Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ricki Lake Got Married

Ricki Lake got married last weekend but managed to keep it secret long enough to get a tabloid story out of it. So, really, not that secret. Does it count as an elopement if you end up selling the photos to tabloids? I thought the whole purpose of an elopement was to avoid the fuss and muss and to keep as far away from the father of the bride as possible since he does not want you marrying his daughter but you are afraid of losing her so you convince her to run away with you to Vegas and get married there where you have your rehearsal dinner at the $4.99 lunch buffet and look around at all the other brides and grooms also decked out in their finest rented formal wear. After you get married you decide to play some craps and do some shots before heading to the marital bed because everyone else is doing it and you are in Vegas and the next thing you know you and some other person who got married earlier in the day are having sex in one of the display cars they have next to slot machines and wondering where you can get your marriages annulled because you want to be with each other forever.

Anyway, Ricki got married on Easter and I hope she is very happy.


  1. Speechless at the comments...experience from one of three?

    Love her dress.

  2. I love that photo! If I ever make the mistake of getting married, I would love a dress like that!

  3. Ha ha Vicki Cupper you always crack me up.

    Off topic - Is this the only commenting board where people aren't insane/stupid/hardcore? I swear it is.

    DListed commenters remind me of crackheads and many (not all) Celebitchy commenters seem to be on soapboxes.

    Just wanted to say you guys are great. *hugs*

  4. What the F Downton Abbey kinda staged wedding photo is that?

  5. Is that the actual photo or from a scene out of Mrs. Winterbourne?

  6. I just thought Enty's run on sentence was funny as heck!

  7. Yes, if I ever get married, I think I want that dress. I really kinda want to see the front, though.

    And yes, this board is the ONLY one I even come to anymore. I left BG because I was censored and wouldn't kiss someone's ass, and the others are just too bitchy for me. Everyone here is so much fun and respectful to one another. CDAN rocks! Yay!

  8. Ha! CowPie, it's very Lady Sybil. That or she's stepped right off the broken pieces of a 1,000 piece puzzle in my grandma's house.

  9. I love this site because the commenters have something that I have not seen anywhere else online....Intelligence.

    Also, the dress is really not for me. Reminds me of Miss Havisham.

  10. I love this site and most of the commenters, but people can get preachy and judgy on here. I will always love Dlisted commenters because they're a bunch o' cunts and bitches that don't take it all so seriously. :)

  11. I do NOT get peachy and fudgy on here.....well, maybe fudgy.

  12. I am always preachy and judgy, not just on CDAN!*L*

  13. Oh! Maja! There you are!

  14. @Dixie - I did it! :)

  15. I think overall the people here are quite civil and mostly kind. If not then they're snarky but not outright mean (usually).

    That looks like my wedding dress, Ms Havesham and all. At the ripe old age of 43 white just wasn't gonna cut it. My sleaves weren't so poofy as hers though.

  16. whenever celebs "manage to get married quietly", it is because they are C listers or below that no one gives a crap about.

  17. Folks get on self-righteous streaks around here sometimes, but it's not often and it's actually a lot of fun laughing at them.
    CDAN is my 'hood and you guys are the homies. ;-)

  18. @BigMama - I might get a little peachy here myself. ;-)

  19. @Brenda Love - yessss, this is my favorite 'hood too & I love it. HOMIES!!!

  20. Damn, now I want a piece of fudge.

    And now back to Rikki...this isn't what I'd consider an elopment, but with my track record, I'm no marriage expert.

    While the picture is nice and all where's the groom?

  21. @Em - lmfao!! I can imagine you waiting in anticipation for @Maja. The visual result made me immediately laugh. Please continue, both of you. I'll be checking again later when I'm not insanely busy.

    @hunter - ITA with you & others about the readers here.

    @Brenda Love - !!!! YES. Love it!

    *group hug*

    Ok, back to work for me! Boooooo.

  22. & oh yeah, this post made me giggle a lot. I think I missed the point if there was one in there.

    K - peace out forealz this time, homies.

  23. @Dixie: You should have seen how excited I was to see @Maja's comment. I've never typed so fast.

    Now, off to find Maja and let her in on the joke...

  24. @em

    While you're here, did JBE ever post what he said he might post? Inquiring minds what to know.


  26. That...was hilarious, and quite visual. No bacon, though.

  27. @Sue Ellen - I don't think he did, no. I'm sure he will eventually. Side note: I hope you enjoyed your Easter deliciousness, my mouth is still watering over your menu.

  28. @Vicky - thats for making me spit coffee on my computer keyboard earlier this morning. ;)

    I am always fudgy....I do so love my chocolate. Now, bacon fudge....hmmmmmm

  29. @Ms Cool - go get ya a peach girly!

  30. @Maja - yesterday Dixie and I were talking about my pic and I said I wanted to find you and post back to back because we'd look lovely next to each other.

    Your all caps confusion made me LOL.

  31. Everyone looks like a failure next to Nina Hagen *L*

  32. HAHAHA, BigMama! Do you mean cat vomit?

  33. @Vicki - Yep yep, cat vomit indeed...well, it was in reference to Lindsey

  34. @Em

    I sure did. The only problem with that food is that it gives you mad bloat. It's worth it though.

  35. What is this, wedding number 4 for her? She's not fooling anyone in that white dress.

  36. @Maja - indeed! (Though I would say you look ecstatic next to her.)

  37. I can't work if I can't stop laughing guys.....

    @Maja - please don't ever change your pic. It really makes your comments hit home plus it is so damn cute.

  38. Ahahahah you guys did it again!! :^D

  39. And in between @bigmama - I'm dying over here.

  40. lol BigMama! Well I aim to please.

  41. Hi Sue Ellen,

    Oh that thing that came up that day when this place was going nuts over Himmmm's post? It's no big announcement really. Just this online project I was working on. You can find out about it by clicking on my blogger profile. Just a link to my own site.

  42. BTW I've always liked you're user name Sue Ellen. I'm seeing Jerry Seinfeld live Friday night. can't wait.

  43. Why do you gotta keep knocking Vegas weddings Enty?

    I had a Vegas wedding, and it was fab! It only cost me about $600. I got great pics too.

    I don't get a good vibe about this marriage.

  44. This must be Ricki Lake's... 3rd wedding? Nice photo, tho'.

    The comments over at Dlisted are sometimes too incoherent for me.

    With all the Random Photos we get each day, Maja's photo is always my favorite. It's just too precious!

  45. Most of the peeps at Celebitchy really get on my nerves. I love Dlisted, though. This is why I'm always on here and just started commenting today :) You guys are much more fun without being shitheads than any other sites I visit.

  46. @JBE

    Thank you. I was intrigued by the comment and have been waiting to see what it was. A-thank you.

    Now I can sleep at night (j/k)

    And thanks em.

  47. Ahhhhh, Ms. Hellfire never fails us!!!
