Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Intervention

Bobbi Kristina has been doing drugs long before her mother, Whitney Houston died. The fact her mom died because of drugs has not stopped Bobbi Kristina from doing more drugs and booze and things have got so bad that Star Magazine says the family staged an intervention to get her to stop. It failed. I think the problem is going to be that no one was there to ever stop Whitney from doing drugs. There were just not enough people who cared about her who also wanted her to stop and lots of people around her were doing drugs with her. If someone is paying for the drugs you are going to get a whole lot of people around you who are happy to be your friend and why would thy ever tell you to stop. Bobbi has way fewer people than Whitney around her, but even less who want her to stop. Plus, what consequences have there been for Bobbi? She is becoming richer by the second because of her mom's post death record sales. Oh, Bobbi has the brand new role on a television show despite no acting experience. She is becoming more famous and the drugs are probably getting a little better.


  1. Oh my heck, drug hysteria. My first question would be: Why does anyone care about this girl in the first place? She hasn't done anything worth caring about, and she's just another rich kid who does a bunch of drugs because 80 percent of young people with a lot of money are druggies.

    Drug hysteria astonishes me sometimes. I'm not a big fan of drugs, having gone through a bad meth addiction and a bunch of real world problems because of drug use, but it's just a fact that people will do whatever drugs they can afford and fit into their social schedule. "Hang out with rich kids, wake up with a cocaine hangover." If that isn't a proverb yet, it should be.

  2. Sadly, drug use has been the norm her entire life. She probably watched her parents do it from an early age. It's part of a routine, kinda like how we learn to take a shower and brush our teeth. She didn't have parents to set a good example for her and tell her right from wrong. Bless her heart. I hope someone takes her under their wing because what is she holding on to at this point? Her mom is gone and her dad doesn't seem to take an interest in her.

  3. "Lots of people around Whitney that were doing drugs with her..." What does this mean?

  4. People-aka Hollywood and the Music business-need to stop telling this girl that she can be just like her mother-"Oh you can act in a TV show or movie. Just like your Mom. You can sing Just like your Mom. You have talent, Just like your Mom". With all of the "Yes" people around her, she will end up just like her Mom, dead of an overdose.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I can't imagine there's a ton of money coming in to Whitney's estate from post-death record sales. Whitney didn't write anything.

  6. Too busy hooverin' it up to get that wig on straight...

  7. Is she snorting off an iPad? Clever!

  8. Ugh. Just looking at that picture makes me feel guilty. *L*

  9. Cosign with Misch - she's doomed. If Cissy couldn't/wouldn't help Whitney, she's going to be even less influential with Bobbi.

  10. lots of people cared about whitney. So many of them payed whitney's bills and made sure the two houses that she owned at death remained in her position. Whitney did not care about whitney.

  11. Does anyone know if this girl has a high school diploma?

  12. If anyone knows of a way to stop an adult with plenty of money from doing drugs, let the rest of us know.

  13. @Megley - I'd be surprised if she had her HS diploma, sad.

  14. Ultimately u have to want to quit. No one can live life for u cause when u die u die alone!

  15. Not that this particular item is shocking, but since when is Star Magazine a source for anything? Their articles are largely fabricated.

  16. I agree with the blogger who said people should stop telling Bobbi that she can be just like her mother in the entertainment world. I listened to Bobbi on youtube from a vid of her singing Adele and she's a just a little above average singer...and she's GOT to know she doesnt have her mother's unique voice or unique physical beauty.

    I think it's blackly ironic that all the pressure and expectations that probably made Whitney more vulnerable to imbibing drugs/alcohol have now been transferred in some sense to her child upon her demise. Probably THE LAST thing Whitney would have wanted to happen :(

  17. I loved the Oprah Special - or aka MHMM MHMM You know damn well everyone around her knew she was doing drugs. They didn't eant to lose a check and took the coke out of the room before the cops and paramedics got there. How the hell do you think BC went from pudgy teen to waif thin wearing skin tight dresses? She used Mom's diet.

  18. Every rich kid I ever knew did drugs because they could. So what. Next.

  19. The drug war is a complete waste of time. If people want to do drugs, for God's sake let them. They are going to do it anyway. People who endanger their children, lock them up. If they drive while impaired, prosecute them. Otherwise, in the privacy of their home, if they want to smoke, get high, or shoot up for God's sake, leave them be. Cops have more important things to do than join people for smoking dope, and the prisons are needed for violent criminals. Violent while under drugs? Lock them up. Otherwise, what is the problem?
