Saturday, April 28, 2012

Katy Perry And Chelsea Handler Are Worried About Jessica Simpson

I fully expect that some kind of crisis hotline or Twitter account will be set up shortly because there are obviously billions of people around the planet that are awaiting news of the birth of the baby Maxwell. Three wise men were seen in Calabassas looking up at the stars and brought gifts. Katy Perry and Chelsea Handler have taken up a 24 hour vigil and are worried that Jessica has not given birth. Chelsea recommended vodka. It is her go to answer whether it is appropriate or not. I'm actually shocked at the number of people who are so interested in this birth. Yes, she is on Fashion Star, but what else has she really done to stay in the public eye other than date people and have a dying music career. Maybe she and Christina Aguilera can go on tour and call it, We Used To Be Popular.


  1. F Chelsea and Katy. And Enty that last line was really not nice.

  2. I think people are interested because she has been pregnant for about two years now, it seems really odd. Beyonce announced her pregnancy and seemed to have it like 6 weeks later. LOL

  3. In that picture I would venture to guess that Justin Bieber weighs less than one of Jessica Simpson's breasts.

  4. I think that people just kind of root for Jessica and want her to be happy. She put her life out there in her reality show and people feel like they know and like her IMO.

  5. I think JSimps could give a shit about whether she's perceived as popular, which I admire, to be honest. She's making a boatload of money off her fashion lines.

    And I also think she may be one of thos gals who never looses the baby weight. And then she'll make a boatload
    of money off plus-size fashions, a la Delta Burke.

  6. She is due sometime around May 4th. Chill the heck out people. She has a condition that causes her to have excess fluid, and carry larger. Doesnt mean she has been pregnant longer. If she was 13 weeks when she announced her pregnancy, she would be about 39 weeks, and pregnancy lasts 40.

  7. @knuckles Yes! That too.
    She is carrying her baby to term unlike so many celebs that opt for an early C section.

  8. Katy Perry and Chelsea Handler are attention whores who are leeching onto Simpson's normal, full-term pregnancy to see their own names in print. Thanks for rewarding them.

  9. I don't think anyone really cares. If you report on it daily, I get the impression you care. Or there's little else going on.

    I don't get the interest in pregnant celebrities. Hamsters can do it, why be amazed when people do it?

  10. I think people are interested because shes sweet, adorable, kinda dim, and shes been pregnant longer than an elephant.

  11. I think the interest in her is along the lines of "What stupid fucking nonsense is going to come out of her mouth next?". Because beyond that, I know that I'm not interested.

    Aren't we to believe that Chelsea has soooo much going on right now and she's super busy with her career and celebrity friends? If that is so, what the hell is she speaking out about Jessica for?

  12. It does feel as if she's been pregnant forever, but then again that probably is due to both hearing about it all the time, and her actually going the distance. (I didn't know she had a reason for retaining so much water--does she have toxemia? And are there that many celebrity moms who can armtwist doctors into C-sections for convenience, or am I once again way too naive for my own good? You'd think the docs would say no for the babies' sakes...) I'm not a huge fan of hers, but she seems like basically a good person, so I certainly wish her well and hope the baby is healthy and everyone happy.

  13. Also keep in mind she's small in stature, short-waisted, and has enormous tata's even when she's not pregnant. Naturally she's going to look huge.

  14. Even with all her flaws (John Mayer and Adam Levine stand out to me), there is still something endearing about Jessica Simpson.

  15. Just because we've never seen someone give birth to a 12-year old...

  16. Why is Jessica still in the public eye? Gee, Enty, I don't know, maybe because of gossip bloggers and celebrity-focused websites?

    Do ya' think? ;-)

  17. I like her sweetness. And she cant be as dumb as she portrays herself. Her fashion line is doing well.

    And it's called compassion! Not many people carry that big for as long as she has. Usually on bed rest for weeks before. She must a 25 lb baby in there

  18. Oh she is plenty still popular. Her shoe and purse lines are doing tremendous.

  19. At this point I'm expecting her to deliver the black smoke demon baby from Game of Thrones. How else to explain being pregnant for 18 months?

  20. Her pregnancy is going to nothing once Princess Kate gets pregnant. There will be international baby watch then. Prepare for the onslaught!

  21. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I was born nearly 3 weeks after the due date. Chill the fuck out people. It's not a fake pregnancy. Enough with the ridiculous conspiracy theories.

  22. Meant to say "going to be nothing "...

  23. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Gotta say, I love her shoes !

    Jessica Simpson is worth lots of dough, she doesn't need to do any touring Enty !

  24. gee she looks gorgeous

  25. Wow...nasty for the sake of being nasty, people. She is pregnant, not even overdue. And good lord, it appears she is actually eating during her pregnancy, not starving herself to avoid criticism from the ignorant masses. How refreshing in Hollywood. It's amazing the effect that a gorgeous, funny, happy and fabulously successful woman worth over $100 million can have on people. Jealous much?

  26. I will never understand why people think Jessica Simpson is so sweet and adorable. I think she is disgusting. Her entire schtick is "Girls are dumb, tee hee! I'm a girl, so, like, I is super-stupid!" Yeah, that's really adorable.

    And Enty is right that she really has done nothing to stay in the public eye. I mean jeez, even those wretched "Real Housewives of..." are at least on a popular television show.

  27. "I will never understand why people think Jessica Simpson is so sweet and adorable. I think she is disgusting. Her entire schtick is "Girls are dumb, tee hee! I'm a girl, so, like, I is super-stupid!" Yeah, that's really adorable."
    Right on, Krissie. She is willfully stupid.

  28. I can't wait for her to say "I made an uh-oh" when she delivers. That's the only reason I'm in a hurry for her to have it.

  29. Yeah, I think we've moved past snark, lately, to down right nasty.

  30. People r wondering about the baby cause as soon as we found out about thats really all she talked about. But i do agree with the commenters telling people to take a chill pill.

  31. I like Jessica because she seems very genuine, which is refreshing from a celebrity. I also think she is beautiful.

    I don't get where the Jessica hate comes from, at all. There have never been any "Jessica spit on a waiter and kicked a puppy" stories. Maybe it's jealousy.

  32. I think worry is the root of their interest -- as so many people have pointed out, she's been pregnant for what seems something like seven times as long as Beyonce was

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. There were plenty of stories about Jessica being a xenophobic cunt on that 'Price of Beauty' reality show.

  35. I dislike her too, especially because of her dumb girl schtick. That's plenty harmful. And her clothing line does well but she has nothing to do with it, she only lent her name. Others do the work. Her shoes are nice but I can't bring myself to buy a pair because I don't want her getting a dime of mine.

    And it seems like she's been pregnant forever because blogs and tabloids won't stop talking about her.

  36. she's huge:( poor woman!

  37. I was big as a house when I was pregnant and looked like I was about to pop for months. I think that is why people are so concerned. I just hope she isn't a week overdue like I was. That was miserable! Anyway, she looks healthy and I'm sure she'll give birth to a nice-sized chunk of adorable baby.

  38. perhaps it seems like she's been pregnant for 3 years since that's how long people have been speculating about her womb...

    is she? isn't she? oh she must be now.

    i can't keep up with all the guessing. seems like she actually eats and is relatively happy with her life. i vote "go for it!"

  39. J-Simp's appeal is a MAN thing. 1. she acts dumb (men slobber for that. 2. Shes blonde ('nuff said) 3. She is pretty (say what you want, but she is) 3. She's sexy (again a man thing) 4. Huge titties (enuff said) 5. She IS wealthy. Now if you can just get past Joe and HIS incestuous lust.....

  40. I dont think anyone questions the validity of the pregnancy. That picture of her with a thin face in her moms car makes us wonder if she already had the baby and is
    A) getting a jump start on losing the weight for whatever weight loss program she signed on to and
    B) waiting until this week to announce because a couple of things happened last week that would mean sharing the spot light, namely the Jolie Pitt engagement. Babies need to be born on magazine publishing schedules ya know...

  41. I must be one of the few who really dislikes her. I I think she is an incredible hypocrite. The whole family annoys me. Team Nick!
