Friday, March 23, 2012

Teen Invites Porn Star To Prom - School Says No

I remember back in the day Howard Stern set up some high school kid with a porn star for his prom and the couple actually went out more than once. I think it was Houston who was the porn star, but my memory is a little shaky. Anyway, I don't think this teen from Minnesota remembers that, but he took to his Twitter, much like Marines did for Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. The teen asked 600 porn stars to his prom saying he would pay for everything and give them a massage. One said yes. You know, for an 18 year old kid in the midwest, getting one out of 600 to say yes is not bad at all. Actually, there were two who said yes, but one of them the kid would have to pay for travel expenses. Can you imagine if the Marines had to pay for Justin and Mila. Please. Still though, the one who wanted travel paid is Melanie Piper and that is who the teen chose. School officials found about the whole thing though and said she could not come. That it would be disruptive. Can they really decide who people bring as their dates? That seems arbitrary.


  1. can't blame a guy for trying.

  2. I feel like my school checked out-of-school prom dates but I can't be sure. I think we had to give names and what school/university they were attending.

  3. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I don't know why it shocks me that a teenager would even know the names of 600 (presumably female) porn stars. I'm even a little surprised that there are that many.

  4. I am sure this will all have a happy ending

    1. Hahaha!!! Great laugh to start my day!

  5. Enty is sort of right, Howard didn't set it up exactly. A teen called Howard Stern and asked if he could help him get Houston to go to the prom with him. Howard didn't set it up as a bit. He was just helping the kid out.

    Houston went and she ended up dating the guy for awhile. To be fair he was 18 and looked way older for his age.

    I get both sides, it takes away attention from the other teens at the prom since all eyes will be on her. But if they let same sex couples go you should let a guy take a porn star. Seems fair to me.

  6. ooooo, timebob, someone's going to be all over you for this comment "But if they let same sex couples go you should let a guy take a porn star."

    In 3... 2.... 1...

  7. LOL @seachica. Comment of the week, in my book.

  8. This is happening in MN, where I'm from. Apparently, the school has to approve of any dates to prom that are not from the school. While I wouldn't call it a school in the heart of our more troubled areas, they do try to be cautious about bringing in folks they don't have experience with.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In my kids' school (Long Island), no one can bring a date 21 or over, for starters. Every attendee's parents, even those from out of district, have to attend a meeting about what is and is not allowed at prom.

    That said, I'm not sure what the administrators would do if the porn star was the right age AND got his/her parents to attend the meeting. I'd like to watch the show though. Heh.

  11. @hunter...naw. Timebob's entitled to his opinion. I'm also entitled to mine. It's a bit ignorant on his part, but what can you do. He's most likely a product from the area/environment he comes from. You can't fault him for that. I completely disagree with him, but he's entitled.

  12. I remember that whole Houston thing, it was late 90's, I was in college, the golden age of Stern in my opinion. I think it's BS the school is saying no. It's not like he's bringing Taylor Swift - that'd be disruptive. As long as the person isn't a criminal or otherwise a threat, what's the harm? What if this was his actual girlfriend? Gosh, hasn't the school board even seen The Girl Next Door? :)

  13. Ya timebob, you can't get away with that. How are they even remotely related?? Oy. And here I thought you were a loving, modern bomb...

    LOL @ hunter. You know us so well. ;)

  14. @Syko- exactly, how does he know the names 600 porn stars???
    I only know Jenna Jameson and Traci Lords.

    1. Because you're not an 18 yr old boy!!!

  15. In a related story, 75 fellow male high school seniors in Minnesota have cancelled their pre-ordered copies of Melanie Piper's Professional Prom Portrait from Proms R Us.......

  16. jesus i'm not trying to be sexist or homophobic. I am saying fair is fair. And if you took a minute to think about it instead of getting off trying to backhand insult me you would see the point.

    Everybody should bring who they want is the point.

    So where do you draw the line on who a person can take to their prom.

  17. How did he find 600 porn stars on Twitter? I'm guessing googling for "porn stars on Twitter". :)

    I'm not really sure where I stand on all this. Bringing a porn star to prom is a bit seedy. However, I'm not really in favor of the school banning whoever they choose for whatever reason they want.

  18. @timebob - I didn't find your remarks offensive, I just think it was perhaps an apples to oranges comparison (for the record I don't thin there's anything wrong with same couples at prom either). LIke I said, if the kid was bringing a Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez, where the "disruptive" reason would fly much more, would the school say no, she can't come? I'd have to bet they'd be welcomed with open arms. They just don't want a porn actress at the school. Plain and simple.

  19. A lot of high schools have a limit that dates from outside of the school need to be under 21 and have photo ID to prove it. So it's not unique that a school would veto a date.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thank you spacecowboy, I see your point and I can see how my muddeled point could be taken in the wrong light. So sorry if anyone thought I was being on the negative. Becuase I wasn't.

    it is no different when Sasha Grey read children's story at a school. She hasn't done porn in years and is more mainstream but parents freak out becuase of sex.

    I think parents should be more freaked out that kids are bringing in guns to school and murdering each other.

  22. To my prom I brought my boyfriend but the kicker was that he'd been kicked out of our school the previous year, I had to BEG my principal to let him come and promise to be responsible for him and he wouldn't be disruptive and bla blah blah... He was eventually allowed, I think because another of our friends brought his (my boyfriend's, not his own) older sister as his date. But they most definitely vetted all our dates, I don't think in the end anyone's was rejected, but I got quite the grilling about it.

  23. I don't believe they can decide who a student brings, that's ridiculous. What do they think the porn star is going to do, give blowjobs under the tables? It's a freakin' dance.

    Also, I don't take offense to Timebob's comment. I know what she meant.

  24. I don't mean to sound like I'm 90, but WHERE are this kid's parents?

  25. Many schools in Minnesota (I live here) require any person attending a prom who is not from that particular school to have a background check and definitely require approval from the school. With statutory rape laws being what they are, a 19-year-old going to prom with a 17-year-old could be potentially disastrous. It's all done in the name of safety for all involved and this case probably has nothing to do with the fact that she's a porn star.

  26. Um...where are his parents in this?

    Never mind...his dad prolly helped him assemble the list of porn stars. And reviewed their greatest hits with him.

  27. Enty got her name wrong. It's Megan not Melanie.

    And she agreed to go because she missed her own prom. Mean Minnesota! She just wanted to be a girl in a pretty dress. (See article in daily mail. Blogger won't let me paste in from my phone, sorry)

  28. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Let the kid take the porn star to prom.

    This one girl took the guy that beat her and threatened to kill her and all the black people in school. The school still let her take him.

  29. I don't know. I understand how it could be distracting, but I also think our society is a bit backwards as far as shunning sex workers. They're human beings first and foremost and since paid-for porn and sex has been around since the beginning of civilization, it is hypocritical to treat this and the people involved as an anomaly, nd to "shun" them, so to speak.

    That being said, the principal does have the right to make some ground rules. She is a bit older than him and that alone might be bending some laws.

  30. Ha ha @timebob - love your comment about the guns, you're totally right.

    And I didn't think you meant that other comment to come out like that, I know what you were trying to say.

    I don't really have an opinion on whether or not this should be allowed. The porn star he got to say yes isn't even all that pretty or well known so *meh* *shrug*

  31. Agree with PammieC - where are this kid's parents?

  32. I agree about the guns too. Seriously parents freak out over breastfeeding but seeing people blown up on TV or scary monsters on the sides of busses is okay?

    I spent 10 minutes trying to drive away from a bus with a huge pic of some monster from a recent movie and then explain why it would not come to the house! Naked does not give you nightmares!

    Our society us so misguided sometimes!!

  33. I used to live in Woodbury .. next door to Oakdale .. AKA "The little town that 3M built." Seems all the Scotchguard that has leaked into the groundwater over there killed their sense of humor! [God knows when I found out it was in my well .. it killed my sense of humor, too .. but I moved and got it back.]

    But seriously .. until today when I looked and saw I was incorrect .. I figured from all the tight assed jerks I have ever met that went to Tartan .. it was a Catholic school. Turns out it's not. But .. still Oakdale is populated with uptight 3M twits who think fun is inventing post-its for marking their bibles. What did this poor kid expect?

    Now the thing that I have been pondering since reading this in the Star Trib yesterday is this .. this porn prom gal sets a bad example and would be disruptive .. but how many pregnant prom dates will there be?? Given the inability of most teenagers in this area to grasp birth control .. I will say at least 3. I think that sets a far more egregious tone than this porn gal .. but I have an issue with teenaged parents. [See my rant about Ryan Phillipe and things more serious than babies that come from unprotected sex for more insight.]

  34. @Mary .."With statutory rape laws being what they are, a 19-year-old going to prom with a 17-year-old could be potentially disastrous." The age of consent in MN is 16. Also, Stat Rape law in MN is a victim 13 or younger and a "actor" of 36 months or older than the victim .. so .. nope. Stat rape not even remotely a deal here. They are just being tight assed jerks.

  35. Wil, I was just going to say the same thing. I'm sure things are stricter now, but when I went to prom at my Minneapolis high school, you could've brought a drag queen as a date and no one would've made a fuss. Hell, a porn star wouldn't have been any worse than my classmate who literally showed off half of her ass, her dress was so short.
