Friday, March 23, 2012

Missing Teen's Dad Is Registered Sex Offender

So, if a 15 year old California teen goes missing a mile from her home and her dad is a convicted sex offender whose crimes involved girls younger than 14, who do you think should be the number one suspect in the disappearance of his daughter. This was not a one time thing that Steve Lamar did. He was charged with 12 felony counts of committing sexual acts with three girls younger than 14. He plead guilty to one charge and was sentenced to just one year in jail. So, probably got out after two months. Now his daughter is missing.

Last Friday Sierra Lamar disappeared on the walk to the school bus stop. Her backpack was found but nothing else. What is Nancy Grace saying about this?


  1. The backpack thing reminds me of Miriam Makniashvili. I hope this case has a better outcome, though.

  2. Oh please please please be okay, Sierra. :-(

  3. She's a beautiful young woman...

  4. GMA said this morning that her clothes were found neatly folded and her cellphone was found in a field. This is just horrible.

  5. i live in the general area, so of course this story has been on the tv and newspapers a lot. they also found her phone in addition to her backpack. what 15 year old girl runs away without her cell phone? they don't. so, it's not gonna have a happy ending. :(

  6. Neatly folded clothes? This is someone who knows and cares for her. I watch CSI....

    I would definitely be looking at the dad, as the cops surely are -discreetly.

  7. I got the chills when I heard the father say her disappearance has nothing to do with his past.

  8. The one article I read said she left at 6am to walk to school. That is crazy early.

    That's really early even to catch a bus across town and there is no way I'd let my young teen out of the house at that hour unattended--I'd at least make sure she was on the bus.

  9. The mother left for work at 6am, so she was last seen then. But at 7am a text was sent from the daughter's phone. The whole story is just so fishy.

  10. If I were the mother of a beautiful teenager and mr creep hubby was out of jail after doing time for assaulting young girls I certainly wouldn't let the sleaze bag move back home. OMG! Poor Sierra!

  11. This is creepily like the Toronto case. Which I think is hella fishy, for the record. The Father's statement alone. Remember Principal Skinner to Bart & Lisa in Treehouse of Horror when they wonder where Willie is, and he suddenly leaps in with a denial; "Now let's hear no more about this bizarre cover-up."

  12. @Mari

    If you are talking about Mariam, I don't think she "fell" either. Also, how does a body sit off the first tee of a golf course for three years without being noticed?

    1. Yes Ma'am. My problem with that whole mess began with how Papa Stabby managed to get in this country, he's a sex offender! The poor kids, I hoped Mariam. Nobody sees the body, and the backpack turns up weeks after she vanishes? Come on. Did you see Metro laid murder charges Monday on the cold case? Everyone I know thought it was murder then. This isn't over.

    2. Hoped Mariam had run away, sorry.

  13. terrible terrible terrible

  14. Anonymous9:49 AM

    How awful! I hope for the best, but it doesn't look good. :-(

  15. I have a 1 degree separation from Papa Stabby's (hilarious btw) first Toronto victim. Apparently, it was quite a scene when he busted in and started stabbing.

    I also think it's weird her backpack was found so soon. Like did she fling it off and jump?

    As for the other cold case you mentioned. I only vaguely remember that, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard one of their other children had "committed suicide". Sure he did.

    1. I know, the 'suicide' information was mind boggling. It's like a show on Discovery when they run down the list of people who mysteriously died in the wake of insurance being purchased.
      Well I hope the victim is feeling better, talk about no good deed going unpunished.
      Exactly, so someone found the backpack, carried it to a parkette and left it (but didn't tell the cops) but didn't find the body. This makes no sense at all. If she jumped something happened to her (clears throat) to make her jump, or she was thrown off. To think she and her brother could still be home with Granny.

  16. SueEllen - the family lived on the block behind mine. The day she was reported missing, there were police all over my street - in cars and on horseback (which you don't see in this area). The police also showed up at my door asking if I had seen her.

  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I keep reading that the investigators DON'T consider Sierra's father a suspect.

  18. How can he continue to parent her, with his background and sexual preference. This is just sadness ontop of more sadness. Poor kid,

  19. @Surfer

    Wow. A little too close for comfort, non?


    It's sad when people move here to make a better life for themsevles and then something like this happens. I bet they wish every day that they never left Georgia.

  20. 12 felony counts of a sexual nature and this perp was allowed to live amongst us. No one else has a problem with this???

    And yes, when the dad said when he last spoke to her about making a hair appointment (I think to dye it), I don't want to say alarm bells went off, but I did find it odd. #1, she lives with her mom. Even if he were to pay for the appointment, the mom would probably set it up and take her, #2, why would she dye her hair???? Just look at her, her hair and she are perfect.

    I also cannot believe he was allowed contact with her after the charges. But maybe he passed a lie detector too, and they were dropped (jk, but true story).

    We need to end the war on drugs and focus on real crimes and criminals. People of this sort. I am sick to death of kids, and women being harmed by repeat sex offenders.

  21. @SueEllen - no kidding. The police did a full search (more than once, I think) of my building - garage, laundry room, lockers.

    Something was off about the whole situation - I thought for sure she must have been snatched. New to the country, check. No friends, check. No money or passport. Check. I find it very hard to believe she took her own life. I really think that's a stretch.

    1. I live where the Scarborough Rapust was active, we had the police canvass many times, then a girl in my school was one of Paul's victims. When they got him they were holding him up the road and we had a satellite truck that wanted to park in our garden, um, no. More searches then too. Weird feeling.

  22. I wonder if someone put the bones there after the fact? I don't believe that in the whole time she was missing that couple were the first people to walk where her body was found. Homeless people live in wooded areas in the city, ffs.

    I think they're giving up too easily on this one.

    1. I don't think they have. Given up, I mean. They're asking for more info and I have a feeling this will be like the other case they will proceed when they can. Perhaps someone might say more in the future.
      I felt awful for the kids they didn't even know the parents by the time they sent for them (after Papa Stabby's criminal behaviour in the US).

  23. This one is going to end badly.

    Morgan Hill is about 20 minutes from where I work and I've been following this since it was reported on Saturday morning, cause it's just so odd...

    They found a Sharks jersey that she was wearing in the purse that they found yesterday. Not a good sign.

    My best guess, based on how open and farm-town Morgan Hill is, is that someone in her neighborhood did it. My buddy used to drag race on the street she vanished from cause its so open, out in the middle of nowhere-ish. And the fact that someone nabbed her in the A.M. too. She had just moved in with her mom and mom's boyfriend according to the papers, so she's new to the surroundings.

    And about her pop, he lives in Fremont with her older sister, which is about 30-35 minutes away from Morgan Hill. The cops already checked him out and I guess he has an alibi.

  24. I really hope she is found very soon.

  25. Would just like to point out that just because police say he's not a suspect doesn't mean he isn't.

  26. I just have to vent about how much I fucking hate child molesters! I'll admit, before I became a parent I really didn't think about it. But now I can't imagine what kind of sick fucks do these things to kids, especially their own. I know that some molesters were abused as children and they are screwed up because of it but that's no excuse at all! Knowing how it has ruined some peoples lives and caused them such turmoil just make me so sad. I hate the way they let out sexual offenders from prison so easily. Their crimes are as bad if not much worse than any theft or battery. Ugh, I can't stand the fact that I have to hear about these vile molesters all the time in the news!!! Ok, rant over.

  27. I live in the bay area and this family goes to church with my office mate. My heart is broken for her family, her mom in particular, who seems so strong and together when she is interviewed. I heard they found the phone and it appeared to have been thrown from the car which is a terrible sign, I am keeping a good thought for her...

  28. I live in the Bay Area, and the whole story is weird. How is the older sister living with the father if he is a predator? The story gets weirder.

  29. Looking at her Twitter account; what an inane legacy to leave behind. Makes me think about the stupid shit I've posted on the Internet.

  30. and of couse people like that man keep getting put back in society
