Monday, April 02, 2012

Taylor Swift's Date To ACM Awards Back In The Hospital

It all started when Kevin McGuire's sister asked Taylor Swift to accompany leukemia patient Kevin to his prom. Taylor said she could not fit the prom into her schedule but did invited Kevin to be her date to the ACM Awards. Unfortunately last week, Kevin got sick again and had a really high fever for most of the week and was unable to travel and had to cancel. Do you know how much that must suck? Nothing in life compares to some 18 year old teen dying of leukemia and having a night which could make your whole life and then be sick and not have it happen. Taylor says she will make it up to Kevin and she will just because she is like that, but still, Kevin was probably looking forward to this day everyday for months and was unable to.


  1. she's cool....the first thing out of her mouth when she was handed the EOTY award was acknowledgement of him, followed by a sweet shout-out and a request that everyone keep him in their thoughts. in spite of his disappointment at not being able to attend, you know that had to have made his day. i hope he makes a full recovery. he seems like a sweet kid.

  2. I hope the kid gets better, that reminds me I need to register with the local bone marrow agency, I heard it is a simple thing to do.

  3. This is such a shame. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself (money problems right now) and I read something like this and realize how blessed I am. Best wishes to Kevin.

  4. He would get more sympathy if they showed a picture of him that's 4 or 5 years old. At age 12 or 13.

  5. I tend to dislike Taylor Swift but it gets more and more difficult to keep up the dislike when I read things like this! She's got a good heart... damnit...

  6. I will try very hard to like her given that she has a kind heart like this. Poor young man. Leukemia really sucks. I had a boyfriend die from it and it was awful.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    At the end of the day, I think Taylor is a good egg. Not without her faults--none of us are. But a decent person, just the same.

    I think her songs for The Hunger Games are quite good. I think she's growing out of her pretty princess mold into a rather interesting singer/songwriter.

  8. This is really sweet. I didn't watch the CMAs (don't care) but that's nice to know she gave him a shout-out! Definitely probably made his day/night.

  9. oh @Ms Cool, that's sad to hear. I have not had this experience.

  10. Anon is trolling HARD today. Feel good to rustle jimmies buddy?

  11. I hope he gets better, and I hope she'll still go on a date with him.

  12. It is so refreshing to see positive news about a celeb! I pray this teen recovers and gets his dream date to an even bigger event!

  13. fever and neutropenia really suck for leukemia patients, he'll bounce back and glad to see she will make it up to him. These kids need that boost of happy during this long, miserable treatment.

  14. @Hunter - thank you. I am happy where my life is now. I will always be sad for my boyfriend that died and, less importantly, the loss of some of my youth from that experience.

  15. Well on the bright side, country has 47 award shows per year so it shouldn't be too long before Taylor can make it up to him.

    In seriousness though, I hope Kevin gets better really soon, and that is very sweet of Taylor to mention him when she won her award. I'm sure she/her people will think of something to make up for it. Even if they "only" end up going out for burgers and ice cream being able to tell everyone you went on a date with your favorite celeb can't be beat.

  16. Long time lurker (Timmy/Shimmy days)I've finally come out of hiding to post the Be The Match link for MontanaMarriott. It's SUPER easy to register for donation! :)

  17. I hope he gets better. Pretty good looking kid, and a football player too. She has done a lot worse.

  18. I admire Taylor Swift for having such a big heart.

  19. This poor kid; but what a class act Taylor is, for acknowledging him during her acceptance speech.

    My kid brother (well, kid to me - he was 43) recently died from esophageal cancer, and I can tell you, every kindness shown to my brother, his family of 3 teenage kids, and to MY family - it absolutely does not go unnoticed. It's without a doubt the very worst time in your lives, and any act of kindness would cause us to weep - you're just so grateful for the compassion of people. There were many highlights during my brother's illness; a trip to NYC (shout out to the Jack and Jill Late-Stage Cancer foundation - like Make-a-Wish for families where the parent is terminal), and also to baseball player Dave Dravecky from the SF Giants, whose arm snapped while on the mound during the World Series back in the 80's, due to muscle cancer in his pitching arm. Dravecky had to have his entire arm and shoulder amputated, thus ending his career. Dravecky met with my brother and shared and had fellowship with him (he's a Christian motivational speaker) for 45 minutes prior to a Triple-A game here in Fresno, while on a publicity tour - he acted like he had all the time in the world to spend. He then kept in touch w/ my brother and family through the duration of my brother's illness. Unreal.

    Of note, my brother - before his illness - was a VIP at the CMA's 3 years ago, and got to sit in on many of the rehearsals and private parties. Said hands-down, Taylor Swift was the most gracious, unaffected *star* out of the bunch. Said he'd never seen someone so genuinely down-to-earth.

    Hoping this young man Kevin rebounds quickly, and even more so, would love to hear that he's made a full recovery. I hope Taylor Swift remains the sincere, sweet, unaffected girl she seems to be, in spite of her meteoric rise and all the morons that seem to abound in the entertainment industry!

  20. Sans few flaws, she's a very nice person. Goes the extra mile when it comes to others, always. Just google her visits to children hospitals, or her inviting cancer-stricken kids and their family to her show. She still invited families of kids who lost the battle. Or the visit to Ronald McDonald house: - Funny tho that some still find this kind of thing from her is surprising. It's nothing new, just we never knew about it before. Even her fans might will never know if people that were there didn't blog about it, and they are usually one month after the visits. I remember an interview with some people talking about a documentary about kids with cancer, and the guy said that one kid told him that he had phone calls with Taylor on regular basis, talking about everything with him. She is heavily flawed, but those flaws don't change the fact that she's a truly nice person imo.
