Friday, April 13, 2012

Keven Federline Blames Britney Spears For His Bad Parenting

Neither Kevin Federline or Britney Spears is someone I would want to raise my kids. The Enquirer is reporting that Kevin & Britney's two kids as opposed to Kevin and Shar's kids or Kevin and Victoria's kids are out of control. Apparently they try to light everything and smoke it. They are always dry smoking cigarettes and have even managed to light them in the past and smoke them. They also stagger around the house like a drunk and ask for another shot.

Now, according to The Enquirer these behaviors happen at Britney's house so Kevin thinks she is a bad parent. Britney may in fact be a bad parent, and lets face it, she probably is, but that 20 minutes each day she is with them and takes them to Starbucks is good family bonding time.

Anyway, the kids live with K-Fed 95% of the time so they learned the behaviors from the chain smoking always drinking fool and just manage to get away with imitating his behaviors at Britney's house because the bodyguards don't want to watch the kids while Britney has her four medicated nap of the day.


  1. I think K-Fed is just looking for a raise in child support. He has no means of making any income besides some one off reality shows that don't pay much. He has 3 other kids to support and those baby mama's don't make any income either.

  2. I didn't know Kevin had custody. It makes sense, just never really thought about it before. How sad she only gets them 5% of the time :(

  3. K-Fed has them 95% of the time? I find this very difficult to believe. Britney loves those boys and regardless of their behavior was pretty sure they're with her.

  4. i thought they gave her back joint custody when she got herself together?

  5. I'm finding it difficult to believe the boys are with him 95% of the time anymore. Maybe at one time, but not now.

    I'm sure everything that the boys see at Kevin's house is pure. Haven't we seen Kevin smoking around his children?

  6. Kevin's been in Australia and the boys have been with Britney full time since then. They essentially have 50/50 custody when hes in LA. Why don't you do a little research.

  7. Okay, I remember a picture of Britney smoking around JJ when he was a toddler, and the lit cig was about an inch from his head....but K Fed smokes too! They are both pieces of shit, and those kids do not stand a chance in hell. It is fucking sad.

  8. This blog is getting suckier and suckier because.....
    ENTY is now FAUXENTY.

  9. @parissucksliterally - well if Frances Bean turned out they have a chance! I think Britney is horribly irresponsible (due to her broken mind) but I also think she loves them and wouldn't do half the crappy shit Courtney Love has pulled.

  10. Kind of makes you wonder who the source is for the National Enquirer - that former bodyguard who got all sue-happy on Britney, for example? If he didn't get his big payout he was expecting, I can see these little tidbits making their way to gossip columns....

    Somehow I don't see her father or Jason Traywick being the types to allow that kind of behavior with the kids, even if Britney is more lenient. I don't think Keven gets off the couch much to make sure the kids are disciplined. Just saying...

  11. @Sue in MO

    The former bodyguard did get his payout, as did Lufti and everyone else suing BritBrit. They weren't willing to hand over her medical records, or let her meet with an outside mental health professional, so they settled.

    I don't care whose house they're at, those kids are being raised by nannies. I normally don't believe that in the case of celebs, but I do here.

  12. They are BOTH redneck losers that are a bad example for their kids with their drinking and smoking, and poor, lax parenting skills. Those boys will end up in jail one day...what do you expect with parents like THAT?

  13. my kids pick up the WORST habits from their dad, and he only has the kids about 20% of the time. ita as if kids hone in on the bad. doesn't kevin smoke?

  14. ^ consigned. My kids idolize their dad since they see him less. He decided to become a tattoo artist in his thirties (eye roll) and got a lot of piercings, so one of my girls started trying to get that rough look, too. Wanting to dye her hair crazy colors, even tried piercing her own lip!

    I shut that all down, but it wasn't fun for me. Kevin has that bad boy thing, too. I'm sure those kids still think he's really cool.

  15. You know, when I'm in LA I actually really like all the different cultures and experiences you get to have whilst being there.
    I mean, come on there are in-door drum circles, how cool is that?! :)

    Anyway, I've come to think though that all these kids being raised in LA breeds nothing but overly privileged self-entitled zero-boundaries brats. Who will grow up with no ways to cope in the real world.
    Stories like these are case in point.
    It's like all the narcissistic assholes come to LA to make it big or establish themselves and then breed children who too are narcissitic and oblivious but lack even the small amount of grounding their celeb parents might still have from being raised outside LALA land and struggling to make it.
    In short, I dont think these kids have that great a chance NOT to be fuck ups.

  16. Andrew's right. I think Kevin still has legal custody but Britney has at least 50% custody if not more. I don't know why Enty continues to slam her but she seems like she has tried really hard to get her life back. She works, tries to stay out of the gossip rags, and just seems kind of as normal as she can in her situation. Don't believe this article. Also, for everyone slamming her and saying their kids are raised by nannies and believing this article do you really think they'd hire drunk and smoking nannies to care for their kids?

  17. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Jasmine, while your support for drum circles of any kind makes me want to vomit (jk), I totally co-sign with everything else you wrote. People don't become assholes in LA -- they were always assholes, LA just allows them to let their asshole flag fly high. And when these self-absorbed, unstable people procreate, good things rarely result.

  18. There is no way she has them 5% of the time. I know people who work with her and they always say how much she loves her kids and just wants to spend her time with them. She may not have been the best parent in the world around 2007 but I she seems much more engaged and there for her family now. Theres no way theres any truth to this. Especially with all the support she seems to have around her.

  19. I want four nappa's a day.

  20. Britney does seem to love her kids. When I start to think something snarky about her I try to remember that she is woman with severe mental health issues and a limited skill set due to the fact that she doesn't have much experience outside of the performer/celebrity bubble she grew up in. If she does take four medicated naps a day, one hopes that it is due to the medications that are keeping her sane. I'd rather see her taking extra naps than running around at all times of the day and night, wearing a pink wig and talking to anyone who will pay attention (in a faux British accent).

  21. How exactly is it her fault he's a bad parent? Someone has to tell you kids shouldnt be sitting inside all day, watching video games and tv? Are u f*cking kidding me??? Pull your head out of your jumbo arse and look around at what other parents do! Thats right- parks! Walks! Pool! Beach! Zoos! Preschool! Crafts!! Dumbass.

  22. Thanks Lelaina! As a woman who suffers from bipolar disorder, I can empathize with Britney. I am assuming that she is on mood stabilizers and anti-psychotic meds- both of which can wipe you out. However, when you have children and a family you do whatever you have to in order to stay sane. Those meds make you feel like crap and tired all the time. I'm sure she isn't taking those naps just because she's lazy and people should give her credit for sticking with treatment, which is very difficult for someone who struggles with the urge to go off them in order to be more energetic. Unfortunately, there is a fine line between being energetic and bat shit manic.

  23. I don't believe that their is any validity to this. Does anyone realize how many mothers have had questionable periods of time when they have all done things that they regret as a mom? Not a single mother is perfect but because she is in the spotlight and dealt with a very rough breakdown in front of the public, this will always hang over her head. It's actually very sad because I believe she really has changed her life around for her boys. If enty continues to trash Britney I will no longer continue to follow this site.
