Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Still Going On About Adam Levine

I don't think Jennifer Love Hewitt has quite learned the art of playing hard to get. She is basically throwing herself at Adam Levine and he is the kind of guy who would probably take advantage of that situation. Last week Jennifer told the world she wanted to date Adam Levine and instead of just letting it go, yesterday she gave an interview to a radio station and started talking about how she should send him an apology letter and Tweet him that she is sorry and maybe stop by his house to just drop off a present or buy him a car or just anything to show that she is sorry and that she only wanted to tell the world that he is hot and that if he had a couple of minutes they could talk and then maybe grab some coffee and then stop over at Cartier and get some love bracelets and then perhaps stop by Tiffany just so she can show him the only ring she wants when she gets engaged and then introduce him to her mother and stay up late at night watching Party Of Five.


  1. Being single in your 30's can suck. However, she really does need to give it a rest. Maybe she should get a hobby, like pottery or basket weaving. Oh, or she could take some classes in....oh, I don't know...acting?

  2. I can smell the desperation through my computer screen.

  3. She was in the audience at DWTS last night. Her comment about Maks made me cringe. Then she kept laughing about it long after Tom Bergeron had moved on. I felt so embarrassed for her. She needs to move to, like, Cleveland or something. A normal, larger city where she can find a nice, normal husband who's not in the biz.

  4. the entertainment media can't stop talking about them right now, so I don't think this is a case of Jennifer not knowing how to do something.

  5. The funny thing is, I had totally forgotten her and Carson Daly had been pretty serious. That just seems even more lame.

  6. Being single in your 30s sucks, but you don't have to be desperate. There are *many* women perfectly happy being single. You get to do what you want, when you want, and without compromises. I know far more women in unhappy marriages. They are the ones usually who got married because they were desperate to not be "alone".

    JLH needs to learn how to enjoy single life. Desperate is not attractive no matter what the wrapping looks like

  7. The comments by Enty made me laugh, but in a way I do feel badly for her. She's another one who'd probably be better off taking her money, retiring, moving to Wyoming and meeting a nice guy to live a normal life with.

  8. She is just so not Adam's type. I feel "cringe-y" for her.

  9. I am 41, just broke up w my bf of 3 years, so I am single, and nowhere NEAR desperate.

    Desperation is MAN REPELLANT.

    It is also woman repellant for the desperate guys.

  10. Run Adam, run. Stage Five Clinger.

  11. @spacecowboy - Dear God! NOT WYOMING! *bad bad flashbacks!* Idaho, Indiana, SC...yeah, but NOT Wyoming!

  12. Stage Five Clinger, lol!!!

  13. How many more nudges will it take before JLH wanders into Sean Young territory, I wonder.

    Jennifer, read several of the comments above. You're an attractive woman, probably pretty nice, if a little needy. Adam Levine is a douchebag that will toss you out like a used diaphragm after he gets what he wants. Cash in your chips and maybe use your name recognition to start a nonprofit with a nice guy/husband to be, and call it a day.

  14. Enty? Why are you going on and on with this? Are you jealous?

  15. I would not fault Adam Levine at all to hook up with her and then dump her. It's one thing for one person to like another but if you keep at it and, seemingly, throw yourself at the person and they use you and then throw you out the window then there really is only one person to blame, yourself. Hopefully though he realizes she's too much trouble to be worth it but then again I remember a blind about a singer who was switching between two different girls on the same date! Not sure if that was revealed to be Adam or if he was just the top suspect. If it was him I wouldn't be surprised by a one night stand with JLH and, like Enty said last week, she'll end up in sweats and no make up and that will also probably affect her new show. A shame really because someone as beautiful as her shouldn't have such a hard time finding someone. She's either only interested in jerks or, as others have suggested, needs to move somewhere with a better class of men.

  16. I feel bad for her. Boobs are her claim to fame. She will always be objectified, let her objectify whoever she'd like to knob. LOL

  17. What @seachica said!!!

  18. Poor girl. Even though he is cute I would not doubt he is also an asshole. Looks the type to me.

  19. She's super pretty, IMO.

    I only know of her alleged desperation based on what I read on this site. Maybe she's just having fun with these comments?! Adam Levine is easy on the eyes, despite his douchiness, which I totally think is for reals.

    I feel like there is so much pressure on women to be more than we are. If you're single, you get the "Why are you single" pity party. If you're married, you get the constant questions about when you're having a baby. When you have a baby, you get the constant questions about when you're having baby no. 2. If you're a stay-at-home mom, you get the "Shouldn't you set an example for your children by working" advice. If you're a working mom, you get the "shouldn't you spend more time with your children." I mean seriously. This shit just never ends. Can't we just be, for god's sake.

    1. I've never agreed with any comment on a blog site more than I agree with this one- thank you! I wish we could make decisions without the constant "two cents" from people that have nothing to do with our lives or decisions.

  20. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I agree with Paris Sucks and Seachica. Being single doesn't have to suck, unless you are the kind of girl who just can't be without a man -- which, unfortunately, I think JLH is. I actually think a lot of Hollywood people are like this -- how often do we see couples break up, and before you can blink they are carrying on with someone else? Can't anyone stay single for more than five minutes?

    I should mention that I am 42, have never been married, never wanted to be married, broke up with my last boyfriend six months ago, and love being by myself.

  21. Adam never used to do it for me, but he's looking mighty fine on this season of The Voice.

    Come to think of it, even Christina looked almost decent last night. Maybe JLH would probably have better luck with her?

  22. I don't see the appeal of this guy AT ALL.

    He doesn't even have a nice personality.
    Wasn't he the one who had sex with Maria Sharapova and then told the press that she was a lousy lay?


  23. Texshan! My soul sister. :)

  24. She'll have to fight off Blake Shelton, though.

  25. Adam is very cute but I'm sure not husband material. Jennifer is a beautiful girl so the borderline desperation thing is either her joking or she really doesn't see how pretty she is?

    Methinks she needs to work on love of self before she gets into anymore relationships. Can't expect anyone else to like you if you can't like yourself.

  26. Sorry Big Mama...completely disagree. Being single in your 30's is awesome. I'm having the time of my life.

    As for JLH. They don't call her Jennifer Love Desperate for nothin. She pulled this stunt with that Bachelor guy too. She makes a complete fool out of herself.

  27. Anonymous10:34 AM

    LOL, Paris Sucks. Being single is great! People are always saying, "but who will take care of you when you're old, if you don't have a husband or kids?" I've seen plenty of instances where having a spouse and kids still added up to being alone in old age. My response is always, "Eh, I'll pay someone to take care of me. With all of the money I'm saving by not having kids, a wedding, or a divorce."

  28. Being single CAN suck, sometimes, if you DON'T want to be single. That doesn't mean that one isn't happy with herself or has low self-esteem; it just means that she's ready to find the right one and if she's trying, it's frustrating when nothing happens. That's where I am. I have a fulfulling life on my own, but it's been three years since my last relationships, I've been on SIX online dating sites since then, and NO dates whatsoever. You DO really start to wonder what's wrong with you.

    (And no, I'm not hideously ugly. I ain't a beauty, but hey, I'm all right.)

    JLH, on the other hand, is acting crazy about her "need" to find someone. I feel for her. JLH, if you're reading this, come to St. Louis and we'll go out on the town and have a blast. (I feel like she just needs a REAL friend, you know? I'll be her friend. What the hell? She seems sweet, and I could use a single friend myself; all of my friends are attached. Heheheheh.)

  29. Add me to the very-happy-to-be-single list. If I wanted a BF, I'd have one.

    SO wish Adam would take her out and never see her again. I know that's mean, but maybe she'd stop talking about it.

  30. @Megey- Wait a minute, I think you're onto something! Clearly Blake is off the menu, but looking at Jennifer, sh has that big hair big makeup thing that county boys love.

    She also has a failed singing career. Country music is great for making stars out of every other genre's leftovers.

    Jennifer should hightail her vagazzled vajayjay to Nashville, make a country album, and pick up a man that will appreciate her...special qualities.

  31. IMO the best time to "find" someone, is when you are NOT looking. You give off an air of confidence when you don;t give a shit.

    I LOVE being by myself. When I told my boss I broke up w my man, he said, "what are you going to do now?" I told him I want to be by myself, and that is one of the reasons I broke up with him. he said, "yeah, but how are you going to meet someone? I guess you could join a softball league...that is what I did when I was single." He just DOES NOT GET IT. I DO NOT WANT to be with anyone right now!!!! lol

  32. No, Adam never said anything about Sharapova. That entire interview was made up by a Russian magazine/tabloid to get back at Maria for refusing an interview with them.It was a pretty filthy stunt in my opinion, Maria did not deserve it (and I am not a fan of hers at all).

    This comment above
    >> A shame really because someone as beautiful as her shouldn't have such a hard time finding someone.<< is odd, to me. You don't date a face, you date a person.

  33. Good to know, FS. Because of all the jerky actions attributed to him, that would have been one of the lowest.

  34. I guess I should clarify - being single in your 30's CAN suck. That doesn't mean it actually DOES suck. I was single in my 30's and loved it but I wasn't looking either. I had friends who were single in thier 30's and hated it. Plus, I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic. *sigh*

  35. (You know, BigMama, half of the time I'm saying, "Oh, being single is GREAT! Who needs a man? La la la!", I'm lying. No offense to anyone here who's said it, but I think a LOT of people claim it to feel better. Like I said, I know *I* do. Not all the time, of course, but maybe half.)

  36. Sorry AKM. I'm not one of those people. I have a huge group of friends and we're all single. I just broke up with a guy cause there are too many options for me. I personally don't need or want a boyfriend at this time. I LOVE being single and I'm not in love with being in love or in need of a relationship. You may not like being single, but I do and so do a lot of other people.

  37. Texshan you are a smart lady :D

  38. crila15, sweetie, I believe you. It's fine. I still believe in what I said, too, though. A lot of people LIKE being single, and a lot of people DON'T. We're...not really arguing on that point. ???

  39. Dating jamie kennedy was a red flag

  40. Most of my friends who were in a rush to get married in their 20's, are/were in couples therapy, divorced, or miserable. Even the ones that "looked" happy were not. That scares the hell out of me.

    Being single or having a great boyfriend once in a while can be a lot of fun and very fulfilling. I don't buy the " you have to be married to be happy". It's ALL perspective. The cliche, the grass is always greener on the other side also applies here.

  41. @parissucks & texshan and all the other singles: I too, recently broke up with my bf of 3+ years, and while it didn't work out the way either of us thought it would, it's hardly the end of the world.

    There are plusses and minuses to being single, but I would never, ever throw myself at someone just so I'm not alone. Nothing wrong with being interested in someone, but really, have some self respect.

  42. @AKM...thanks sweetie. it's all good.

  43. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Thanks, Sylvia!

    I guess I should clarify by saying that for me, personally, being single in my 40s is great. I know there are other people out there who want to meet someone and fall in love and perhaps get married, and I wish them all the luck in the world. It's not my dream, but we all have different goals in life and I want everyone to reach theirs.

  44. Don't feel badly AKM. I, too, am mid-30's, single and happy with me but would like to meet a nice guy. I have a personal desire to share the greatness that is me with another human being! ;)
    Everyone is different and wanting someone to share your life with doesn't make you desperate but poor JLH is taking it to another level. Poor baby.

  45. Good luck AKM. I was there too.

    I like my autonomy (then and still) but I also craved companionship, and it got old when friends made plans for "three couples and W."

    Not really giving advice (it just looks like it) since I don't know your situation, but: NOT telling you or anyone to settle, but don't expect any other person to be the be-all end-all for you; look for someone whose company along the way you will enjoy, AND who will enjoy your company too. Also, and I wish I'd learned this earlier, don't treat this time of your life as less important than "when I finally have someone." I was finding myself saying things like, "I don't need a Christmas tree/Christmas decorations/Thanksgiving meal/WHATEVER, it's just me." Or, "I can't eat out/go to the movies--it's awkward doing that alone." (Also my mom would not put my picture on the "family" wall because it was for wedding pictures of my siblings and of her grandchildren; until I was married, I wasn't qualified for the wall. Thanks mom.) I acted like the life I was living didn't matter because I wasn't sharing it with anyone. It's important to do what you can to enjoy the life you have whether or not it's the life you would choose to have at the moment. Because nothing, with or without another person involved, is ever perfect, but a decade of life should not be disregarded (and essentially discarded) because it doesn't fit into the dream.

  46. LOL!!!! That was one hilarious run on sentence that dripped with desperation. Totally GOT it.

    At Texshan, Paris, Em, Crila, et al..Single women..I too loved being single. I could have chocolate cake for dinner and do whatever I wanted. I met some great guys and considered dating as a way to meet a new friend not as the ONLY MANY WHO WOULD EVER LOVE ME. It was just fun for me. And if I were single again, I would treat it the same way if at all possible. Being single isn't a death sentence(and being married doesn't guarantee happiness), it's a great way to learn to love yourself. Plus hanging with single girlfriends totally get you out of your rut..So you strong, independent and happy single girls I salute you! You will soooooo enjoy this time.

  47. you know, back in the 90s she was hot, and she dated carson daly, and john mayer. this was back when she was young and hot...now its like, no one really cares, jennifer. im in my 30s too and i really dont care who is dating who in hollywood! sure its interesting to read these 'blinds', but if you are really trying to date adam levine, its for attention. you have a new show, focus on your acting! we dont need to read about you in some juicy new relationship anymore lol!

  48. She so reminds me of one of my single girlfriends who has zero self esteem and thinks her entire life's happiness is dependent on finding "the one." I wish some of y'all could shake her for me.

    I watched the Ellen interview today. I cringed.

    Party of Five was a great show, though, dammit. ;)

  49. Ladies, (and men) as an old married fart ;) can I please just say one thing to you all, my greatest life lesson in relationships. Attraction to someone is a wonderful, fun thing, but COMPATIBILITY is what makes relationships. I know I got lucky, I found my lobster (name that Friends episode). I found the guy who can put up with me, he found the woman who can put up with him. It was beyond our control, we are very compatible and we could not fight it. My brother and his wife are even more of a perfectly matched pair.

    Do not settle. Do not EVER settle.

  50. When I said earlier:
    "NOT telling you or anyone to settle, but don't expect any other person to be the be-all end-all for you; look for someone whose company along the way you will enjoy, AND who will enjoy your company too"
    I sort of mean don't settle, but also don't expect TOO much. For instance, if I had said I wasn't going to be with anyone who wasn't a liberal vegetarian Christian who didn't spend HOURS watching football and loved cats and would wear matching sweaters to church with me, I'd still be single. So instead I'm married to a liberal meat-eating Christian-leaning agnostic who watches a lot of football and tolerates my cats but hates cat fur on the furniture (and clothes), and comes to church with me but will not wear the same color as me when we go (haha). I have single friends that will not "settle" AT ALL. Did I? Well, I figured out what was negotiable for me and what was not. What is not: someone who respects me, values my thoughts and feelings, accepts the presence of cats in my life, and enjoys my company. What is negotiable (for ME): hobbies and food choices.

    Compatibility is the most important. Find someone who day in and day out you enjoy being with, and who likes to be with you, and the little things (mostly) fall into place.

  51. Oops, sorry, to clarify what I just said, MY food choices (vegetarianism) are not negotiable. My expectations of another person's food choices are. It would be great if he were vegetarian. I can live with the fact that he is not. He'd probably prefer that I'd like a big drippy steak, but can live with the hummus and spinach wraps.

  52. I'm late to the post (it's the next morning) but want to say that people above have said some of the reasons why I'm happy to be single, and why I'm not dating. I've been single for awhile and I really, really like it this way. Like Sherry said - you have more time for your friends. You have more time for your family (and my family takes up a lot of time). Falling in love with someone is fun and magic and all that, but dealing with someone else's crap when you're busy with your own can be overwhelming. If the person you're seeing doesn't add enough to equal that out, it's time to be done.

    Also vehemently agree: don't settle. It's just not necessary. Awhile back I made the mistake of getting in a relationship because I thought I needed one, and that ended real quick.

  53. Yeah my message too is DON'T SETTLE. I never really cared about being married until I met the man I married. And that was later. I am extremely happy and my man is wonderful to me (and I'm a damn good partner and friend as well).There is nothing wrong with be alone. It does not equal being lonely.
