Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rihanna & Chris Brown Not Even Pretending Anymore - The Timeline Of The Last Year

For the past year, Chris Brown and Rihanna have been together as much as possible. Actually, before that. Rihanna cheated on Matt Kemp with Chris Brown so they split up. So, however long that has been is how long Rihanna and Chris Brown have been hooking up. It has not been an everyday thing. She has been exclusive with him except for twice. I wonder if he even knows that. Yikes. Maybe I should have kept my mouth closed on that one. Both were quick little flings. One of them was with a producer/performer who would probably be in trouble if it was discovered he was with Rihanna. He convinced her he needed to build up his reputation and the best way to do that was to see as many people as possible so he he has been with 20 over the past year give or take five. I don't have exact numbers.His current "girlfriend." He forgot to tell her about the plan. He likes her and she is convinced she can keep him but he is seeing Rihanna more frequently as there has been virtually no backlash. If he needs to hit something I guess he will get into a ring or hire someone who is willing to be hit. At this point, the couple Tweet back and forth and are just numbing the world to their return as a couple. I hope Rihanna has really good insurance.


  1. I have 2 friends that are still with their abusive spouses. A state of mind manipulation I cannot understand, these partners both have the abused ones under their thumbs. Beyond sad...

  2. The way he worded it is confusing, the producer the oen who has been with over 20 in the past yr or Chris?
    First time posting, but have been lurking for a while.

  3. She may be hitting that, but he'll hit back!

  4. She could have anyone she wants and yet she chooses this self-aggrandizing jackass who thinks nothing of hitting women and brags about getting away with it afterwards?? I don't get it and I don't know whether she should be considered similar to other women who are victims of abuse. Those other women often lack support or options to escape whereas she went back willingly. The worst is these two idiots are in the public eye and with their actions, they are sending a message to their fans that abusing a woman is okay.

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    "He convinced her he needed to build up his reputation and the best way to do that was to see as many people as possible so he he has been with 20 over the past year give or take five."

    Who's "he" in this sentence? It reads like the producer but it's Chris Brown, correct?

    Sigh, this whole thing sucks.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It also seems like there might have been a blind reveal here? A little while ago Enty posted a blind about a celebrity that would hire male hookers in foreign countries and beat the crap out of them... or something along those lines anyway. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into things.
    This is still way beyond sad; however it is her choice. I just hope he doesn't kill her.

  8. Belle Mar - I thought that was a little reveal there too! Also, why does he have to build his reputation by dating as many women as possible? Is he closeted and mad that he can't come out? Is that why he hits?

  9. I believe in second chances...if the person has a soul. I don't think he does.

    @Belle - yeah, I think that blind is about him. I doubt it's an exagerated one either.

  10. Producer/Performer is either Timberlake or Jay Z, yes?

  11. To me its apparent that domestic violence is a crazy thing. Yes rhi has all of the money and beauty and maybe support but thats not all a woman needs to get out of an abusive relationship! She is just like any other woman that i have known or had as a client. No matter what they have to want to leave and stay away.

  12. Belle the answer to your blind is Usher. Rihanna can't be called an idiot since victims of domestic abuse come to their relationships with the idea that a beating shows love. It is all about power and control and it will take her years to get out of this. A victim will leave an average of 7 times before it is over. He is the idiot because only an IDIOT would beat up a woman. Thank God she isnt my daughter because I dont know if i could stand by as her parent and watch this happen and do nothing.

  13. Also i have been posting here for a short while. Totally forgot to say hello to everyone. Im still new!

  14. I new here and know I’m probably going to be slated or attack for saying this.

    But has anyone ever wondered maybe they’re both messed up and both have issues and are BOTH abusive to EACHOTHER?

    i just want to throw that out there because i really do think that there’s something like that going on with her and him and she feels "safe" with him because they obviously have some twisted thing going on.

    She never came out really outing his domestic violence towards her did she. if that was me and my relationship was really that abusive i and knowing i had so many young women looking up to me i would be out their saying this isn’t right and calling him out and getting counselling.. she doesn’t look like she’s doing any of that.

    Just my personal opinion.

  15. Chris, the eyes of the world are upon you and you have to man up and be accountable. I am not interested in shifting blame to Rihanna for getting back with him; anybody who knows jack squat about DV knows that people do that all the time. I am interested in whether Chris Brown will make himself accountable to her and her fans.

  16. Look at that ugly mug! How could anyone find that "man" attractive?

  17. Ugh - I hate this.

  18. Well, when he beats you again, don't whine about people not being sympathetic.

  19. @Jo - yeah, we have wondered that. Long story short, he's a douchbag and we don't like him. It isn't just because he beat her up, it's because he is a douchbag 24/7. To clerks in retail, to women on the street, to random everyone. Douchtastic is his name, douchey behavior is his business.

  20. They deserve each other. Seems she likes tasting her own blood.

  21. Hi all you newbies!
    I'm tired of the drama with these two before they even become an official couple again! They both have serious issues, he can't quit hitting, and she can't leave the hitting. it's a train wreck in the making.
    OT because I forgot it yesterday, my biggest 15 minutes of fame came courtesy of a friend. Dick Ogden and I grew up together, he joined the Marines and went to Viet Nam. When he got back he went to work in Hollywood. He wrote a book titled "Red Knight, Green Mourning" about Nam. The book dedcation was in part to me because I introduced him to books and the love of reading. In the first chapters he chronicles our meeting and my widowhood later on. As long as the book exists I guess I'm still out there.

  22. I got married to my high school sweetheart at 21 we were young and dumb, I mean we were idiots.

    We had some domestic violence going on..twice was really bad the last time was horrible.

    It was 1994 we split up for almost a year after that.

    We got back together because we had small children and didn't want to share holidays.

    Fast forward to 2012 and he has never touched me since. As a matter of fact I am in charge in our marriage.

    Just saying people make mistakes and they can learn and change.

    Chris is pretty dumb but he may just need time to mature.

  23. Rihanna never fell out of love with him. The record label forced them to break up. Knowing that she couldn't be with him made her want him even more. Once they're together again she'll realize that he's no prize and move on.

  24. @nettalovesrobin - That is what troubles me about this, that we're willing to accept this relationship because she is like any other victim. I think it is a disservice to group her with those other women who are truly vulnerable. She is a lot more fortunate than most women who are in an abusive relationship. She had powerful people come out in support of her and publicly condemn the actions of her boyfriend. She has access to therapy and resources to keep him away. She also has the added factor of being a public figure (whether she wants to or not) and a lot of young girls looking up to her. So yes, I agree she has to want to get away like those other victims, but due to her fame and resources, it makes it a slightly different situation than other vulnerable women.

    Sorry if none of that made sense, I'm not sure I'm articulating my thoughts that well. It's been a long week of sleep deprivation. Also part of my aggravation at this topic of abusive/dysfunctional relationships may be from following the Tori Stafford trial that is happening in Ontario right now and that stuff is beyond disturbing.

    1. I do understand ur point thea but i do work with these women alot. And i have often wondered the same about them. I have a client now who is beautiful has money and is very talented yet she stayed with someone for ten years until he OD. He was an abusive bastard and even after breaking a few bones on her she never gave him up until his death and she still was nothing but positive about him. Rhi comes from an abusive home and its not a surprise that she is doing this at least to me it isnt.

  25. I'm not sure what to believe. Some people say he's a closeted gay man, Enty's been saying that he's seeing R. since they split.

    I do believe the guy's an absolute jerk, regardless.

  26. @Del - that is seriously cool!

  27. @Worstcompany, that's interesting. As much of an asshole as he is, I do wonder whether it's possible for people to reform. Or rather, I DO think it's possible to reform, but only if you're really sorry and *want* to change. Doubt that he is or does.

  28. This will probably end in murder/suicide.

  29. No sympathy. It's like she's the burning building and walks right in through the front door.

  30. Look, all I am saying is that we did not see any pics of him from that night. She's an angry, agressive woman who is known for having a nastier temper than him. I have no doubt she started the fight that he finished. It is what it is, I don't believe he's abusive, he just didn't handle that night correctly. We have heard of him reacting to public sentiment, but not agressively hurting other, so I don't believe its in his character. The performer of the fling is Drake, who has gone through women like water in the middle of a drought. Enty then switched back to CB whose current girl doesn't realize they never really stopped seeing each other. Rihrih probably feels guilty for letting him take the brunt.

  31. @BigMama, it was cool, but a surprise. He visited family in Seattle and came to visit me and "tell me something important". Turns out that he had put me, with my real name and my daughter in his book.
    I think he's still in Hollywood,he had a long time affair with a woman married to a very powerful man she wouldn't leave.

  32. Sorry Erica (and Jo), whether you want to accept it or not, the pictures prove he has been abusive. Whether he still is I don't know - personally I suspect he is, given his recent behaviour but that is suspicion only.
    Whether Rhianna is also abusive, I also don't know because there is no evidence - I am not saying she isn't, just saying that it is currently unproven. Perhaps Erica, rather than saying something is "known" providing a specific situation(s) that has been verified or where you can cite proof, would be more convincing.
    Jo, you will find that most people here are not going to attack you for expressing a different opinion - trust you don't view my response as an attack. Hope you enjoy CDAN

  33. @ericaomega - I think you may be in denial about the kind of person Chris Brown is. I think saying "he didn't handle that night correctly" is quite possibly one of the biggest understatements I've ever heard, he beat the hell out of her and those pictures were leaked for all to see. How much photographic evidence do you require? He's never shown any sincere remorse at his actions, in fact he's reacted angrily and has behaved as though he was the victim because of the criticism he received over his behaviour. He needs to get help but until he realises that, I cannot see his behaviour changing. One thing is for sure; this situation between him and Rihanna will not end well.

  34. Wow, some people have really swallowed the Chris Brown kool-aid. Read the police report, and you'll see that he was 100% to blame. This was not a fight between two people - he got mad and beat her up, plain and simple.

  35. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Much like an addict, an abused spouse or partner will only leave when they're ready to make a change in their life. Some never get to that point and spend an entire lifetime being verbally and physically abused until the very end.

  36. Producer/performer - truth to the J. Cole rumors? Drake has written for other people but does not produce, so it is not likely him (though if I had to guess the other fling Rihanna had, I would probably guess Drizzy).

    I have nothing to say to Rihanna/Chris, just thinking about her exhausts me these days so I try not to. She's as screwed up in the head as Hayden, maybe even more so b/c at least Hayden is cognizant enough to try to hide her issues and Rihanna seems hellbent on flaunting hers. It's depressing.

  37. Not to be mean but im tired of talking about rhi and cb. I really dont care anymore. They r their families responsibility now. People defend or hate them like they r friends or they know them.

  38. parissucksliterally said...
    This will probably end in murder/suicide.

    Meh, I can live with that.

  39. I agree Alien RiRi is an idiot. She has resources to get the help she needs. By going back with this abusive a-hole, she is sending out a HORRIBLE message to young women. Yes, she is an idiot.

  40. They are both IDIOTS. In my opinion I think they are addicted to one another. This won't end well.Especially, if they are putting 3rd parties in the mix and that other person is angry and volatile too.

  41. so none of you believe in our rehabilitation system? god forbid if any of you are ever arrested. i SINCERELY hope none of you commenters call yourselves Christians. people change, no one knows what really happened in their relationship, and i don't think its unreasonable to wonder if they can get back together without him putting his hands on her again. its been three years, for christs sake. stop targeting the man.

  42. Rehabilitation? Chris Brown has been a class A jerk (see his tweets)since his arrest! I don't think Chris Brown WANTS to change, and why should he with so many enablers excusing his horrific behavior.
