Saturday, April 14, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Begs Producers To Keep Her Job As Real Housewife

You want to see someone who will do absolutely anything to keep her job then look no further than Taylor Armstrong. I think she is convinced that if she stays on Real Housewives long enough that somehow the world will fall in love with her and she can be a brand and sell things and be a Kardashian. Not going to happen. As much as I don't like the Kardashians people do like them and there is just not kind of like from anyone for Taylor Armstrong. Radar reported yesterday that producers were going to slowly phase Taylor out and she lost her mind. She has no other income other than the money she and her husband managed to squirrel away and hide. Its not like publishers are clamoring for another book. There is just nothing likable about her. If she caused trouble in a good way then it would be interesting. She doesn't though. She doesn't have that quality that makes you want to watch her be a villain. You just want her to be off the screen the entire time she is on it.


  1. Dear Taylor

    Beg all you want. Your ass is on the way out, sister. Nobody likes you. Or your lips. When you act nice, it seems fake. When you scream and try to act mean, it's really uncomfortable to watch. Your Malibu meltdown made me want to scratch out my eyes and plug up my ears forever. You're going to have to suck it up and find a job like the rest of us. You are not special. You are not a celebrity. For the sake of your child, accept this truth and start putting your resume out there.

    Thank you,

    Dear Bravo

    Bless your hearts! Thank you oh so very much! This made my day! I heart Andy Cohen!!!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. Bag her. I just won the fucking Grand National!!!

  3. Her face is terrifying. I don't know what's worse, the crazed eyes or the inflated cushions on her mouth.

  4. The crazy eyes, the cushions on her mouth, or the horror of her whole stick. Ugh. I just want her gone, so I can stop feeling guilty for hating her this much!

  5. If we keep talking about her, Bravo may think there's enough interest to keep her.

    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

  7. These reality tv people would do so much better if they would regard the money they get as a short term thing like the lottery and save it as the windfall that it is. Taylor was a scam from the start, a total con job from beginning to end, so that applies all the more to her.

    When I think of her in season one speaking about her overcoming abuse, only to play abuse victim in season two - everything she says sounds like a lie.

  8. I am sooo glad she is going, she's the true troublemaker on the show.

    She lied about being related to the Ford family. She's changed her name countless times. Her best friend is named Jennifur.

    Bye Bye Shanna.

  9. I'll believe it when I hear it from a source other than Radar.

  10. The upkeep on that god awful face must break the budget..

  11. Oops, I spelled schtick "stick" without noticing it. I blame Taylor!

  12. I'll take the Kardashians any day over Taylor. The K sisters are dumb but Taylor's a grifter.....big difference. Hope MMR.COM's fraud trial scheduled for this July is successful in finding Taylor guilty.

  13. When she spent that 60k on her daughter's 4th or 5th birthday, I was out.

    This women is the reason why phrases like "let them eat cake" is so hated.

    If this trick were alive in the 17th or 18th centuries, she'd be beheaded faster than you can say "silicone booby lips".

    I do like the idea of watching next season a lot more now- I'll be watching real closely as they show her less and less and the way she acts in the little bit of air time she ends up having. It will be fantastic most likely.

  14. I am consistently amazed by the number of hideous women on these reality shows that think they're "hot".

    And your personality sucks, too.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    She'll end up being an escort (if she isn't already), you wait and see !

  16. She was fast-forward material 95 percent of the time this season. Total Debbie downer, if you ask me. Good riddance.

    Beverly Hills needs some new tricks, IMO. I can not wait for Jersey to come back on.

  17. She will find some other man to mooh off of. She's worked it before, she'll work it again. Nola said it best.

  18. I don't watch the show so can only comment on what I see and hear on CDaN.

    Crazy eyes and a mouth like a Grouper. Not a recipe for good looks or apparently good behavior.

    I wouldn't watch her on anything.

  19. What's with these people? If they spent the time and effort getting an education and finding a real job, as opposed to desperately trying to get paid to do virtually nothing, they'd be better off financially and in terms of all around stability, in the long term.

  20. ::holds open the door for Shanna::

  21. Ugly inside and out and that mouth! She's like a human Pez dispenser. Ugh.

  22. The constant crying with no tears thing is annoying as f@ck. She's a disaster cake and I would take Camille 1000 times over this trick.

    Grifter indeed.

  23. No one probably wants to deal with her storyline, since it's tainted, not only from the suicide but all the other crap she apparently pulled in her earlier years.

    I guess her only hope now is to have guest spots on Lisa's new show.

  24. Ugh, I wish they would just cancel RHOBH. None of them are likeable, just like the DC version

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @hunter ha ha I will never look at Pez the same again. Too bad for me the entire front of the cashwrap at my store has about a 100 of them! lol, I am now cursed with thinkg of.. oh wait poof she's gone :)

  27. Thank you, jesus! I was so mad when I heard she was coming back. I watch the show for Queen Lisa, and it drove me crazy every time the sociopath was on screen.

  28. bravo should go oklahoma on this grifter.
