's shocking how screwed he got in the gene lottery.

  7. That is one fugly dude. He is lucky he has money.

  8. She's a cute little girl...get out of the business sweetie!

  9. He's not just ugly, he's creepy. Like bodies in the basement, Norman Bates kind of creepy.

  10. This guy was totally screwed in the gene dept.

    I always thought his mother. Kimberely Conrad was so gorgeous. I just looked her up and I couldn't believe how she's screwed up her face. See link. It looks like some lip work and her skin looks hypopigmented, as if she's had a CO2 laser resurfacing or a deep, deep chemical peel.

  11. @Cheryl - Lol!

  12. In this link it looks like Kimberely had her eyes done a la wonky and some kind of lip augmentation. Unbelievable. This woman would have aged well given her strong bone structure and nice skin.

  13. @Liz: Good GOD, what happened? She looks like SHE'S been in a fire!

  14. I know!!! She was sooooo gorgeous before.

    I used to work for a guy who did CO2 laser resurfacing in the 1990's. When the MD would use too many joules (always) pt.'s looked JUST like Kim. Very, very common. I have always told friends and family, DO NOT have your skin resurfaced.

  15. Good gawd! That is one unattractive creep.

  16. I am SO freaking sick of domestic violence people getting slapped on the wrist with sentences like these!!!

    Often by the time they ARE arrested for something, the victim has been enduring abuse waaayy before the abuser lands in court. I think the Judge should take this into account if the abused person shares that with the court.

    And I think that when freaking tax evasion and other non violent crimes like these get twice as much jail time than hurting the ones closet to you- well, the system is fucked so hard for that~

  17. Good on Claire for not backing down and getting out of that situation. Hopefully she will inspire other women (and men) in the same situation to follow her example.

  18. Brave of her to keep up with her case against a Hefner. Now she should run in the other direction.

    I can't see anything in the picture of this man that would make him attractive to any female. It must be his wallet.

  19. Is that his date?? She looks twelve years old.

  20. He deserves more than that! Hopefully people will see him like they see chris brown.

  21. Hes got evil eyes. Even though hes smiling.
