Monday, April 23, 2012

Lane Garrison Arrested For Domestic Violence

I need to go back and dig out a couple of Lane Garrison domestic violence blind items that are in there somewhere. Garrison's girlfriend, Ashley Mattingly had called police to report Garrison but he skipped out before he got there. When he returned, I guess he expected everything to be all lovey dovey again despite leaving marks all over Ashley. When Garrison showed up, she called the police again who came and arrested Lane. You would think that a guy who caught such a huge break in that drunk driving death would be a perfect angel the rest of his life. Not so. Not even close.


  1. She looks like Jessica Simpson. Which given the history there is creepy.

    Women beaters should burn in hell.

  2. There's more to this story than you're reporting. You make it sound as if he went out of his way to hurt her. There are more details out there.

    -- he was dog-sitting for someone who lived in the same building, and apparently bumped into her in the lobby

    -- he was six days away from his probation ending, something she knew (and he felt she was trying to jeopardize)

  3. I love the entertainment value of this site, although I don't ever really put too much stock into the "blind items." I feel like they're intentionally left vague so that the possibilities to fit people into them are endless... The statement in this post that, "I need to go back and dig out a couple of Lane Garrison blind items that are in there somewhere... " rings off alarms.

    Is that how it's done? Make them up, make them vague, and "reveal" them when something happens that fits?

    Either way, like I said, love the Entertainment value..

  4. I'll admit, I hate violence against women, but due to their backstory I have to wonder if she did try to get him sent back to prison for breaking up with her.
    He has 6 days left on parole, it's hard to believe he'd mess that up. I grew up in a rough area and I've known girls to do stuff like that.
    Either way, this guy still has a ways to go in learning lessons.

  5. He is responsible for himself and should of known better. If she was hurling every insult at him he should of just walked away. He put his hands on her. Even if it was just to sit her in a chair. That can be seen as battery. That is all it takes.

    I don't feel sorry for him at all. Lay with dogs you get fleas.

  6. He really did seem remorseful when he was busted for DUI & killing someone. Guess that's why he's an "actor", huh?

  7. Timebob, "lie with dogs, you get fleas." Love it! I'm using your expression from now on instead of "you made your bed, now lie in it."

  8. Why blame her! If he did indeed beat her while he is on parole then he is a sack of shit! Just because he was dumb for doing so doesnt mean that he didnt do it.

  9. Wow, Lane would never mess up his parole so that bitch must have framed him?

    I don't give a fuck about the circumstances of this fight. If she called him every name in the book, if she "provoked" or "instigated" him, don't care.. Any man who lays hand on someone he supposedly loves is a downright, no good asswipe scum! Good for her she called the police. Hopefully she can realize whats best for her and leave him before it gets worse.

  10. That wasn't exactly what I said, so that's actually pretty rude. My point was that there were two people involved and two sides to the story, and that I was willing to wait for the police to find out what happened before passing judgement.

    If he beat her he deserves whatever happens, however, false accusations can happen. If you don't think so then you are naive.

    I would never stand up for a man that hit a woman. I'm just not sure that actually happened.

  11. I had to look the two of them up because I don't know who they are, and saw that there is now this video out on TMZ of him hitting her. Yuck. It's basically video of him waiting outside her place for her to show up, running into her garage after her car to get in, fighting in an elevator and hitting and pushing her around. Horrible. She's lucky those cameras were going because this case will be cut and dry now I'd think.

  12. all i see on TMZ video is that they fight together and at a moment he seems to slap her and TMZ also has some pics but all i see is maybe red marks (and again!)

    i don't know about their story but i know i would be very angry if my boyfriend cheated me and dropped me for a weathy woman

  13. Surfer,

    If my parole for vehicular manslaughter, drunken driving, and providing alcohol to a minor, were ending in six days the last place I would be was anywhere near someone who I felt she was trying to jeopardize said parole. Let alone take a gig dog sitting in that person's building. Then get drunk and wait for that person to return home and follow that person’s car as it enters the security garage and then follow that person into the security building and then into the elevator trying to convince them not to jeopardize my parole and then slapping them and stealing what appears to be that person's cell phone and then throwing said cell phone into the street when that person refused to listen to my totally rational and sober reasons why, in a city of 10 million people the only job I could find was in that person’s security building as a dog sitter but the dog’s owners refused to give me a key to the building or door opener for the garage.

    But that is just me.
