Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Someone Had Sex With Ryan O' Neal - Willingly

Apparently despite being in the top 100 tools of all time in Hollywood, Ryan O' Neal still finds women desperate enough to have sex with him. Yes, the man who hits on his daughter still, and made her watch him have sex with Melanie Griffith finds women who find that attractive. The past drug abuse just is bonus points for the ladies. Oh, and the fact he got all his kids hooked just shows potential mates that he likes to spend time with his kids doing things together.

A woman named Jessica Zellars says her two month old baby is Ryan's baby. Ryan says he never met the woman and that she is a stalker. Who is going to stalk Ryan O'Neal? If you had your choice of celebrities to stalk and to claim they are the father of your baby are you going to pick Ryan? That is who you want to be known for stalking? When you are in jail after being arrested for staling and the other inmates ask who you were staling, do you really want to answer Ryan O'Neal?

Ryan has agreed to take a paternity test after Jessica's lawyers pretty much forced him to. Now that I think about it though, is it worse to say you were staling Ryan O'Neal or that you had unprotected sex with him? Can you imagine what he has been exposed to in his lifetime? Goodness.


  1. Ryan Fuckhead O'Neal. Ugh.

  2. He's 71. Can 71-year-olds make babies?

    And also, ewwwww.

  3. "Oh man! Oh God! Oh man! Oh God!"

  4. There are 3 Ks missing in this write up. Conclusion: Ryan O'Neal is a Klan member.

  5. Does this make Tatum O'Neal the answer for the Little Girl Lost blind item and Enty deliberately skewed the timeline?

  6. He has prostate cancer. I doubt he can still get it up let alone have viable sperm. I don't believe her.

  7. @hunter, I was about to post the same.

    His rack's not looking so perky. Perhaps it's time for a manssiere.

  8. Why are the bad ones alive sooo much longer than the good ones? Forgive me, but he is a cretin.

  9. Barf! I'd rather eat that cheeseburger crust pizza.

  10. Enty ran out of K's today.

  11. Cheeseburger crust pizza @Vicki?? That sounds delicious & I detest pizza. Lol. #fatkid

  12. Dixie, it's on Dlisted.

  13. Someone needs to have their head examined.

  14. would he even remember if he DID meet her? will be interesting. have a feeling this will just sort of fade away......

  15. The man hit on his own daughter? And "forced" her to watch him having sex with another woman? when did all of this happen? How old was Tatum at the time these events took place? I've always thought he was one of the very crappiest actors Hollywood ever produced, but I'd no idea he was that depraved as well.

  16. @Vicki - Thanks! Gonna have to check that out. Hehe.

  17. Robert, he hit on Tatum at Farrah's funeral and forcing her to watch him with Melanie happened when Melanie and Tatum were teens (and best friends, at that.) Tatum has been very outspoken about it all.

    Now I need to find a story about cute puppies, so I can scrub this mess from my brain. Blech.

  18. That man is digusting and a pig. I just don't understand how Farrah stayed with him for as long as she did. She seemed like some a nice lady.

    I actually saw Tatum in a restaurant in the Meat Packing district in NYC. She's extremely actractive in person. Looking at her (or rather, staring at her from a distance) all I could think of was all the horrible things this poor woman went through having Ryan as a father.

  19. Blind item revealed? Little Girl Lost? Hmmm...

  20. Has anyone noticed a huge increase in typos lately?

  21. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Gross! Seriously, he's disgusting inside and out.

  22. Aw damn, beat me to it!


  23. Oh Gawd--that cheeseburger crust pizza looks like a deviled-egg platter all glopped-up with greasy nastiness.

  24. Anonymous9:47 AM

    He needs to go get measured. So many people today wear the wrong size bra ...

    I hope the kid is his and this woman gets a ton of cash. Not because I like her, but because I hate him. Douchenozzle.

  25. Ew. Ew. Ew! I need a shower after reading that. Or five.

  26. Anonymous10:26 AM

    It has to be true because nobody in the entire world would make something like that up. I mean, if you're going to make up a story about who the baby daddy is, would you pick Ryan F. O'Neal? No. So it must be true.

  27. @Brenda, I've found they've always been this bad but sometimes it's really really evident.

  28. He needs The Bro!

    Who in their right mind would have unprotected sex with him?!? I imagine his junk has crabs and other STD like critters swarming around it like locusts. Disgusting if this person let him go there with her.

  29. Extra helping of geriatric moobs and a side of BRAIN BLEACH--- yes SUPER SIZE THAT PLEASE!!!

    Really Enty! Why? Where is the love? Where is the Humanity?!?!?!?

  30. Moob alert!!!!!!!!

  31. Not to make this guy look better, but I read both of Tatum's books and I'm PRETTY sure that he did NOT force her to watch him have sex with Melanie. IIRC, Tatum and Melanie were close friends, if not best friends, and they all went on a trip to Europe together. Tatum walked in on Ryan and Melanie, but he did not force her to watch or participate or anything like that. Just sayin'.

  32. I must concur with AKM, that Ryan apparently did not grab his daughter's face and force it into the menstruating genitals of the child he was plugging at the time. If anyone has made this claim, they were remiss. He merely banged his daughter's friend in front of her. Let's not exaggerate!
