Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ashley Judd Says We Are All Misogynistic

Ashley Judd used her word a day calendar and wrote an article for The Daily Beast about how we are all pigs because we all speculated on her puffy face and whether she had work done. Here is the thing Ashley. Not many people actually like you. We have all read the articles about you and find you to be boorish and mean. I have never seen you once joke about yourself or take things lightly. So what if people thought your puffiness was you getting some botox or something. Who cares? It is certainly not worth your multiple thousand word rant about how we are all sexist and would never say the same thing about a man. Umm, yeah we would.

She says that we are talking bad about women's bodies if they are puffy. It is not about the body, it is about the face and the possible plastic surgery. I started to read this article about ten times and each time I got a little further but her air of self importance and her turning this into some kind of platform of aggravation to which only she seems to be a participant is annoying.

Here is the thing. She goes on and on and on and on when she could have just said the following:

"I was upset the tabloids got my puffy face story wrong. I was on steroids for a month and it caused the puffiness. I have never used anything and never will and the reason I look different than I did 14 years ago is because I'm older."

That is all she needed to say. Instead we get this think piece and her patting herself on the back because she has flawless skin. Yes, she said she has flawless skin. I really don't know how she can stand to be with herself. I certainly know why her mom and her sister don't hang out with her.


  1. She is one piece of work fo sho.

  2. hee! she's totally the nashville goop.

  3. What is her husband thinking?

  4. Amen Enty! Flawless indeed. Lets continue the Conversation.

  5. I agree w/you on most of what you said, Enty. We share the same opinion of AJ and I also kept getting bored.

    I had to look up "promulgated".

    She had some good points but I've never wanted to stop reading something as bad as just now...

  6. Jason Patrick can't stand her.
    I met her Mom once and fell in love with her. We chatted for a very long time. The next week, she sent me an autographed book, and a prayer card that she has signed. I have it here with me now years later. She is very honest about her mistakes as a young Mom. I flat out adore her.
    As a matter of fact, I have really enjoyed everyone I met whose from Tennessee. I use recipe's I got from Loretta Flynn's cookbook (20 stapled pages) from her diner. Ahem restaurant. I always wanted to see the Mandrell Sisters perform at Pigeon Hole. Who doesn't want to go to Dollywood?

  7. Jason Patrick can't stand her.
    I met her Mom once and fell in love with her. We chatted for a very long time. The next week, she sent me an autographed book, and a prayer card that she has signed. I have it here with me now years later. She is very honest about her mistakes as a young Mom. I flat out adore her.

  8. Jason Patrick can't stand her.
    I met her Mom once and fell in love with her. We chatted for a very long time. The next week, she sent me an autographed book, and a prayer card that she has signed. I have it here with me now years later. She is very honest about her mistakes as a young Mom. I flat out adore her.

  9. what a twit, I used to wonder why she wasn't a bigger name in Hollywood. She is/was beautiful, talented and well spoken. It is apparent that she is also a first class pain in the ass. It's like I tell my daughter. It isn't enough to BE pretty on the outside. If you aren't pretty on the inside and treat others well, than forget it. Beauty fades, kind hearts don't. Class is a whole other story, she doesn't appear to have any of that either.

  10. You avatar pic is scaring me, EmEyeKay... eeek!

  11. I actually really appreciated the article. We all talk about how we wish society & hollywood would stop basing everything on a woman's look. She wrote about it and now she's borish and mean. Whatever people. I thought the piece was well-written actually.

  12. @Salsa Lover - it's not the article that makes her boorish & mean, it's 30+ years of crappy behavior.

    People don't like her because she's proven herself to be a total asshat, not because of the article (that's just icing on the cake).

  13. They say she's been on fertility drugs for several years trying to have a baby and that would do it.....if she doesn't want to come out and say this I understand , but sometimes you just need to let something go....

  14. @Salsa Lover - she has exploited her looks more than anyone else has. She is a hypocrite and a mean-spirited human being to boot. That is why people are talking about her.

    I was a HUGE fan of the Judds in the 80s. Now I want to go listen to some country music.

  15. I KNEW she had presnisone face and I called it on another pic of her :))

    I don't know anything about Ashley Judd, I thought I read that she's battled severe deppression. If it's true that she is a very mean person, that's what prednisone does to you. You turn into a monster with no control and you say and do horrible things to people. I told my doctor I'd only take it again if I was about dying and there was no other option.

    Fun Fact: Prednisone also has the potential to cause a fun bone destroying disease called avascular necrosis that when years go by without the same dopey dr not diagnosing it, this 33 year old now needs a hip replacement.

    Presnisone turns you into the Hulk minus the "Incredible". If she has a long term disease I'd have to disregard any of her meanness and blame the medicine. Ok that's IF she apologizes for things she's done.....

  16. From what I read in her book, her mother was not very caring when she was a child. She was a flake job who often left her alone at age 13 for DAYS at a time, while she was off being a music groupie trying to get her big break.
    Everyone talks about how awful she is, but I have never read a specific instAnce. I'm not saying she isnt jerky, just never read any actual incidents.
    Using huge words to make a point defeats the purpose of communicating one's idea. Keep it simple.

  17. She's an academic (PhD, I think?). They use 5000 words to say what the rest of us get across in 50. It's exhausting, even if I agree with most of her sentiment.

  18. Didn't she claim she was on prednisone for a bad cold?

    Prednisone is awful. I was on it for years, but I would not be surprised if she's using it as a cover, perhaps for fertility drugs.

  19. Frufra she has a BA. I believe she dropped out of college and returned to complete her degree later. She's definitely not a PhD.

  20. Has anyone read the article about her from the guy from the UN? I was looking for a link for it, but he basically said she was a stuck-up b*tch. She was very demanding when they were in countries that could not accomadate her.

    As for her article, it reads like a college sophomore with a thesaurus! I get papers like that from my female students weekly. Usually they are Women's Studies majors. Judd's writing is stilted and pandering.

    Bell Hooks has written much better articles about this topic. Ashley might want to read her if she was to go on about female bashing. I don't think Judd will be able to grasp Hooks ideas, but at least it will be a start.

    If Judd is reading this, "Ashley, you are in the entertainment business of course we are going to judge you on your looks. If you want to be judged by your intelligence, find another occupation."

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Beth - meet me in the middle - I looked it up, she has a MPA (from Harvard - la tee da!). So we're both half way correct :-).

  23. And Henriette - your last line is all that needs to be said on the topic.

  24. No, sweetheart. You're a bitch and people are making fun of your Stay Puft marshmallow face.

  25. Speaking of academia and Judd, she has a BA in French from University of Kentucky and went through a special program at Harvard. The program is a bit like a Masters, but not as difficult.

  26. And here I just thought it was booze bloat like big sis Wynonna.

  27. Here is something for conversation. Below is what Himmmm said on another post about Ashley Judd on CDAN (4/4/11):

    Himmmm said...
    Okay, here we go:
    I am totally sad for all those who endured such tragedy in their lives. There is no excuse and NONE OF YOU ARE TO BLAME! It hurts my heart for you - and if it matters? I'd paint the ceiling with the brains of any person who did that to ANY OF YOU! So FUCK THEM!

    I know Ashley "Judd" very well. I also know Dario very well. As in I helped get him a ride in NASCAR (regretablly). (So I likely just outed myself if they read this). I have known her since 1992 actually. I have no love for her now because I found out first hand what an unhinged lunatic she is. Literally. My name was even in the news and Variety for getting caught in a hot tub with her (and another) at the BevHills Hotel very late one night. Nude. Good times back then!

    Here's the rub - Ashley has always invented stories of traumas to get attention. Worse than Sharon Stone. If a new disease is discovered? Ashley had it 10 years ago. A war breaks out? She could stop it. God shits on Cleveland? Ashley can call him.

    Imagine a Scientologist with attention issues, Munchausen's Complex, and a bully pulpit.

    I know her dad was a dick. I know her life was tough before she was 10. I know she dropped acid, smoked dope, and got laid before sweet 16. She was a total tramp at Kentucky. But she's infertile NOT from rape - but HPV and VD (and 5 abortions!!!).

    Nobody in the past 30 years has EVER heard this story. None. She said she screwed around and was wild to get attention since her mom was always gone with her sis. She did it to get noticed...NOT to rebel against rape! Wouldn't ANYONE think that with her money, platform, and celebrity - she would prosecute, punish, or at least embarass the prick responsible??
    What pisses me off is that it shits on REAL VICTIMS of such injustice. I was fondled and touched (and taught to touch a girl) by my female babysitter when I was 11yo. She was only 17 herself - beautiful, and I loved it. She was the daughter of a pop-rock icon. She herself became a gorgeous pop singer in a girl-group. I don't hate her - I THANKED HER. She taught me how to please a female. How to trust, satisfy, and LISTEN to a woman! A good teacher, NOT an abuser. I was the luckiest kid in Jr. High!
    Maybe I'm a cad? But at least I'm not going around selling books by lying to get noticed and sympathy!
    FUCK Ashley Tyler Citronella-Candle and her gaping VD infested holes. The rest of you? You are my heroes for staying strong!
    Sorry - rant over.

  28. Isn't that the same kind of "degree" Tyra Banks got at Harvard. The two week semesters just listening to smart people talk for 100k and you get an instant degree.

    I loved Ashley back in the day she made a great little independant movie called Ruby in Paradise. After that she got into the formula blockbuster movies and I was over her.

    She can be quite pretentious at times.

  29. @selena, she scares me too, I think that's why I like her so much. Don't worry, it won't last long :)

  30. This bitch!

    Here is a woman who has done nothing but get by on her looks and family name. Let's face it, her acting skills certainly weren't what's kept her relevant. She has used it for sleeping around with countless men in Hollywood. And now when she looks completely different, I mean she is on the level of Rose McGowen and Lara Flynn Boyle, she has the nerve to say it's sexist to ask why she looks so different? Fuck her.

  31. I just want to say that I equally judge the appearance of both men and women. The reason a lot of people judged her puffy face was because it was obviously puffy - not because she was a woman. Have Enty post a picture of a well-known male with a noticeable change in features and watch the teasing, snarkiness, and judement commence.

  32. It's not like we don't talk about Mickey Rourkes f'd up face or Kenny Rogers or Carrot Top or Bruce Jenner or...

  33. Beautiful woman but annoying as hell.

    You don't come across as smart by using BIG words!


  34. I appreciated her article. Her statements are true whether or not you like her personally. Women are judged more on their looks than men, and women do it to themselves, and that is troubling.

  35. Whatever your feelings are about her, I thought this was a good article and needed to be said. Good to see something like this from time to time.

  36. Didn't Himmmm say he wasn't the only one who wrote under that moniker? He mentioned having 3 other people. A fellow actor, a rock musician and another person also using it.

    Anyway...I think what Himmmm wrote about Ashley was a little TMI. Yes I think she's batsh-t crazy and a horrible person as a result, but she did have a horrible upbringing and for anyone to think that wouldn't affect someone is wrong. Of course she's messed up, coupled with the hollywood lifestyle.

    Anyway...I still can't stand her anymore and find she's a bloat face. I have no clue how her husband puts up with her. I can't imagine their marriage will last forever.

  37. HAHAHAHA! @Henriette..."Usually they are Womens Studies majors." I can't stop laughing.

    Ashley's article is f'ing pretentious I can't stand it. Please. Just because you can use big words doesn't mean you're a good writer.

  38. @Ms Cool

    Wasn't Ashley caught in a hot tub with Matthew McConaughey?

    Wasn't Ashley Judd the reason Matt and Sandra Bullock never fully committed to each other? I could be way wrong on the timing on that but I remember something about this when A Time To Kill was made.

  39. Enty's blog on this seems a little defensive. I agree that he comments on the looks of men as well, but why is it that because the words come from Ashley that the message is discarded? I agree with the message.

  40. I didn't read the article, but did she mention the fact that Bono is one of her "closest, dearest friends?" She usually can't get through an interview without mentioning it at least once.

  41. I agree with part of what she is saying, but it doesn't change the fact that she is an insufferable BITCH.

  42. No love for Judd. None. If she didn't look like LL 2.0 herself, I'm sure she'd be pleased as a rotten peach to pick HER apart..that is only if anyone would actually consider asking her opinion on anything.

    @Vicki - I could see your side-eye from here, lmao.
    @Em - I love your pic. The facial expression, the look...everything about that photo does it for me. Just my $0.02, y'all!

  43. I read the whole article yesterday and agree with her.

  44. Narcissistic (sp?) bitch! Anyone else remember when both Ashley & Naomi were on Oprah & they dissed Wynona for her weight problem. Well guess what you two evil jealous bitches.....WYNONA has all the talent.

    Go away Ms. Puffy Face!

  45. P.S.
    Maybe Ashley's just meeting her genetic destiny in that she's now looking just like puffy-faced Mamma Judd.
    Really now, stop and think about it, eventually we all become our parents....and Gawd knows Naomi has developed a major puffy-face.

    What's worse:
    Seinfeld's puffy-shirt or Ashley's puffy-face?

  46. P.S.S.

    Does Ashley realize she got her fist acting job BECAUSE of her face?! If she'd looked like the brilliant comedienne Rachel Dratch, she'd still be waiting for her first break!

  47. Henriette - Your women's studies comment has me LMAO. So funny.

    Ms. Cool - Thanks for reposting that Himmmm post on AJ. I remember thinking it was way TMI when I first read it.

  48. going back to trying to figure out for sure who Himmmmmm is; how about Rob Lowe?

  49. crila16, what Himmm said isn't TMI in its original context - people were talking about abusive situations they'd experienced.

  50. If anyone here has a subscription to Variety, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out who Himmmm is. Just check the archives.

  51. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Ashley Judd is a pretentious, egomaniacal, smug bitch, and always has been. If you want to both have some laughs and master the art of eye-rolling, read her Twitter feed. It's unbelievable in its completely clueless New Age-y self-aggrandizement.

    Remember, people, this is a woman who actually got her mutt registered as a therapy dog so she could take him with her everywhere. She claims she has panic and anxiety attacks and he keeps her calm. (This was made fun of in last night's Two Broke Girls, BTW.)

  52. I read this article and posted it on a thread here yesterday - and despite what the author's personal quirks or personality may or may not be, she makes some really great points, I think.
    It's pretty sick how we tend to break women down by body part and reduce them to just their bodies/looks - it does have its roots in sexism/misogyny, and is just a disappointing aspect of our (and many other) culture(s).
    I'm totally guilty of this myself - both directed at other women AND myself. I just think it's sad. It's sad that such beautiful people can't see their own beauty, and think they need any kind of surgical/injectible help to look acceptable. All the faces are starting to morph into the same face.

  53. @Dixie - thank you ma'am! Now if I could just get Maja to comment right next to me, we'd have a lovely juxtaposition.

    @Scandalous... - picture MM, shirtless and stoned, in front of his laptop, typing furiously. Hah!

  54. I tried looking up the whole hot tub incident with ashlee judd but it only mentions matthew mcconaughey...that's it.

  55. Ashley and Naomi can jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned. Wynonna seems like a down-to-earth, crazy-in-the-good-way sweetheart and she's welcome to drink shots of Jack with me anytime. (And we'll have a designated driver, of course.)

    (Although Naomi's cookbook is awesome and I highly recommend it. Best potato salad recipe EVER. Just don't read her stupid stories. Or read 'em, and make fun of her later. Whatever.)

    I'm a UK fan and most of us can't stand Ashley. Yes, you went there, but you want to be the celebrity super-fan. We get it. *rolls eyes*

  56. "Imagine a scientologist with Munchhausen by proxy, etc., etc." Oh my goodness. I don't want to imagine that!


  58. @AKM

    I think Wynona is the worst of the 3. She's always seemed like a complete beech to me. I've always chalked it up to being the ugly duckling, while sis and mom get attention (or at least used to) for their looks. Wy isn't good looking, struggles with weight, etc... I still like her music though.

    In college at worked at Target for a minute. One of the managers used to manage a restaurant in Nashville. She was saying which celebs were nice, which weren't. Being an AJ fan, I asked about the Judds (while being scared to hear the answer). She said they were all awful. She said Laurie Morgan was nice.

    I used to love Ashley. Still like her, but all of the stories I read about her have tempered it a bit. She's like Will Smith (whom I like too)...they often work very hard to sound bright...usually to an annoying degree. Just be yourself and stop trying to impress everyone.

  59. Oh, and I agree with AJ about tearing apart women for their looks. But plastic surgery is a different thing altogether. Has she had stuff done? I would bet she has. This puffy face thing pre-dates the past few months (and the steroidal treatment). She looked weird in that stupid "Tooth Fairy" movie a couple years ago (also puffy face). So unless it's something she deals with repeatedly, she's had some kind of Botox/filler.

  60. Prednisone would not keep her face puffy long after use. My daughter is on a monthly 10 dose over 5 days run while she is in leukemia treatment. She had prednisone in higher doses earlier in her treatment for two months staight and her face and belly puffed way up but within 2-3 weeks went back to normal. That being said it does really amp up the moods. Holy crap! She's 12 1/2 and when she has her steroids the same week as her body cycles (which for young girls who have not started periods is a hell all unto itself) it is UGLY. I cannot imagine what this would do to someone who has a bitchy nature to begin with.

    Her face, to me looks like it has been injected. Whatever she wishes to do with her face is her business but these epic chastisements only make me look more closely. 'The lady doth protest too much' was the first thought in my head upon reading it.

  61. So who was printing comments about Ashley's bloat face? Was it CDAN?

    Wouldn't it be delish to know Ashley Judd is a closet CDAN reader??

  62. Wow. These comments are terrible and completely validate everything she wrote in the article. It gets tiresome fast to see women attacking other women - let alone men attacking women.

    But hey, at least you attacked her intelligence and not her body, right?

    You've lost a reader and a Twitter follower here, Enty.

  63. @HalleGoLightly - I actually don't wouldn't say that Wy is not good-looking. She's a little hard looking with the dyed hair and all and her weight struggles are obvious, but she's not ugly. When they were first starting out, she was absolutely adorable IMHO.

    I also have Nashville people -- I'm from Middle Tennessee originally -- and I've heard that Wy is the only nice one of the three. Maybe Wy had a bad day your manager met her. I don't know. I've heard only good things myself.

    And Lorrie Morgan may be nice to restaurant managers, but she's also Nashville's bicycle and I don't think her cheating helped Keith Whitley maintain his sobriety. Yes, I know one can't REALLY blame another for his/her addictions or even a subsequent death, but I still don't think her hurting him like she did helped. So I don't like her. Her music, sure, but not her.

    So...agree to disagree? :-)

  64. While I agree that the flawless skin part was obnoxious... the rest of the piece was extremely valid... and sadly, the comments here are proving it.

    She can be a bitch in real life, and still be right about this point.

  65. This reminds me of tyra banks being all hurt for the tabloids saying she was fat in the one piece bathing suit.

  66. I also did some time living in Nashville, and had a friend who had a standing yearly holiday gig at the Judd's place---and they are NOT nice or KIND.

    And I am over the down-home Southern fake personas, when their real names are Diana and Christina....

  67. Her personality is irrelevant to the topic and does not excuse slander. What is funny is that she has slapped the gossipmongers upside the head with the sexism bat. It's true and it's funny because the gossipmongers are largely women and gay men. The reaction here, and elsewhere, is that slander's okay because she's just such a PRETENTIOUS BITCH.
    Psst: That's not a good comeback.

  68. @ Steph, I hope your daughter will be okay. Hugs to her, and to you!

  69. @clever - it IS extremely tiring seeing women attacking other women, etc. It's also tiring seeing a pot calling the kettle black.

    The validity of her point was lost when it became apparent she only puts on the shoes but skips the walk if you get what I'm saying.

    @Em, that is BRILLIANT. I insist the two of you go on a posting rage, back to back. I could quiet possibly die from the laughter.

  70. I don't buy Ashley's story for one minute, but I'll give her credit for having the NERVE to write that pretentious article where she is quick to state that at 43, her skin is wrinkle free. Look there's no denying Ashley was and still IS very pretty, wrinkles or no wrinkles, but to deny that her face was injected? Come on.

  71. B. Profane - I never understand your Himmmm hints. Can you be more explicit about what you meant with Variety? Thanks!

  72. From my 60 second google search it appears as though Matthew Mcconaughey was caught in a hottub with her, so says variety.

    Are we meant to believe MM is Himmmmm?

    Darn. I was hoping it was grey tooth Scott Weiland.

  73. OK. (raises hand) I will admit to talking with a friend about Mz. Judd's puffy face. It was more a point of the friend going, "Who the hell was that on the commercial?"

    Me:"That was Ashley Judd."

    Friend:"What the hell happened to her face? It's all puffy"

    When you disappear from the public then show up looking vastly different, people will talk. You should be glad for the publicity. Your show sucks.

  74. @Henriette...you made my day! "Usually they are Womens Studies majors." I laughed so hard I almost drowned on my tea. Couldn't agree with you more!

  75. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Amartel, well, since I called her a pretentious bitch, I guess at least part of your post was directed at me. Please note that I wrote NOTHING about her physical appearance. My post was about her personality, which sucks.

    Yes, I have noticed that she looked puffy in recent interviews, but I assumed she had had work done and thought nothing more of it. She's older, works in Hollywood, and is trying to stage a comeback of sorts. I wouldn't bash her for having work done. I WILL bash her, however, for being a pretentious bitch.

    However, I would like to remind Ms. Judd that she is an actress. She is always going to be judged on her looks. If she doesn't like it, then she is free to pursue some other occupation. If you don't want people to comment on your appearance, acting is not the profession to choose.

    By the way, it's not slander if it's true. And there is a multitude of evidence to prove that everything I wrote is, in fact, true.

  76. I used to like her before I started reading gossip.

    I think she does make some valid points, but she could have shortened those thoughts up in a few lines vs. an entire article.

    This is just going to make people hate her more.

  77. Years ago (1999ish) I read that she had moved from her apartment in NY to go back south without actually moving...as in she left but didn't tell her landlord, etc...and also left behind her cats or dogs or both to die. Did anyone else hear that back then? I have not been a fan since, but I don't even know if it's true (as I recall, her reps denied it, not that that means anything).

  78. She makes great points in between the big words. We are mean to women, and we do think they look healthy at a size 0 and fat as a size 4. I sometimes comment on it here.
    That said, shes a pretentious bitch. Everyone had forgotten her puffy face and moved on to Beyonces not post baby belly until she wrote that 2 page diatribe. Being from the back woods, she should also realize that half the population either wont be able to understand her self promoting blather or doesnt have the attention span to get past the first couple of paragraphs. Who exactly was she writing to then?

  79. WUWT, I don't recall AJ doing that but Michael Jackson did and it wasn't pets, it was an entire zoo.

  80. TBH I've watched Missing and the premise is cool, but her face is very distracting. She just doesn't look good, and the gel filters make it obvious the director knows it. Yes that's shallow but I apply the same criteria to male leads. If they look unappealing, I move on.

    I have to wonder who cast her as the lead. I don't think the show is going to make it, which is sad for all the waste of money and effort and the loss of people's jobs.

    i agree her essay looks just like a freshman fem lit paper. Still, coming from an actress I was pretty impressed th the writing. :)

  81. I like the show and hope she was not raped.
    Even if you are older and have power you can still be ashamed and scared in reference to antraumatizing event.

    If i was the president of the worldmor some crap I would not prosecute who hurt me. Regardless it les to a lot of foolish, embarrassing and self destructive behavior in it's aftermath.

    She's puffy but she still looks great.

  82. @timebob
    Yes, it is a Harvard certificate like Tara Banks. It's a sociology/humanitarian version of Tara's. You throw money at Harvard to say you went there.

    I'm judging Judd (I like that!) on the way she wrote her piece, not on the back gossip. I don't think she makes any startling revelations AND her writing is stilted not to mention verbose. See I know big words too!

    For all those who say she has valid points, what rock have all of you been under? Gloria Steinheim has been making these SAME points for nearly fifty years and with better writing! Do you dismiss Steinheim because she is NOT an actress? See the contradiction there? Judd has this platform BECAUSE we look at her!

    If I have to read editoral content from actors, please give me Alec Baldwin! He maybe an egotist, but his writing is much clearer and honest.

    Now we talk about Baldwin's bloat ALL the time! How "attractive" he was when he was younger. Are we male bashers for doing that?

    Let us not forget Mickey Rourke. How many articles have been written about his downward physical spiral from God knows what.

    See there are many examples of male bashing within the entertainment business BECAUSE they ARE in the entertainment business.

  83. Mickey Rourke,Brando was the butt of fat jokes for years,Val Kilmer,from hunk to chunk,Bruce Jenner,MJ's surgery,born a lil' black boy-died an old white woman.nbrad Pitt is 50 and with abs
