Thursday, April 05, 2012

Lisa Robin Kelly On Good Morning America

Lisa Robin Kelly, who played Laurie on That 70's Show was on Good Morning America and looked way better than her mugshot. It kind of looked like the female equivalent of the Nick Nolte mugshot. You don't usually find such winners in the celebrity community. Not that she is really a celebrity anymore. Her interview does show you what happens when you are on television and not a lead and get yourself in trouble. You are booted from the show, can't get work and your life becomes a downward spiral.

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  1. Waaaaah. Use this as a learning experience, not a "woe is me" moment.

  2. Watched with the sound off.

    - how did she gain an eyebrow so quickly?

    - men can make duckface, too!

    - she looks like the crazylady at the bus stop in that interview.

  3. The only reason we know this woman's name is because she had a chance to do something few people get to do and she threw it away.

    I don't think she's learned much in the intervening years.

  4. My co-worker said she looks like Goldie Hawn. Goldie Hawn is 67 - she's 42.

    I'm not real confident in her declaration that she was sober at the time it happened, or in her interview.

  5. I wonder if Lindsay Lohan was watching......

  6. So many funny parts, she can still do comedy! The best part had to be Katie and George's mock concern at the end. I've seen better chemisty in 4th grade these two...

  7. @whocaresnow12 I wouldn't expect LL to be up early enough to watch GMA, let alone learn anything from it. If all of her arrests, stints in jail and rehab, court dates, probations and community services haven't taught her anything...

    Do you know how hard it is to NOT get in trouble? It's not. I've never been arrested, or even talked sternly to by a police officer.

    When will these people realize that they are the lowest common denominator of all their problems?

  8. @Amber: LL might not be up early enough to watch GMA, but she might be up late enough!

  9. The lady that interviewed LRK looks like a hot version of Stephanie Pratt to me. That is my random thought for the day.

    My thoughts on this post and interview are that LRK was full of shit during the interview & hope that one day she means what she said.

    "Seems like she's kind of unraveling, doesn't she?" - Katie Couric

  10. @Robert - Good point!! haha

  11. Jeremy London called. He wants his bullshit excuses back.

  12. I think this is really sad and I just dont have the snark in me to laugh at someone who's obviously faced a decades long addiction. When you have alcohol abuse in your family stories like this one- where someone loses all their chances in life and is at rock bottom- just hits home with you, I guess.

    I hope she finds some sorta peace or other avenues of accomplishments besides entertainment, cause I think that shipped has sailed a looooong time ago.

  13. I doubt she has been sober three minutes, let alone three months. She doesn't look any better than her mug shot. It just looks like someone took the picture and added lipstick.

    She is in some serious denial. It's blatantly clear alcohol isn't her problem, or her only problem. She has meth face.
