Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Now Says Maybe She Was Not At Home Watching Television

Ever since this drama happened last week about whether Lindsay Lohan beat some woman at The Standard Hotel, Lindsay has been repeatedly saying she was st home watching television that night and there is no way it could have been her. It has been like a mantra. Now all of a sudden after the third person has filed a report corroborating the woman's story and the police are about to interview Lindsay about the whole thing her story has changed ever so slightly. It has gone from, "we are going to sue this woman because Lindsay wasn't even there," to, "Umm, we are going to wait until the police finish their reports before commenting further." Turns out Lindsay can't keep her days straight. You would think that nights she does not go out would be firmly implanted in her mind because they are so rare. I also wonder if there is something on that video and Lindsay knew she was going to be screwed.


  1. Just lock this bitch up so I never have to hear her name again.

  2. Geezus! That photo is frightening.

    And as you guys say..

    The sky is blue.

  3. If stupidity were a crime she'd be serving life. And that face! She's almost exactly a year younger than me, but looks about twenty years older. Hot mess express.

  4. She turns 27 in July 2013. What are the odds she makes it to join that club???

  5. @nola - Thought that was her grand finale plan. It's flawless. EVERYBODY knows you get way more famous if you die, duh!

  6. So Enty, I'm guessing there will be no comments on Eszterhas' letter which maybe has to do with Himmmm, who knows.

  7. In acupuncture they tell you that the way to tell your healthy is be looking at your face (and tongue). Because the organs dont lie; if you have poor circulation and toxicity on your insides than that shows up in your face.

    So my only presumption is Lindsay has the insides of roadside carcasses. FO REAL.

    She might last past 27 but this is not a bitch who's gonna be hitting the Betty White aged club. FACT

  8. @nola this bitch is too much of a narcissist to do any serious damage to herself

  9. In fact, I'm taking odds now that Betty White will still be ALIVE when Lindsay croaks.

  10. I wish they'd get this all done, all the messing around, 'cuz I want to know if it happened, or not. I don't care about the speculation and the Standard withholding their security tapes or what LL has to say about where she was. Just want to know if IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. The speculation is annoying.

  11. All I can think when I see her is what a tragedy. She was so cute in The Parent Trap. That's how I prefer to remember her. Sigh.

  12. good lock her up before she can contaminate Canada with that ridiculous Liz Taylor made for TV movie

  13. t's ridiculous how many times she's gotten away with her shit, that's why she doesn't take anything seriously. But because her probation is over, this won't stick much either. Does assault and battery get any jail time?

  14. SO tired of hearing about and seeing her. Truly.

    I'm 36 and I look younger than her. I'm not even exaggerating.

  15. Her face seriously looks like a death mask.

  16. Just say no. Seriously

  17. She should NEVER have white hair. That's tragic looking but then she's a tragic soul. I still can't help feeling sorry for her. Don't know why.

  18. Christ on a cracker, this chick looks rough.

  19. Elizabeth, I've been wondering the same thing. Why won't he say anything?

  20. She's younger than me by nearly 5 months, and she looks a mess. I think she'll be lucky to even get to 27 to be honest. I've thought for a while that if she gets serious jail time she'll somehow snuff herself while inside.

  21. Does SHE even know where she is?? Get it together, for crissakes!

  22. Elizabeth and Vicki - didn't Hmmm say that deep down Mel is a good guy? Maybe that's why. Altho in this case I disagree, but Mel may have helped him out in the past, so loyalty prevails.

    Of course Mel DID help out RDJ, lol.

  23. aaaaannnnddd this is why Lifetime refuses to announce she has the Liz role. From what I read they were supposed to formally announce it two weeks ago but held back becuase they don't trust her.

    I'm sure the Standard Hotel will "lose" the video of her being at the hotel that night. But when you have multiple witnesses confirming it. She is screwed. Back to formal probation for LiLoser.

  24. Holy crap! I have a decade on her and even if you repeatedly beat my face with an ugly stick she'd STILL win.
    What the heck?!

  25. When I first saw this photo I thought it was a photo of a grandma that you were trying to pass off as Lindsay Lohan. I was wrong. She looks so old and terrible.

  26. Man, she looks like walking death. I am still on the train that she never had a chance in hell with the parents she had. Although it is up to Lindsay now to clean up her own act, I feel her parents should be shunned, ridiculed and dismissed from the job of parenting anymore of their children from this day forward. She is an example of parenting gone to hell. She was a child...not a meal ticket.

    If you go back and look at the "Parent Trep" you can tell very obviously that she was on drugs then. Her eyes were dialated and red-rimmed back when she was that young. There is a special circle in hell reserved for Michael & Dina Lohan.

  27. Can someone PLEASE tell me why this dumb asshole keeps getting second, and third, and fourth, etc chances?? She looks worse than the crackhead that used to live upstairs from me...and she had not teeth!

  28. i think i just had a mild stroke after accidentally zooming that picture all over my screen.

  29. That picture just makes me feel sad for her. Unless she takes responsibility for her actions and gets the fuck sober her days on this plane will soon expire.

  30. The public probably remembers a young gifted light-spirited actress fondly, because no one other than Lindsay Lohan could still be cared about for so little after so much... It does take amazing courage and it's time to do a complete 180 NOW. Let's call a "Twitter size" media limitation of LL for her sake, no news bite bigger than 140 characters, no photos. She needs new goals, stat.

  31. I am so sick of reading media attacks on LL. Could you have possibly found a less flattering photo? Geez, it's like a piranha tank around here.
    Can anyone leave the poor girl alone???
    It's sad to revel in the issues of others.

  32. That is a coke nose if ever I saw one....just a matter of time till it caves in.

  33. Then the world will be sad and talk about wasted talent like after the deaths of M Jackson, W Houston, etc...

    Maybe if people aren't publicly and mercilessly mocked they can turn their lives around. But I guess that wouldn't sell gossip rags.

  34. That picture is rough, but truthfully, she is looking better. I'll bet she's had to have reconstructive surgery on her nose because of all the coke. And she'll live a long life. I hate to say it - it is rude, but the analogy seems to fit. She's like a cockroach - they are disease-ridden scavengers that will outlive us all.

    Amy Winehouse and Health Ledger had too much self awareness to last long in their chosen field in this BS world. Lilo has none.

  35. Self awareness leads to overdose/suicide???

  36. Cocaine is a helluva drug.

  37. Who's the 60 year old hooker? Shouldn't there be a photo of LILO up?

    Oh wait...

  38. "If stupidity were a crime she'd be serving life."

    Love it.

    I also have ten years on her and you could beat me with a sack of nickles & I am still WAAAY hotter. Thank God for my hotness, I try not to abuse it.

    Jesus on a pogostick she's a mess.

  39. Steppy or Dina? Her mother AND father did her a great disservice. Loads of people come from a disadvataged background but their parents at least give them a good foundation and values.

    My mother was a highly functional alcoholic but she taught us something that me and my sisters acknowledge to this day. You are responsible for everything that happens to you and you can change the outcome.

    At the age of 31 with a 13,11 and 10 yr old my mother bought a house. As a single mother and no $ from a man OR family. We had nothing (didn't even go to the dds until I was moved out at 18). But we knew hard work was the only way to succeed.

    NONE of us has been as messed up as Lilo who has been quite privledged to be a movie star and we're all successful in our fields. Even though my mother has emotional and substance issues she did a better job than her mother.

    She thinks of her kids because shee has no skills of her own. So if you don't like seeiing Lindsey trashed too fucking bad. She had it all and she squandered her chance and still they won't pull a Jamie Spears and save her. When Linds joins the 27 club they'll act all surprised. They too will have squandered THEIR chance to save their child.

    And that dear Steppy is why I feel sorry for her. They don'th love Her, they love her $.

  40. ^Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

  41. Lindsay. Making Cat Lady look good.

  42. Maybe her lips were home watching TV while the rest of her was out tearing up the town. Good lord those things could have their own zip code!

  43. @Sherry - that is about it, nicely said.

  44. @Sherry - that is about it, nicely said.

  45. I took the position she would not make it 14 days before she got in trouble again. She is a dual diagnosis unmedicated mess. she needs treatment and to never be seen on these pages or any others again. she will not get treatment and doesnt think she has a problem. her sister is up next and will begin her own circus. LL is only several screen credits above tonya harding. put both of them in the useless waste of space category and let's all move on

  46. @Sherry. you are a survivor and someone who has come out of the gates of hell with your dignity. you and your sisters should be proud of yourselves and i wish all of you nothing but the best.

  47. America's Pete Doherty! Ick!!!

  48. que lastima....esta chica! (in rosie perez voice)

  49. @mango - LOL! My first thought was "Holy Sh*t! What happened to her face!"

    @sherry - Well said! What a great mantra from your mother "you are responsible and you can change it." We all have demons but some chose to grow up and not use them as excuses for continual bad behaviour.

    Time for some tough love. Send girlfriend to prison for an entire year and see what happens. She squanders every chance she gets. I think a year away with some real folks is just what the doctor ordered. If not, The 27 Club is right around the corner.

  50. Anonymous10:03 PM

    @Steppy, LL is mercilessly mocked and attacked in the media because she just keeps doing stupid things. At no point has she learned from her past mistakes and owned up to them. Everything is always someone else's fault. She's mocked for her consistently stupid actions. Do you really think ignoring her would make her change her ways?

    And please step away from the condescending "but then that wouldn't sell tabloids" argument. You're here.

  51. Thanks kj and papaya.
    Sorry for the typos..Was on the teeny phone.
    And I meant Brits dad..Is that Jamie? Well you know!

  52. I love the irony of people commenting on a gossip site and bitching about peoples comments. Yes we take shots, suck it. Try not to fall off your high horse getting down.

  53. That photo.

    I love reveling in other people's issues, which is why I visit this gossip site.

  54. That is one hideous picture of Lohan. She looks all used up and hard.

  55. KJ, at this point Tonya probably has an advantage over LL, because if her appearances on the various TruTV shows are any indication, she does seem to have a sense of humor, some bit of perspective, and is at least willing to take jobs and make the best of them. LL? Not so much right now, or maybe ever. I'm all too familiar w/the cockroach/Keith Richard/William S. Burroughs (RIP) analogies, but putting LL in that category doesn't quite wash for me--even when they were totally strung out, both Keef & WSB were still writing and accomplishing something other than nodding out, but she's not, alas.

    Perhaps a year in the pokey would help straighten her out, but I'm not sure that even jail would help at this point--yes, it did seem to be crucial to RDJ's turning himself around, BUT: he was always much more self-aware (Exh. A: his drug habit/gun-in-mouth analogy to the judge), had a better sense of perspective, was still well-regarded as an actor due to both the quality of his work and his treatment of his co-workers (excellent), and, perhaps most importantly, had enough people who cared about him to be there when he was ready for them, and to help provide motivation to stay on the wagon. (For this reason, I'll never criticize him for defending Mel Gibson publicly; yes, Mel has behaved abominably at times, but there's no denying he stuck his neck out for RDJ, saving not only his career but most likely his very life as well, and I'd find it hard to slam someone openly who went that far for me. I might have a word w/them in private, mind you, but loyalty when the chips are down is not something to be sneezed at.) LL, on the other hand, refuses to take any responsibility for anything in her life, behaves badly to co-workers and pretty much anyone else crossing her path, is surrounded by yes-men, and her family...let's not even go there; the term "biological breeders" might be more appropriate. *shudder* I wish her no harm, and if she actually got it together, I'd be very happy for her, but right now it's just not looking likely, and unless some of those factors I mentioned change, it won't be, because she's come by her place on everyone's Death Pool honest, as they say down South. *sigh*

  56. ^Yes, I know, it's Keith Richards; that's what I get for not proofreading. Also, I'm 50 (51 on July 15th), and I look a HELL of a lot better than she does--I may be a fat, middle-aged woman old enough to be her mom, but while I don't look 25--the usual guess is around 40--I damn straight look a lot less wrinkled, and my skin tone's better even taking my rosacea into consideration. (Whaddaya know? Good genes & clean living really DO make a difference!)

  57. AAAARRRGGGHHH, this fucking stupid LYING liarmouth. I detest her.

  58. Just to add, if people commenting were here long enough to know, instead of taking one off pot shots. If people Enty posts about are assholes we call them assholes. If people are good and kind. We call them good and kind.

    Try hanging around this place more then 10 minutes to figure that out before being all snooty.

  59. Now there are pics of her hanging out with SNOOP DOGG at Coachella. Yeah, she's sober all right.

  60. Holy cow Lindsay looks like SH-T.

    It's such a sad story. It's starting to look like Lindsay is a lost cause...and I'm very sad for her. We're all making fun of her and want her to go away...but the sad truth is, one day she actually may O.D. or get into a horrible drunken crash and kill herself or someone else. With her behavior, she's lucky to still be alive. I, unfortuantely, with her destructive family support system and upbringing, do not see a future of recovery for Lindsay. She won't listen, she's not self aware, and her family and friends make excuses for her. Even the courts don't hold her responsible for her bad behavior. It will take a miracle.
