Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Adam Levine and Maroon 5 were filming their new music video. Think he hit on the woman?
Chris Hemsworth and a very pregnant Elsa Pataky.
So, who do these belong to?
Emma Roberts.
Heidi Klum in her first photoshoot.
Harry Styles of One Direction shaving his legs.
Jon Hamm going out solo.
Jennifer Lawrence battles with action figures on Spanish television.


  1. That's an old pic of Jon Hamm. Just throwing it out there.

  2. what is with Elsa Patakay's Lips.? eww

  3. Heidi Klum is such a baby in that pic!!!!!

    Jon Hamm. I love him.

  4. That's a new way for teen heartthrobs to connect with their audiences. "See girls I'm just like you, I shave my legs too!" The next step is male tampons? I'm gonna try to market a New York Dolls style drag boy band.

  5. The dolls in the Heidi picture are freaking me out.

    1. Yeah, that is one freaky ass picture! And why hire a blonde if u r going to darken her hair? And what do u mean'first photo shoot'?

    2. It means just that, it was her first photo shoot before she went blonde and made it big.

  6. Vicki is the keeper of the keys and grounds at Jon Hamm University :) If I could borrow him for a few hours I would be so happy!

    I <3 Jennifer Lawrence

  7. It freaks me out that the paps take pics of what's inside the car of celebs.

  8. Emma has some seriously skinny thighs, better that kind of boob help than implants. And yeah, who's peeking in windows to take pix of personal belongings?

    Dolls with eyes that open and close freak me out about as much as clowns.

    In the Adam Levine picture its looks like she'll be whipping off the glasses and letting her hair down later.

  9. Oh Adam, I just can't hate on you *sigh*

  10. I would not have recognized Heidi Klum at all.

  11. Elsa looked a lot like ScarJo there and Heidi Klum didn't look like anyone familiar.
    @Superstar..I'll come see your band. Sounds good!

  12. Jennifer L is amazing. Loving her more and more lately.

  13. Vicki, I was about to say the same thing about the Hammster photo, but since I never get tired of looking at him, I'll not complain. Having a "Mad Men" marathon tonight, as a matter of fact.

    Vick may be the keeper of the keys and the grounds at JHU, but I am the chancellor.

  14. I have new love for Adam since watching The Voice. He seems down to earth and just as self-conscience as us regular folk.

    That soooooo does not look like Heidi Klum.

  15. I wish I were the keeper of the Hammster peen.

  16. Anonymous2:05 PM

    OMG Heidi Klum is unrecognizable in that picture !
    Wow. How much work HAS she had done??

  17. Heidi reminds me of Cindy Crawford back in her prime (mostly just the hair).

  18. Speaking of hugely pregnant people, has Jessica Simpson had that baby yet? I feel like it was due a month ago.

  19. I didnt even recognize Heidi! She still looks good! I do like Adam but dont like the douche persona he sometimes gives off. Jennifer L is a lovely girl, i hope she stays that way.

  20. I refuse to acknowledge One Direction is famous or evening happening.

    Going through New Kids on the Block and Color Me Badd in the early 90s as a little kid
    and then 98 degrees, Backstreet Boys and the like as a highschooler has fucking scarred me for life yo.

    I refuse to let my late 20s/early30s involve any type of synchronized male dancing and "singing".
    I've been in recovery since the backstreet boys days and I dont plan on falling off the wagon any time soon:)

    Unless of course Hansen comes back. Attending a Hansen concert sounds too hilarious to pass up.

    1. Hanson is still actually making albums and recording to this day.

  21. That Emma/car pic is so bloody rude & invasive. What's next. pics from inside their curbside trash can? C'mon Enty, you're twice as tacky for posting :(

    I think adults collecting dolls are creepy. I walked into a woman's home once who had over 3,000 dolls. They all effing stared at you, without an inch of wall to spare. She was divorced. lonely & her family & grandchildren wouldn't visit. Go figure.

    Heatherhug: I think I read somewhere yesterday Jessica had a baby girl (?) I've been delusional w/ the flu for 3 days, so who knows :/

  22. Regarding JHU...may I join in some capacity? Ohmygawd Jon Hamm is so delicious. I'm hopelessly addicted to Mad Men, but I don't think John Slattery gets enough love. He is such a silver fox. In my daydreams they fight over me. I let them both win. ;)

  23. Jasmine... does that mean you like them and don't want to or just don't like them?

    I saw them on Saturday Night Live and hated them. From the flat hand on their stomachs move, to the other guy semi holding his junk to the stupid moves. Ugh.

    They are sooooo over produced.

  24. Betty K- it means I dislike boy bands :)

    I think there's far more interesting talented individuals out there who dont have a chance because of these bubble gum pop people who were manufactured in a music studio. I still remember that BI about the boy band that were assigned a theme, so they'd hit all the fan bases- like bad boy, surfer, skater, romantic one, etc. And the answer is ALL OF THEM were created this way- it's icky to me.
    (though I dont blame the boys for this totally- it's really the music ppl who're to blame)
    Nonetheless, I dont have to support it.
    I was listening to Tori Amos and the like in HS while a lot of my fellow school mates were obsessed with Backstreet. And it's like being obsessed with a plastic toy- they arent real.

    The exception to this is Boyz to Men of course- those dudes have serious serious talent.

  25. My child just put up a poster of this Harry kid in her room, LOL. (I thought One Direction didn't do dance moves?)

    It's my fault, because I thought the Jonas Brothers were cute and took her to way more of their concerts as a small Disney-loving child than I care to admit. (They definitely didn't dance.)

    No problem really. Seems like a fair rite of passage. I despised boy bands as a kid/teen but ngl...I would've given my eye teeth to see Take That with Robbie Williams on tour last summer...

  26. Emma is lucky a picture is all that was taken of her car. Leaving a handbag on the back seat is stupid.

  27. What is he shaving his legs with, a lint brush? That doesn't look like a razor in his hand.

    One direction is shit, and their hair is even worse. The Wanted is preferable, but not by much.

  28. I'm vegetarian, but I'd love a huge hunk of Hamm. I know - corny, but this guy makes me drool!

    I agree that paps taking photos of personal items in a celebrity's car is über creepy. What's next? Blech!

    It definitely looks like Heidi's had some work on her nose and lips, but sadly, she didn't need it!

  29. I agree, better those chicken cutlets than unsafe implants. I don't know why, but I like Emma Roberts. I saw her on one of those good deeds shows and she was very sweet and normal acting. She did spend the first dozen years of her life in a normal household, not Hollywood, so there is hope for her.

  30. That Heidi Klum pic was 20 years ago, you twits. She didn't have work done. Shit.

  31. Followed up with, not every woman has had "work" just because she's exponentially better looking than you.

  32. And p.s. if you can survive Eric Roberts as your dad, you can survive anything. Great actor, but the guy is a little nutty.

  33. I'm rooting for John Hamm and Jen. Just sayin'. They seem so...normal....I know, relative term when it refers to actors, but still. Rooting for 'em.
