Monday, April 23, 2012

Drake Is A New Dad - Maybe

If you would like to believe an Atlanta stripper then Drake may be a new daddy. According to Media Takeout, A woman in Atlanta who used to strip for a living gave birth last week to a baby she claims belongs to Drake. She was going to claim the baby belonged to Justin Bieber but figured that had already been tried. The story says the woman retired from stripping, not from permanent pole burns, but because someone has been paying her $10K a month since she said she was pregnant. I guess a trip to Maury will show whether she will keep getting at least $10K a month.


  1. Not really interested in Drake or strippers, I feel sorry for the kid who will be born into a no daddy present situation.

  2. He is the ugliest motherfucker since Lil Wayne. Money can buy you pussy.

  3. I don't get the love for this guy. There's something so unattractive about him, to me, even though he's not an ugly guy. And that SONG. Ugh. Don't get it. (And wow, what a surprise, a singer knocked up a stripper!)

  4. I still don't understand how he was able to move on from being Jimmy on Degrassi. That's who he will always be to me.

  5. Wheelchair Jimmy got a stripper knocked up!!

  6. I thought everyone here concurred at one time that he was gay? Guess we were wrong....

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  8. @Brenda Love, he could still be gay. Nothing says "straight" and "gangsta" like knocking up a stripper. Or at least taking credit for knocking up a stripper. I'm sure it wouldn't have been too hard to find a stripper and make a deal to provide support if she'd get pregnant within a certain time frame.

  9. I don't like Drake, everything about him is a turn-off. He and Rhianna were born of the same famewhore egg. They are twin wannabe's, separated at birth.

  10. She's probably just some nameless skank who is trying to get $$$$ out of a celebrity.She probably hasn't even met him and has no idea who the father is!

  11. ya, he's sooooo unattractive, just like Lil Wayne.

    are you for real?? Not even close.
    the guy is not even close to ugly and I'm no fan but some perspective,please.

  12. He looks like he's perpetually swollen in the face from being punched. I would punch him.

  13. Does one really "retire from stripping"? Isn't this wording a little too kind?

  14. Key words to this being utter bullshit are "according to media takeout".... All they do on that site is make up crap! They are like globe magazine. Lol

  15. I love Drake. Anyone who thinks his looks r close to lil wayne's need some serious glasses!

  16. If this story is true, Drake is an even bigger idiot than I'd thought. Playing my Old Bat card here -- this babymamma supplied the condoms and either poked pinholes in them beforehand or saved them afterwards. She wanted to be first in line for an account at the Drake Bank.

  17. Sorry but he is NO WHERE NEAR AS UGLY as Lil' Wayne who is soooooo GROSS and disgusting that I can't even.

    Don't care about Drake but he's not anywhere as hideous as some others. I'm a big Jay-Z fan and I'm sorry but *that* fellow has a busted mug.

  18. Drake my ass, his name's AUBREY. Is Aubrey not BAMF enough?

  19. Well, if he's spreading some sperm around, it looks like decent stock, anyway.

  20. Compared to Lil' Wayne that is. Then again, you never know. Lil' Wayne just might be breeding a pack of geniuses who will save the world one day. Bwahahahaha!

  21. compared to Lil' Wayne, Drake looks like every girl's prince charming. c'mon thing you are all gonna say he looks like flavor flav.

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