Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jessie J Outed In New Book

Jessie J has always said she is bisexual. A new book about her claims that Jessie J is actually a lesbian but was ordered by her record company and management to say she is bisexual because it would make her more appealing to fans than saying she is a lesbian. Apparently Jessie was ticked off about it but went along with it anyway. Does this change anyone's opinion of Jessie J? Of course not. You either like Katy Perry which is exactly what Jessie J is or you don't. Are you going to turn off the song because she is a lesbian? I guess there are people out there who would, but there are also people out there who spend $11K on one sex doll and have a collection of 200. Yeah, that's what happens when you don't change the channel after Toddler's & Tiaras. You end up learning way more than you ever wanted to learn about sex dolls and the people who love them.


  1. Haha! I watched the same Obsessed last night too! That guy was super creepy. He kept his sex dolls (that he doesnt have sex with - he says) in coffins. It's better for storage....

  2. Jessie J has a book about her? And people are gonna read it?

  3. ^^ This almost makes me think I should watch more TV.

  4. whoop dee doooooooo

  5. Enty please tell me you are joking about watching Toddlers and Tiaras...

  6. I...don't even know who this is.

  7. I only know who this person is from CDaN.

  8. Have no clue who she is ......

  9. I can't really stand her songs, but I think she's still more talented than Katie Perry... Jessie J. worked as a songwriter for a long time before she was known as a singer. Not that she wrote anything earth-shattering - we have her to thank for Party in the USA.

  10. I wonder if the guys from "Full House" ever watch "Toddlers and Tiaras?"

    Can't help it. It's in my head now.

  11. That was a very informative story about a person I have never heard of. Thank you Enty!

  12. I do think her sound is like katy perry's but jesse sings way better! Now since @Cathy informed me that she wrote "party in the usa". She is knocked down a peg or two!

  13. Aww, you guys her song "Domino" is too freakin' catchy for words! Nobody's heard it? They play it constantly on my radio station. I like her.
    Oh also, she sings that "It's not about the money, money, money." song, "Price Tag" ft. B.O.B. too.

  14. I like her and she blows Katy out of the water vocally.

  15. I like her and she blows Katy out of the water vocally.

  16. Who is this chick? I also couldn't care less about her sexual preferences.

  17. Gay ? Straight ? I really don't care, but I do care about the kind of person you are...
    A straight bastard is still a bastard.
    A gay bastard is still a bastard.

  18. I don't get the comparison to Katy Perry. Jessie J has SUCH an amazing vocal range and I love her music. Just because she sings pop doesn't mean she lacks talent. And her image as a performer is so much better. She seems very comfortable with who she is while Katy Perry seems to be very insecure.

  19. OK, I haven't watched that Obsessed show, but they seriously had a guy on who was obsessed with sex dolls?! And the ones he didn't have sex with he kept in coffins?! Seriously?!

  20. I love her Price Tag song/video but when I hear her latest song I cringe a little when I hear her sing, "Im feeling sexy and free!". Not sure why. Some lyrics just make me go YUK. I know it's just a song, but who announces that they're feeling sexy?

  21. I love her Price Tag song/video but when I hear her latest song I cringe a little when I hear her sing, "Im feeling sexy and free!". Not sure why. Some lyrics just make me go YUK. I know it's just a song, but who announces that they're feeling sexy?

  22. I thought it was Pauley Perrette when I first looked at the picture. But I never heard of this person.

  23. She's a big popstar in the UK

  24. No surprise here I think. Not sure which idiot thinks its newsworthy enough to out her.

  25. This is no shock. All lesbians look like that, no?

  26. Ms Etheridge...

  27. Jessie J has way more talent that Katy Perry! Listen to some of her music and you will, she's gorgeous! Who cares if she is gay or straight. ridic.

  28. i don't give a toss what her orientation is but i DO care that she's choosing to stay somewhat closeted for money and 2012.

  29. Yes how dare she let the record company slightly misrepresent her, just so she can get her record out and played without the bullshit of who she prefers in her private down time.

  30. This shouldn't even be an issue. Who cares? It would be so nice if everyone could just be themselves. I don't like all of her music (I do like 'who's laughing now') but she comes across as a strong girl, which is a nice change from the rest of the simpering pantless crowd.

  31. Amanda M., Enty watches '16 and Pregnant,' so why wouldn't he watch the prequels?

  32. Amen her sexual preferences are no one's business. And never heard her music. Just not my cuppa I am sure cuz I am old.

  33. Jessie J is miles better than Katy P, come on Enty! She seems well liked in UK, maybe she's not very well known in the US. As for her sexuality, who cares? Her image was never constructed to be a boys wet dream anyway. Not a shocker- if true- at all

  34. I think Jessie J sounds like Katy Perry. I think both their songs are catchy.

    I'm not sure what's worse, having 200 sex dolls or having 200 dolls you pretend are your kids? Or you have sex with your car?

  35. I LOVE Jessie J. Take one listen to one of her live performances on youtube and you'll change your tune about her being "Katy Perry." Her voice gives me chills!

  36. She's got a great voice, but I wouldn't think she's been alive long enough to justify a whole book.
