Friday, March 23, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Milla Jovovich has not been in the photos a long time. I have missed her.
Nicole Richie looks way better than the last time a few years ago when she was spotted in a bikini. You have your Michael Lohan and Verne Troyer nightmares, that one of Nicole gives me some.
The look of joy on Prince Charles' face makes up for his lack of basketball skill on the court.
The strangest combination. Mike Tyson and Rosie O'Donnell.
Scarlett J in Paris. What happened to that guy she was dating for like two seconds? She always goes on vacation with guys and then they split. Snores?
Did you know Sarah Jessica Parker and Vanessa Paradis were besties?
Ashley Tisdale would like us all to hate ourselves as she Tweeted this photo of herself on the beach. Maybe next year I will go to the beach. Meh. Maybe 2015 would be a better option.
Tyra Banks shows off her world class acting skills.
Vanessa Lachey shows off her baby bump.


  1. Ashley looks ridiculous. Pull your bottoms over your ass and stop acting like one.

  2. I wonder if Tyra is gonna give them signed pictures of herself to them on their sixteenth birthdays like she did with Miley.

  3. Agreed Beth. What's the point of them? What are they covering? At least her butt is cute. I will give her that.

  4. So Mike Tyson is the biggest star Rosie could lure to her party?

  5. Cute butt but looks like a killer wedgie. I wouldn't tweet my wedgies...

    In other news, Milla Jovovich is AWESOME and I want to be her for a day.

  6. I can only imagine you guys on a beach here in Brazil if you think Ashley's bottom is too small LOL

    And I'm glad Nicole is not so stick thin anymore.

  7. I really hope that's a tattoo on Nicole and not hair peeking out of her bikini bottoms. Looks a tad unfortunate in that respect, but otherwise she looks great!

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Milla, what are you wearing? You are the most beautiful woman in the world and awesome in so many ways but that outfit? No. The pinks don't match and the pink shoes with black tights is so off. Although maybe she's doing this to show me she's human. Oh Milla, you're my best make believe friend.

  9. Ok -- what does everyone think about Beyonce's pregnancy? Pillow with prednisone or real deal?

  10. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Meh. Ashley Tisdale bores me. Thin she may be, I don't really find her all that attractive.

  11. If Beyonce actually delivered her baby she continued to eat a 600 or so calorie diet throughout.

    Technically itnwill not hurt the baby (your body gives all your nutrients to the fetus) but how could shenhabe had any energy?

    How long was she secluded after the birth?

  12. Beyonce - not pregnant, used prednisone (or whatever) for fat face plump.

  13. Gee, SJP, why the long face?

  14. *LOL @ Robert* SJP horse jokes never get old!

    I am kind of over Beyonce and her baby. Fake or not...I'm just not all that interested anymore.

  15. Ashley thats a girl, stuck up or not, that puts wood in my pencil....awesome pic of her glorious butt.

  16. @pretty pixels - yeah, it's fine - so long as she doesn't turn around.

    Summer's coming. Still need to lose 15 lbs to tone myself. Maybe I can hire that person Miley used to lose that amount but I don't have $10,000. I guess I'll just have to hit the gym harder than Romy and Michelle two weeks before high school reunion.

  17. I think Tisdale took the photo of her tanline. A bit tongue in cheek and a bit "look how great my butt is!"

  18. Milla Jovovich for the crash and burn blind???

  19. Nicole looks fantastic!

    I think Ashley was showing off her sunburn? But she has a cute tush.

    Milla is beautiful.

  20. I think Ashley was advertising her services to rich middle eastern men.

    Milla can do no wrong ever since her first album.

  21. @Court. . .exactly what I was thinking--is Milla the answer to a recent blind?

  22. @ Court, Momster - maybe, huh? Must research further.

  23. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Ashley is another one of those girls who looks like a horse eating an apple through a wire fence (like both of the Duff girls, that Jonas wife, and SJP). And posing on the beach with a wedgie and the oh-so-casual ukelele or whatever that is? Ugh. So. Fake.

    I can't tolerate Vanessa Lachey. She is singlehandedly ruining Wipeout.

  24. Vanesa looks good, I doubt Nick has any regrets.

  25. it seems Scarlett Johanson is at Paris since 2 weeks:she's looking a home for Bradley Cooper and is working with Melanie Laurent on a movie project

  26. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Jeri, J Simp is, like, eleventy million months pregnant. Vanessa Lemonjello is only a few months along. Hardly a fair comparison.

  27. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I am so glad Nicole is getting more meat on her bones. I think she's one of those women who looks better with some roundness to their face.

  28. I'd kill for a body like Nicole's!!'

  29. I can't believe I'm writing this, but I actually liked Nicole Richie on Chelsea Lately. She across as very genuine and loved her comments about kids dressing themselves.

    Since Nick Lachey and Lemoncello have the same birthday, I wonder what that's like for a kid. I guess you can never forget them.

  30. Tyra is so irritating. Why do people in Hwood give her a pass? She's so delusional...she was never a top model.

  31. @Anita_Mark: Right? Those dark hose and pink shoes and a serious fashion faux pas. And yeah what's with Ashley's wedgie, Looks like she got burned and then hiked them up just a little more but at least her booty looks good. Seriously, if my ass looked that great I'd show off my wedgie too.
    Nicole Richey looks healthy. I am remebering her terribly emaciated time.
    @Texshan: As a true southern girl you must follow the horse 'eating an apple through a picket fence' with "bless her heart". Whatever are you thinking? *lol*

  32. Nicole does look MUCH better.

    She tweeted that photo?? Seriously?

  33. I can only say I am very disappointed that Charles did knock him out with that ball!

  34. @keks, it's the size of her bottoms. It's the fact that she has pulled them up like that.

  35. ...not the size...

  36. Milla looks amazing as usual :P
