Monday, April 23, 2012

Giuliana Rancic Announces She Is Expecting A Baby

AT what point did Giuliana Rancic become such a big star that she gets to make personal announcements on The Today Show and they are treated like Commandments brought down from the mountain. I'm thrilled that she and her husband are going to have a baby via a surrogate and agree that a Kneepads blurb or something would have been appropriate. I just don't get the whole Today show announcement. Since when did Giuliana rise to that level of celebrity? Yes, she has gone through a lot in the past two years, but are you so invested in her that you needed a Today show announcement? I am glad to see celebrities being open about surrogacy though rather than maybe pretend to be pregnant or something like that.


  1. Oh good look with that, Rancic. I'm sure a baby will be the answer to all your prayers and now life will be perfectly perfect and happily ever after.

    Why do people think having a baby is so important that they can't be happy until they have one? Wake up.

    I have three kids and all they do is mess up the house, refuse to clean up after themselves or even walk the damn dog, my son hasn't taken the garbage out in two weeks and I refuse to step in for the millionth time and do it for him. In fact, today I went on strike and they can all do their own laundry, which is already piled to the ceiling.

    Oh, let's not forget totalling my car, the dozen or so calls from sheriff's deputies at 1 or 3 a.m., and the generally sucking all life from me. And my kids are considered "good." Imagine how crappy I'd feel if they were considered "bad."

    Yeah. Good luck with that, Rancic.

    1. Only a parent of teenagers can find this as funny as it really is! :)

    2. I lust laughed out loud at your accurate description of the joys of parenting entitled teen brats. The good news is that if they're old enough to total your car, they're nearly old enough to send away to college or to kick out of your house.
      I'm half joking, but only half. My teen daughter isn't that bad in some ways, but she lives to argue and fight. And not help.

    3. Good luck with that strike. My mom did that in a house with 4 kids and a lazy as fuck husband, none of us cared one bit about a dirty house. She eventually caved and had to hire a cleaning crew.

    4. The fighting,not helping,one that lies about staying w /a friend we approve of to take off with a much older friend we can't stand,does very bad things in the company of this friend who seems to be a Paris Hilton wannabe that thrives on seeing her younger friends self destruct. My daughter then lies with not so much as a bat of an eyelash about the great time she had w /her friend we do like.

      I thought I was having a heart attack last night I was so angry when I realized what went on thanks to checking their social media but no it was just the pain of the gray hairs before my time surfacing. :P Mine are considered very good kids too.

  2. Calm yourself. They've been trying for years. Her cancer and mastectomy (and weight, I'm sure) pretty much ruined any chance of her getting pregnant. I'm happy for them. They've been through hell.

  3. Oh, like I haven't? I had cancer too, honey. No fakey sympathy from this corner for cancer patients.

    If she thought life was hell before, just wait till sleep deprivation.

  4. Good for them. With going through the cancer treatment and the infertility, they have chosen to take their "celebrity" and put everything out there, so to speak.
    As for the comment left by McS-take your anger and issues somewhere else. Calm down.

  5. Oh bo bo bobobobo... who's a crankypants!

  6. They've "put everything out there" because they're narcissists like everybody else in showbiz. They want sympathy and attention. I'm just not giving it to them today. Makes me feel calmer by the moment, so thanks!

  7. Sorry your kids are assholes McSpanky, but children can bring happiness to many.

    I'm happy for them too.

  8. I'm very happy for them! I think they will be excellent parents

  9. Yeah, I don't get the interest in them either. I mean, they seem nice, but so does my neighbor, and she isnt on tv I dont get it. Wish them well tho.
    And spanky, maybe decaf? hope things pick up for ya, but I gotta ell ya, I see a reality show! Work it! At least make some dough off your misery!

  10. seriously, McS does need to calm down. this is not the time nor the place to vent about one's sad lot in life. its a gossip blog, not about 'ordinary people' but about celebrities. if you don't want to read about celebrities or celebrity wanna be's, no one is forcing you to be here.

    very happy for giuliana and hub, its been a great struggle for them.

  11. Looks like she finally had enough sandwiches to get preggo!! Good for her, she's had some really tough times and they seem like a sweet couple.

    Today probably did the announcement because they covered her breast cancer last year, I believe.

    McSpanky be cranky yo! THIS is why I use this fabulous product I've discovered called BIRTH CONTROL.

    No chirruns for me = no complaining about my asshole kids.

  12. Really glad mcspanky isn't my parent...

  13. Holy Jesus McSpanky. Way to project your misery on their happiness. I have three kids as well, all under 4 years and I have Multiple Sclerosis. Hearing their news makes me so glad- now they will know true happiness. They deserve it.

  14. Some people actually want kids. It's not a trophy status.

    McSpanky, imagine how crappy your kids must feel to have you as a parent, complaining how awful they are.

  15. NBC and E! are both owned by NBC Universal, so they do everything they can to cross-promote. Given that the Today Show has been following her battle with cancer from the beginning, it makes sense that she would announce her pregnancy there too.

  16. I have a friend with the same parenting attitude as McS, and I've wanted to tell her for years - what the hell did you think you were getting into when you had them?

    Of course, as new parents, you have no freaking idea what you've gotten yourselves into when they're born. Nothing can prepare you for that. But once you get over the shock, you gotta realize that you've signed up for 24/7 duty spanning at least 18 years.

    Kids are dumb, helpless creatures who need guidance - and it gets worse in some ways as they get older. If we were fully prepared to face life when we were born, we'd just show up here without parents. And there's a reason we're not legally considered adults until we're 17/18. We need parents because we're not physically or emotionally ready to be autonomous until at LEAST that age.

    But, all that being said, parenting is the coolest trip you'll ever take - and the hardest. Our kids are by far the best people we know, and they've made us better people, too.

    Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now - it feels good to get that off my chest :-).

  17. McSpanky, get some therapy, ASAP.

  18. My little boy is the sunshine in my life. I hope all children have parents that love them as much.

    1. Mine too. :)
      idc about the rancics, but lucky is the child who was wanted so badly.

  19. I don't know who she is, but that picture makes her look like an alien. Not. Good.

  20. I know this is unpopular to say, but I like them. Granted although I'm American I don't live in the States so don't have a good feel for whether they are overexposed etc. I watch their show here because it coincides with when I'm nursing my baby (shout out to McSpanky re: sleep deprivation) and they come across as in love, smart and amusing.

  21. I like them too Mama Abroad - can't say that about all the E! personalities, but I like them and, after all the struggles they've had (and it seems I recall them wanting a child before her cancer diagnosis), I'm glad they're going to have one now. I'm even more glad they've owned up to using a surrogate instead of investing in some pregnancy padding. Congrats and good luck!

    Oh, and although I'm childless (by choice), I'm also observant and it seems most kids don't actually mature until at least age 30. Just what I've seen anyway...

  22. 1.) They need to get their teefs whitened.

    2.) I wonder if her finger lights up cuz she needs to phone home. Never cared for them- they are boring and are a bit too self-absorbed with nothing really to offer.

  23. I'm sick of this couple.

    There are a lot of ppl who struggle in life.
    I don't need to hear everything that's going on...

  24. Exactly what @Ms Cool said :)

  25. McSpanky +1. Enty totally agree. These guys are fame whores with no bigger problems than lots of other folks, but that's how they live their life. The Today show has gone downhill - I changed the channel the day they did the Kardashian interview and have not been back.

  26. The Today show has been following her journey with the breast cancer and infertility issues. It only makes sense that they would announce their decision to have a baby via surrogate.

  27. I have no idea who this person is and they're not even worth a Google.

  28. McSpanky made me laugh. Comments further solidifying my less than burning desire to procreate just yet. ;)

    I'm happy for them. They've been through a lot in the last year or so, so good for them.

  29. I wasn't gonna come in here because idgaf about these people, but boy am I glad I did for these comments.
    McS, you remind me of a calmer (strange, huh?) version of my mom. You think your kids don't pick up on your disdain for them? Believe me, they do. Teenagers are little shits by definition, did you not think of that before you had 3 kids? They're horrible excuses for humans (not singling out yours, I mean the majority of teens), but they still need love and guidance from their parents, and it doesn't sound like they're getting that from you.

    1. I love my teens very much,I tell them so everyday,several times a day and hope they grow up well adjusted people with every fiber of my being. I am a stay at home mom solely to be here for them.However,they are sometimes horrid! All the stories in the world nor my own awful siblings/rebellious self can prepare you for it. Not until you live it.

      We do our best to guide them right,and give them all the support they need but man can they push some buttons.

      I think like many parents,McSpanky is having a rough day. Going on strike is no easy decision when you are already staring mounds of chaotic crap in the face.

      I stopped washing their clothes carefully like I used to. After the same shirt ends up in the wash pile 5 times in a week simply because they are too lazy to put it away I decided the shit I was giving was a bit too much if they didn't care about their belongings,why should I?

      Incidentally,I grew up with a very nit picky, over critical mom. I turned out ok. In fact she and I are super close because I understand what I put her through now that I'm a mom. :)

  30. Stop beating up on McSpanky! She's speaking her truth and is probably having a shit morning. It is Monday after all! Who hasn't had a depressing, life sux moment on the worst day of the week!!!

    Can't we be supportive! I thought it was a funny rant on the "joys" of parenting. If more people talked about how shitty that job is no one would have kids. Ummm...that's why I don't.

  31. I couldn't stand Giulianna at first bc I thought she was just riding Bill the original Celeb Apprentice's coattails. But after becoming a huge fan of Fashion Police, I find her extremely likeable with sweet, self-deprecating humor. I no longer question if her persona is carefully crafted for fame because I find it's more enjoyable to just like and enjoy her.

  32. At least she isn't going to try to carry the baby herself. I shudder to think what a low-birth-weight that baby would be. If the child is a girl, I wonder how much she'll let the child eat. I've known women who were major freaks about their weight and they really, really, really screwed up their daughters' senses of weight and body image. I've never seen any of their shows (other than Fashion Police), but I hope Bill has the stones to protect his child from Giuliana's eating disorder.

  33. Oh no. My comment seems extra dramatic now that Seaward posted with some good advice. I say this as the oldest of four with a mother who had disdain for us. Although we probably deserved some of that disdain, for sure!

    I've finally chilled out as I'm on the other side of 30 and love my mom again! My only advice - stop doing their laundry. If they are old enough to drive they can surely operate a W/D.

  34. of course, if she actually gained 15 pounds like her doctor ordered her to, she wouldn't have to do surrogacy but then we can't be fatty fat mcfatty, right? :rolleyes:

    so sick of this chick.

  35. It's nice they have some good news to share.
    As for Ms McSpanky,parenting is difficult and teens are the worst. She is telling us, not the kids. She just needs to vent a little.

  36. I was a terrible teen and raising small children isn't for me. The whole "parenting" gig is for others, more patient & less selfish than I, so I tip my hat to all of you doing this difficult job. :)

    Children are best raised by the parents who want them for sure.

  37. @hunter - not arguing with you at all, I don't believe that everyone needs to breed - but you'd be amazed at how fast you become patient and less selfish, seemingly overnight. It's bizarre. Your love for them takes over and makes you a whole new person (in my case, anyway).

  38. Forgot to add that mine was a surprise. (Won't say "accident")

  39. WORD to all of you with teens. I have a 15 year old daughter and she is the WORST. :)
    I am totally getting mine back from how I acted at that age. Totally.
    Life will get better @McSpanky and @deree. We just gotta hold on for a few more years with our fingers crossed!

    1. Yeah I know. I figure it is my ten-fold for what a handful I was too. My mom laughs with(at)me about it all the time.

  40. ITA w/Enty that it's great she and her husband are at least being honest about using a surrogate. Wasn't her breast cancer found during a physical for infertility treatments? I would rather she'd been able to wait 5 years until she was deemed clear of cancer risk, but I don't think she has that kind of time, given her age. Best of luck to them.

  41. C'mon y'all, @McSpanky is probably just having a bad day. And I think she's being funny.

    But that said, I also think that there are more parents than we can imagine who regret having children. It's the ONE thing in life that's completely unacceptable to admit.

    I don't have children, but my husband has two teens from his first marriage. They live 400 miles away and are COMPLETE asshole nightmares, just like their mother. He won't quite say it, but comes close to saying he regrets having them.

    ...and I know he's not alone. Kids are not always the sunshine and rainbows that our society insists we pretend they are.

    Fwiw, my mother and I are very, very close; she's my best friend. So I know that it can be great. But not always.

  42. Good for them. They have the love

  43. Recommend "Mom's who drink and swear" on Facebook if you find any humor in McS's post. This lady is brutal and hilarious.

    I'm happy for Bill & G. They've been through a lot (ya, I know like most people).

  44. Thank you, everyone, for listening to my rant. Especially those who offered encouraging rather than hateful words. Of course I love my children and of course I want the best for them, yadda yadda blah blah blah.

    It's interesting that some commenters actually assume I'm a terrible mother. Someone said something along the lines of being glad they're not my kid. (Ditto. I have enough snarky brats in here.)

    Yet you assume the Rancics will be "wonderful parents" and are all-around super-great human beings.

    You don't know either of us at all, either me or them. Assume much?

    By the way, if your kid isn't yet a brat-ass teenager, or even better, a 20-year-old lazy bum, and you've got toddlers or something, don't compare us. I was overjoyed to have my babies when they were little and cute, too. I still love them desperately and would get run over for them. And I am. Regularly. Little a-holes. ...

  45. Not a Guiliana fan, but I am happy for her. Someone stated earlier that The Today Show has been following her struggle so it makes sense. You don't just showcase someone struggling with fertility and cancer and then pull the plug once they receive good news.

    Also, news outlets report things that The Situation has done. I can't really question Guiliana Rancic's right to make announcements after garbage like that.

  46. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'm with the leave-McSpanky-alone people. Lots of us relate stories about our "real" lives on here while commenting on the gossip, so don't act as if she's the first one to do it.

    I imagine there are a fair number of parents out there who, if they're honest, wouldn't have kids again if they had it to do over. Especially if you asked them on days like the one McSpanky is having. Personally, I don't see how anyone puts up with their kids. The overwhelming majority I've seen are ungrateful, lazy, whiny brats. No, thank you. I'll stick with my fur babies. They may be lazy, but at least they don't back-talk me.

    However, McSpanky, if you are getting phone calls from the cops, I wouldn't really agree that your kids are considered "good." Just my two cents.

  47. OMG, McSpanky - You are making me feel like a rational person because I've been saying on a daily basis for the past 17 months as I stare into the eyes of my baby, "I don't want you to get bigger. I don't want you to get bigger. I don't want you to get bigger."

    Seriously. It's a fact of life: Teenagers kinda suck. I mean, they just do. Hell, I think we all kinda suck until age 26 or so.

  48. Happy for the Rancics. A couple I really didn't want to like, but then became interested in her after she was so honest on the Today show about her cancer. I feel for them. I was hoping that they would decide to adopt. But, still happy for them. I can't imagine the things she has gone through at such a young age. Wishing them the best of luck.

    My snarky comment: She does look like an alien. Not a pretty girl.

  49. it's funny how many people who think they are PERFECT parents of perfect children are so quick to be utter fucking assholes to everyone else not in their inner circle.

    are you going to teach your perfect children that skill too?

  50. McSpanky i guess some people cant take a joke! Congrats to the Rancic's!

  51. Enty-G. Rancic's cancer made national news and many people were very interested in her story. I would be surprised if she didn't get to sit down with the morning shows after such great news. I had cancer last year and was told I should not try to have any more children because the body produces too much estrogen, which in turn can produce cancer cells. I have been very inspired and encouraged by her story. It has been quite obvious on her reality show that she has been devastated over not being able to have a child.

  52. and McSpanky...while maybe your comments may seem somewhat out of place for a gossip blog, I find these folks on here to always be wonderfully encouraging when one of the regulars vents now and then. good luck to are just speaking what many of us keep to ourselves.

  53. This makes me happy. I saw her E! True Hollywood Story a few weeks ago and I couldn't help but become a fan. True, she's not a huge celebrity but I'd rather read about this than anything Lindsey Lohan or the Situation does. Congrats to the couple.

  54. It's via surrogate, if anyone cares.

  55. Count me as one who doesn't care. I think the bigger story was about her breast cancer and early detection of it.

    Besides, she has the money not to even see her kids. She is not like every day people who actually have to deal with their progeny.

  56. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Happy for her for being cancer free, happy for her for having a baby via surrogate but I still can't stand Giuliana Rancid. She's vapid, unprofessional, superficial, uninteresting and obsessed with fame and a legend in her mind. She would announce a good bowel movement if she could get the media to cover it.

  57. I lovelovelove McSpanky's comments/rants. I think she's hilarious and honest.

  58. I think it's dangerous to decide all your happiness in life is determined by whether or not you can have a baby. All this woman has been talking about for years is "I want a baby. I want a baby. I want a baby. I want a baby." She seems unheathily obsessed. Of course a baby can bring happiness but it is not the only thing is life which can.

    I knew someone who was the exact same way and ended up having a nervous breakdown after the baby was born. I think she had been building up motherhood up in her head for so long that she just couldn't handle the reality of being a parent. (And yes, obviously this is an extreme case.)

  59. The Today show is a JOKE- all celebrity updates. I switched to the CBS morning show.

    Having said that- Good Luck to them both!

  60. I think McSpanky is the mom from The Middle.

  61. @Krissie
    I thought the SAME thing! This chick is WAY too obsessed about motherhood. I don't think it is good to place all your dreams on one thing.

  62. I think a lot of people who struggle with infertility become obsessed with motherhood. It must be pretty hard not to be able to do something that comes easily to others.

  63. Didn't she have a double mastectomy recently? I've never really liked her, but have to respect her for that. Both her and Wanda Sykes have set a wonderful example for women with breast cancer. If I am ever diagnosed, and having a double mastectomy is an option, I will go for it!

    I saw my mom suffer from breast cancer that moved to her lungs over sheer vanity. She was a very beautiful woman, but didn't want to lose her figure or hair. That was her right, but she'd still be alive today if she'd just done the treatments recommended.

    1. I'm sorry MadLyb. That's really sad. I hope you're OK now.

      I had to forgive my father for something similar. He dropped dead of a heart attack at 68 bc he refused to see a doctor for 40+ yrs (religious reasons). He would probably be alive today too.

  64. Dang. Well, I'm happy for them if they're happy.

  65. Finally! I watch their show every once in a while & am glad they chose this route for having a baby, since it didn't seem to be happenning for them naturally.

  66. McSpanky, very funny , honest comments. I write as someone who wanted children but my husband & I couldn't due to infertility. The number of people who love their kids but with a knowingness in their eyes have told us childlessness is not that bad would surprise some people. I am very happy for the Rancics & hope everything goes well with the surrogacy.

  67. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I don't get the popularity of this chick either !
    I think she's absolutely frightening to look at -- she really does look like an alien as somebody alluded to in the comments section.
    And don't get me started on her hideous, ultra white, way too big teeth. She's so gross. Eat a sandwich or three and maybe you would have been able to conceive !!

  68. McSpanky's comments further solidify why I don't want kids.

  69. Screw that weird looking boring couple, I'm team McSpanky!

  70. @McSpanky, I was on your side early on in the day. I thought I'd let you know I thought my daughter would be the death of me or my sanity. She is now a wonderful mother,the hardest working person I know and the truest friend a person could have.
    My son got on my last nerve regularly, took our car for joy rides, and put us through the ringer monetarily any number of times. He is now a great husband and father.
    Tie a knot in the end of your rope and hang on!

  71. McSpanky, maybe hitting a rough patch?

    I have 3 kids and they are the lights of my life. And 2 of them are teens (hold the applause, I will surely get my due with number 3). Being a mom was very important to me, so i understand the way these 2 feel about becoming parents. The only thing I didn't understand is why they needed to say the baby was "biologically" theirs. There are lots of ways to become a parent, and I don't think one is better or makes you more of a parent. I had no problems getting pregnant though, so maybe I'm missing something.

    I was happy to hear their announcement. A baby is happy news, and they are due for some.

  72. Can't stand guiiliana and remember that her drs told her to gain weight to get pregnant. She didn't want to since she wouldn't be able to fit in sample sizes. Yeah - great mom there. Can't even sacrifice a few dress sizes.

    Mcspanky - kudos to you for going on strike. To me that is good parenting. Teach them to be responsible. If I chose to have kids, I am sure I would rant as well as wax on poetic about them. Rant away.

  73. @luckylass - I was going to say the same thing! They told her that her extremely low weight had an impact on her fertility and she was adament about not wanting to gain an ounce. I think it is ridiculous for her to be having children at all given that she has such a preocupation with such a superficial thing as weight (especially when she seems to have a somewhat distorted view of her body). She is clearly underweight and gaining 10 pounds to do something that she says is so very important to her (becoming a mother)should be a no brainer. Especially when one consididers the fact that she would likely gain much more than that were she to actually conceive naturally. I just think that she should focus on personal growth and body image (and eating disorder recovery if needed), before she becomes a mother and her child adopts some of her disordered behaviors.
