Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Longest Year Of Our Lives

Today marks the one year anniversary of the wedding of LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. In the past year, which has probably been the longest of all our lives, the couple has given us 467 bikini shots of LeAnn on vacation. The good news is there are three which don't make her look like she has been on a starvation diet for the entire year. The better news about those three is they generally only have her arm in it, so that is a big bonus. We have seen them take 23 vacations in 52 weeks. The only time either of them worked was when Eddie was on that Playboy show. Remember that? He must have worked on that for two or three weeks so definitely needed all those vacations. We have seen 6 fights between LeAnn and Brandi with Brandi winning everyone. There looked to have been one couple swapping and one boob job. I have my doubts they will make it through year two.


  1. I'm willing to bet she won't ever get knocked up because she knows she will gain weight and then he won't be interested anymore. He seems shallow and she seems insecure.

  2. Oh Jesus I don't think I can take another year of this.

    On the other hand, it must almost be time for Eddie to say "Next".

    Keep hanging on for dear life, LeAnn.

  3. It DOES seem like longer than a year.

  4. I'm sure there's some clause in his pre-nup to preclude him from getting anything until he's served a lengthy sentence.
    He's not going anywhere. He was in it for money and fame and he's got both from this in spades more than he ever got from his own career.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As long as LeAnn is worth 30 million Eddie will stick around. At least until she tears up the prenup or 10 years whichever comes first.

    She is clearly obsessed with him. It's always nice when a stalker marries their victim.

  7. @timebob - love your last sentence! I needed that laugh today.

  8. I like that picture, because I can see very little of her.

    If Eddie did leave he'd have to drag her around behind him, she won't let go any time soon. It wouldn't be too tough tho' she can't weigh much.

  9. Another successful graduate of the Melanie Griffith Relationship Mail Order Academy.

  10. What in the hell happened to her to make her so vapid and messed up?

  11. I think it's a classic case if insecure, average looking girl found a hot (I know, I know) guy who was "interested" in her. I have seen it happen before and these chicks will bend over backwards for these guys and put up with things that would send me racing to the door.

    Long story short, she is a dumbass.

    1. *of an, not if - hating my phone today

  12. Lol I love the rundown of the numbers of vacations and bikini pix. ;)

  13. Yeah, I guess it seems like they've been married forever since they get pap'ed so often.
    I wonder if it's true that she calls them. I could buy that.

  14. Oh @timebob, I think I split a stitch! Ahahah!

  15. Wasnt her ex husband into guys?

  16. @ Alicia. Yes...I heard the same thing. If you look at him, he's very feminine and slight. LeAnn actually looked bigger than him, if I'm recalling correctly. Too lazy and don't care enough to google his photo.

    They've only been married for 1 year? THat's it? No wonder Eddy hasn't cheated yet. It's still new. Give it another year or 2.
