Monday, April 30, 2012

Dentist Pulls Out All Teeth Of Ex-Boyfriend

Umm, a word of advice. If you dump your girlfriend in a very nasty way, it is probably not the best idea to call her if you need a service performed. A guy named Marek in London learned this the hard way when he made an appointment with his ex-girlfriend, who also happens to be a dentist. He had a toothache and instead of going to a new dentist and getting it taken care of, he went to Anna and she promptly put him under and then surgically removed all of his teeth. He did not find out until he was home because she had wrapped his head in a bandage. She said she tried to be professional but couldn't because he was such a b**tard to her.

Oh, and his new girlfriend dumped him. Anna faces some charges as she should, but you kind of get the feeling that she is going to get a light punishment.


  1. nasty woman and idiot guy!

  2. What a fucking moron.

    Yeah, she should have been the bigger person, but god damn, what a fucking idiot.

  3. What in the world did he do to her for her to go that far? Wow!

  4. Wow, if she lived in the US she would be sued for every penny she will make for the rest of her life, rightfully so. He was an idiot to go back to her, but what she did is bad for her profession. Thanks for adding to that stereotype of women as bitter, vengeful shrews.

  5. This guy would have had to have physically assaulted her for me to see her perspective. Removing his teeth is permanent. Is she going to pay for the replacements and free dental/gum care for life? I wouldn't want to be her patient outside of this either. What if I unknowingly irritated her? Pretty sick for a medical professional.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Um, she shouldn't get off lightly. Yeah, the guy was an idiot, but she should go to jail for assault and lose her license.

  7. She should have her license revoked. Having hurt feelings and "trying to be a professional" is not an excuse to abandon professionalism. It would go without saying that the ex-boyfriend is stupid and/or arrogant to go to her for a service IF the break up was all his fault as she says. But then maybe, just maybe, the break-up didn't exactly go down the way she says it did. How convenient to have the "bad man" excuse after you've maimed somebody.

  8. Lmfao!!!!! Can you imagine the aftercare and the pain he's in right now?!? Not enough coke in the world! He must've slept with her sister AND beat her....

  9. At least she wasn't his proctologist.

  10. Ahahahaa Vicki Cupper!!! Talk about ripping someone a NEW one!!
    This is pretty serious, and she should most defintely lose her license.

  11. she is a serious sociopath and should never be allowed to practice again.

    I went to a sociopath dentist when I was in grad school, states away from all of my good doctors. I later (too late) found out she was an alchy. but she had been highly recommended. she screwed my mouth up so badly, in ONE 45 minute appointment that I couldn't chew anything for 2 years. I got really bad tmj and was in intense pain for years.

    I was very lucky that I found a great prosthodontist where I live now who rebuilt my mouth with four crowns. and I go to a great chiropractor and acupuncturist who healed the other muscular stuff.

    medical bills alone were over $25,000.

    but, now I can chew and while there is some residual stuff, its mostly gone.

    so, don't make light of teeth issues. the jaw is the most complex joint in the body, more complex than the knee.

    and, I did complain about her to the dental board, and guess what. they did nothing.

    sorry if its tmi about my tmj. but I feel really badly for this guy.

  12. Jebus Crisco on sale, Annabella!!! No wonder people hate dentists!

  13. OMG ~ I am so sorry that happened to you annabella! Horrible. I have jaw problems myself. I can't belive the dental board did nothing. I wish you could have sued and won.

  14. Light punishment? At the very least I'd expect she will lose her license for sure. It should go much farther.

    In my experience while some people can get forgiving about fights in the heat of the moment, they will rarely be so about an extended procedure performed in cold blood on a helpless / knocked out victim.

  15. I don't feel this Dentist will (or should) get "light punishment."

    What she did was FAR beyond what was proper payback on her part.

    Unless he was physically abusive, a rapist, child molester, animal torturer, AIDS or herpes-giver --that sort of "such a bastard"-- I don't think pulling out all of a person's teeth is warranted for just a bad break-up!

    No way, no how.

  16. Holy mother of nightmares!

  17. What a psycho! Reminds me of that dentist who purposely gave his patients HIV.

  18. Wow. How long does it take to remove all the teeth? My guess is it takes awhile so she had tons of time to reconsider and stop what she was doing. Idiot, she should face jail time.

    I love going to the dentist (you should see my dentist).

  19. More evidence that women are bat shite cray cray.

  20. She should lose her license AND be fined AND do some time. Like, years of time.

    This goes far beyond excusable. In fact, I'd compare this to rape.

    Not funny in the least.

  21. I would think she'd get her license revoked. That's crazy stuff.
    Why would anyone go to her again?? People tend to stay away from crazy doctors!

  22. HARSH! She should have just refused his business and taken the high road but not everyone does that.

  23. Surely there should have been an anaesthetist present to give him a general anaesthetic? Where I live, also in the UK, general anaesthetic is only used in hospitals or specialist dental centres. I used to be a dental receptionist.

  24. No, this is not "evidence that women are bat shite cray cray".
    This dentist, yes. Tres cray. Women generally? I think not, or no more so than men. When a man does something selfish and destructive like this do we hear that all men are bat shite cray cray? No. We hear about how men are all members of the he-man woman-haters club, etc etc. Whatever stereotype fits the bill. And the exchange of stupid stereotypes continues.

    To me this is evidence of a double standard that persists and should be put out of its misery; the assumption that women are overemotional and that this excuses or explains bad behavior. I'm not interested in hearing about how the guy is so stupid and brought it on himself somehow. That's not a credible story, it's bs blaming the victim, and letting the maimer off easy.

  25. Well she screwed him over and herself in the process.

    Why or why didn't she tell him to FO and go find a dentist who gave a rat's ass????

  26. He was from England, his teeth were probably terrible anyway. :)

  27. Sue, I think it's safe to say British teeth are better overall than American teeth. Most Americans are too poor to pay for dental insurance or trips to the dentist.

  28. Where was the dental assistant during this? Anyway, I hope this doesn't turn into another Bobbitt case where no matter how violent the crime Lorena did, everyone pretty much felt he deserved getting his dick cut off because she cried rape. Everyone pretty much blamed him for what happened, despite the fact that he was physically assaulted, and could very well have died. Never mind that, the public thought she was the victim, not him.

    So I am sure this dentist women will make out like this guy treated her badly, probably mentioning verbal and physical abuse. I doubt he thought the break-up was so bad since he felt safe enough to go to her to get dental work done.

  29. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Vicki, nuh uh. British teeth are, by and large, terrible. I don't think they put fluoride in their water, and braces, etc., are really hard to get on the NHS. Plus you have to wait forever to get in to see a dentist, unless it's a real emergency.

  30. Amartel, THANK YOU, yes, and well said!

  31. I had to have a wisdom tooth removed recently and I swear, after my gums were numbed my dentist popped it out so quickly I couldn't believe it. Like, pronto! She easily could have popped them all out. (Well, it doesn't matter how fast it might have happened -- obviously it did happen.)

    People have committed suicide after having all their teeth taken out (because they were ruined due to a meth addiction, or were inbetween getting dentures, whatever). The face shape changes dramatically. And the pain. This is serious businesses.

  32. What an incredibly evil thing to do. Nothing excuses doing that to another human being. He hurts your feelings, you ruin his life. OMG, people. So many horrible and senseless stories out in the past few days. It's a bit overwhelming.

  33. i would go to an ex for medical treatment. with the exception of my ex husban (the restraining order doesn't allow him nar me...) gesh, this woman is psycho. how is this not assault? his life will be impacted everyday, and the expense of new teeth, the paom an suffering. are all of you on the outs with all your ex's? isn't it usually more of a "gee this isn't working out, but i wish you well" type of thing?

  34. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Not funny at all. This is Hannibal Lector shit. What bothers me the most, though, are the people who are making the "What a dumbass"-type comments about the ex boyfriend. Some people's responses to this (not on CDAN per se, but across the Internet) is revolting, like something out of "Idiocracy". Sad, sick, and fucked up. Whether the ex was a douche or not, this is incredibly distressing. It's stuff like this that makes me think The Internet isn't a good thing at all...

  35. Umm, you censor Bastard, and they say shit on Lifetime?
    Come on Enty

  36. Texshan, you're really out of date on British teeth. Most areas have had flouride added to water for a couple of generations, and most dental treatment is private, paid for by insurance. We're not so keen on braces etc here, so long as the teeth are healthy.

    It's a given that this dentist will be struck off, whatever the guy did, and face charges of assault. Her career is over.

  37. I found a link on google that took me to the Daily Mail website which implies that the incident happened in Poland. I don’t know if it really happened.

  38. The dentist is the idiot. She has thrown away her career and wasted her education. For what? To extract (pardon the pun) revenge on some guy who was probably a jerk that she was better off without.

    Plus if this were reversed, and a man had done this to a woman, no one would be making jokes.

  39. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Thank you for correcting me, Wonderland. It was my understanding that fluoride was only in the water in large cities throughout the UK, and had only been added recently. I was unaware that it was common now. Good to know!

  40. Anonymous3:12 PM

    As I was researching this story online I started doubting the veracity of it all. Allegedly, those involved are Polish. Whether the event occurred in London or in Poland is vague, and whether it actually occurred at all is now in doubt. My concern about it and what it indicates has not changed: in many of articles I'm finding, there are sensational and "stock"-type photos of scared-looking guys in the dentist's office. The gleeful and mean-spirited kick some people get out of news items like this is reprehensible. Again, it's the collective thrill that some of us seem to be getting out of the scenario that profoundly distresses me. It used to be fairly common on "slow news days" a hundred, 120 years or so ago for newspaper reporters to just make up stories, often fantastic or attention-getting, in order to boost newspaper sales. This instance is similar, I guess, but the actual goal would seem to be to simply churn the sick-vibe ethers and lower our collective moral character. It's messed up...

  41. She was stupid in taking him as a patient and doing this and she should lose her license for it as well as being up on some kind assault charges--but he was also stupid for putting himself in her hands given their history. That foolish decision put him in a position for this to happen. And to the new girlfriend...Run girl, run, put some distance between you and this couple.

  42. I don't think he's an idiot at all. "First do no harm", why would he have ever felt that he was threatened? No, she's a complete psycho and I hope he sues the crap out of her.

  43. Going to one's ex for any kind of invasive medical procedure strikes me as a Really Bad Idea; having said that, there's just no excuse for what she did. Drilling w/out novocaine would have been bad enough, but pulling all of someone's otherwise healthy teeth? WTF is wrong with you, woman?!? Her license definitely needs to be yanked (if it hasn't been already), and assault charges wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

    As much as you might want to get revenge on someone (and as much as some people might have it coming), you just can't do this kind of thing--you just have to grit your teeth, remind yourself that you're better than that, even if they aren't, and take the high road. Sheesh...

  44. I thought I had some revenge fantasies! Whew! I'm also stunned at the anger towards the dentist. It is sickly funny, very serious, and still better than most of the recent rape/molestation blinds we discuss to no end. I'm 100% certain they will both get exactly what fate has planned. We have no idea what he did. And they do say birds of a feather....

    There is also a wonderful joke about the guy and a potential future occupation for him, but I'll leave that be.

  45. If the story is true she is a psycho. I hope she loses her license and serves time. I had a crown put on today and my head hasn't stopped throbbing. I can't imagine the pain of having all of your teeth pulled out at once.

  46. I like how all the shitheads blame the guy for being stupid for using her as a dentist.

    I bet none of you punks would be making any jokes or blaming the victim had the ex-bf were the dentist and he did this horrible act to his ex-gf.

    Fucking losers.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.
