Friday, April 06, 2012

Teen Has Wisdom Teeth Removed

I love that the mom had the foresight to remember to bring the video camera when she picked up her daughter from wisdom teeth surgery. Hilarious from the opening bit.


  1. Bloody hell, THAT'S a teen?!!?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's Kathy Beth Terry!

  4. After watching the whole video, I now know that Harrisburg, NC is 5 hours and 11 minutes away from me. I think that is a reasonable amount of time to drive for a dentist appointment.

  5. All I can say is, I'm glad You Tube and the Internet wasn't around when I had my wisdom teeth removed.

  6. What in hell did they give that kid?

    Just drive, Mom, and stop torturing your kid.

  7. Mango, when you get your wisdoms out, you get heavy sedation that knocks you out. My oral surgeon even had a recovery area. They somehow got me in the wheelchair and took me to a bed, where I slept for another 45 min. I then slept on the way home.

  8. I guess I was lucky. All four of my wisdom teeth came in when I was 15 with little pain, just a bit of pinching.

  9. I would've kilted my mom. I couldn't even pee by myself after I got mine pulled.

  10. When I got my wisdom teeth out I got the gas rather than heavy sedation (thank god). I actually walked out of the hospital to the parking garage without help.

    If I had a teen, I'd totally video tape it; however, I wouldn't put it on YouTube.

  11. The short person and I have watched this so many times over the past two days! She kills me. To watch her changing expressions, her emotions - it may be embarrassing but I'm glad she posted it.

    Snack break.


  12. I didn't get put under when I had my wisdom teeth pulled either. Got the "twilight sedation." My oral surgeon told me it would be like when you have one too many martinis and pass out. That's exactly what it was like. I walked by myself to the car too...they really don't need to knock you out for getting wisdom teeth pulled.

  13. I had the twilight sedation as well, but it knocked me out. I've had it for a few procedures and am always out cold in a matter of minutes. Maybe it's just me.

  14. I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed when I was 17 and was put completely under during the surgery. I didn't react ANYTHING like this. I felt completely normal other than the numbness in my face and having all the packing inside my mouth. I walked to the car, no problem. Hell, I could have driven home. I had no residual effects from it at all. I guess some people respond differently. My brother had the surgery, too, and he didn't even have any swelling. He went out with friends that night!

  15. I was about that bad after laser eye surgery. Thankfully there is no video evidence to remind me of it. Poor girl is never going to live this down.

  16. a. She is going to be mortified.

    b. I never have this much fun at the

  17. That was so funny!!! I just had my gums frozen, and the teeth taken out. Was sent home with some antibiotics and was good to go. The drugs may have been more fun though.

  18. What did they give her, I walked out under my own steam and was able to fact I was lucid...I only had 2 out....

  19. If I'm not mistaken, its Ketamine. Quite why they give kids it, I'm not sure. She has all the hallmarks of somebody who is definitely dissociatiatived to high heaven. I like how the Daily Mail has this as a funny story, where they constantly rally against legal highs such as Methoxetamine.

  20. I got put under for mine, I was 15... I acted like this, also I had a hidden septum piercing I didnt want my mom to know about, so I took it out and hid it in my sports bra before the surgery, then when I finally came down off the "medicine" the ring was back in my septum. I still to this day have no idea how it got there. I remember looking at my mom like, "Do you know?" she thought I was still high.

  21. HAHAHAHA That was hilarious. Reminds me when my sister took her daughter to have her's pulled out. My sister was tempted in recording her since my niece was acting funny but my sister said she didn't. My niece would have died of Embarrassment.

  22. My two kids didn't say anything, they just slept.

  23. That's pretty funny, but I would have been so mad if my mom had pulled a stunt like that. That girl has to go back to high school!

  24. That was really funny! "Hogwarts"! HA

    I was put all the way under at 15 to have all mine plus the 12 yr molars surgically removed as they were impacted. I just kinda dozed all the way home.

  25. At first I was really disturbed that people were laughing at someone being rendered helpless from a drug administered to her. Then when she thought she went to Hogwarts I saw the funny and was able to laugh!

  26. Wow, that's messed up.

  27. FYI, readers: the girl uploaded it herself. She answers all the comments on youtube herself. Her mom did nothing but record it. I think she has one hell of a sense of humor to put that up. Obviously does not take herself too seriously!

  28. This poor girl. I wouldn't have forgiven my mother for this.

  29. Anonymous1:56 PM

    That is hilarious! I've needed to have my wisdom teeth taken out for years, but I am terrified of having it done. I've never had any dental work (not even a cavity filled!), so the idea of them going in there and hacking out a bunch of teeth skeeves me out.

  30. There is also part 2 which is also hilarious. I had to stop it several times, because I was laughing so hard and I didn't miss a thing

  31. Why do I feel like she's faking? Like, sure, she had some drugs for the procedure, but maybe she's hamming it up for the YouTube exposure? Anyone else? Anyone? Or did I just get served an extra side of cynical today?

  32. I had this surgery in my early twenties and it was the worst!! It took me a week to recover and I think I slept most of the time from the drugs.

    Surely she passed out as soon as she got home (back to Hogwarts).

  33. Amen @ surfer, me too! All I could do was vomit from swallowing so much blood. Mine were impacted and they had to smash them and pick out the bits. I am 47 and had them removed at 16, and I still occasionally find sharp fragments working themselves out of my gums.

  34. I wish I could have had some of these happy drugs when I got my wisdom teeth out! i have a heart condition so I can't take any heavy-duty drugs; just the wimpy shit that wears off ASAP.

    When my brother got his wisdom teeth out and they gave him heavy sedation he just walked around in a daze all day.

  35. Geez, I had hip surgury and didn't spaz out that much....I think. I don't really remember.

  36. I'm not sure exactly what they gave me when I had my wisdom teeth out (I was 18, and they were not only impacted but making my other teeth crooked)--I just know I got a shot in the arm, then gas, then novocaine when I was already out cold. Partially came around halfway through & asked the oral surgeon "What time is it?" He said "11 o'clock." "Ooooookkkk..." and back under I went. Wasn't sure I'd done it, but my mom swears the doc came out when he was done, gave her a funny look, and said "Does she have to go somewhere? She wanted to know what time it was!"

    Some people get silly/happy from the gas, but not me--I came around feeling all weepy, and as if I had a Super Plus Tampax stuffed between my back teeth on both sides from all the packing. Went off to a bookstore afterwards to get reading material for my convalescence, because I was a hurting puppy for several days, and I'm sure I must have been a sight staggering around w/dried blood in the corners of my mouth...

    A friend of mine saw the same doc, and had a bad reaction to the gas--she says she saw herself in hell, and it was worse than anything Dante ever dreamed of! The problem was that she started trying to get away and was beating up the doctor; when she came around, she'd been strapped down to the chair, and the front of his shirt was covered in blood; to this day she's not sure if it was hers or his. In spite of all that, though, she had a most unremarkable recovery, unlike me who had one hole get infected and had to have it cleaned out. Oh, joy...

  37. I didn't get any sedation when my wisdom teeth were removed. Apparently the US Navy doesn't believe it's necessary. Dentist just used something to numb the area, but they kept hitting a nerve during the procedure. It really hurt. And I was nervous throughout the whole thing.

  38. Lucky wisdom teeth all came in just fine when I was about 18. I did start having headaches, though, and this awful ringing in my ears (which I still have - ugh!) so my dentist pulled them when I was 22. Just some novacaine and that's it.

    The only surgery I've ever had was an appendectomy. I had a Jamaican anesthesiologist, and when he gave me the twilight drug (before they put me under) all I could do was laugh and ask him about bobsledding. My husband thought it was the funniest thing ever.

  39. I just had my surgery on my neck last week. When they put me under, apparently I started telling them a joke and never finished the punchline before I passed out. The Dr. called today and asked me if I'd finish the joke for everyone, since I left them all in suspense.

  40. Lol @crila - hope everything is ok with you!
