Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Toddlers & Tiaras Mom Thinks Pretty Woman Idea Was Great

Tonight on Toddlers & Tiaras the mom who dressed her 3 year old like a hooker is back on the show. The mom actually dressed her child as Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman, so, yeah, a hooker. Apparently though the mom is really proud of her decision to do so. "Paisley has competed in over 60 pageants but it was definitely the Pretty Woman costume that put Paisley’s name out there."

Wendy Dickey, who is Paisley's mom does not think the outfit was sexual. I disagree about that. Have you seen the outfit? Forget the fact that Julia wore it as a hooker. Just look at it from the perspective that you have never seen it before and it still looks ridiculous for a three year old girl to wear. The reason Julia Roberts wore it in the movie is because it made her look like a hooker.


  1. It looks so ridiculous that it doesn't come off as sexual, though I am sure that was the mother's intent regardless what she claims.

    And, btw, Paisley!? WTF kind of name is that?

  2. I don't understand these mothers. I couldn't even walk out of the house with makeup on when I was 13. How are these women allowed to keep and raise these children without child protective services? It's child prostitution if you ask me. You're basically setting these innocent children up to be hunted by preditors. Hello...Jonbenet Ramsey???

  3. Just because you're a woman and you can have kids doesn't mean you are going to make a good, responsible Mother. As a Mother of a 3 1/2 year old girl, this outfit is not only ridiculous, but completely inappropriate. Where is the Father on this? How does he feel about it? I know my husband would go nuts if I even remotely suggested dressing her like this ever and if I ever entered her into the horrific world of child pageants. I can't believe the people that run these pageants think this is acceptable. Child pageants should be banned all together, but unfortunately they are going to continue them. They should at the very least have an appropriate dress code.

  4. Aarrgh, they're horrible horrible people. Don't look at them. I wouldn't call CPS on them and it is NOT child prostitution (c'mon, words have meaning, truthiness is not a substitute for truth). OTOH don't reward awful parenting with ratings. Who watches this sh*t?

  5. It's really difficult to make a 3 year old look 'sexual.' Sorry. As outraged as you'd like to be because it was modeled on a hooker in a movie, she really just sort of looks like a cartoon character.

    Personally, I think exploiting your kids in either a sexual or non-sexual way is pretty low and disgusting, as well as vicariously pathetic, but if you'd ever seen the movie, you wouldn't think this little girl looked 'sexual' in any way, shape or form.

    Perceiving a small child in a sexual way says more about the perceiver than the child (or the way a child is dressed). It's like saying that a woman is asking to be raped for wearing a crop top. The burden is on the perceiver.

  6. She thinks it is a great idea because it got her kid on every daytime talk show there is. She is positioning her kid to be the next Eden Woods.

    You must have missed the little girl dressed as Dolly Parton complete with boobs and fake behind. :)

  7. 3 year old and 60 pagents??

  8. I don't watch these shows. I think their primary audience is other mother's thinking about doing this to their child, and of course it's a pedofilia smorgasboard.

    The children don't have to look sexy to the deviates they just have to be the right age.

  9. I disagree Fawn. I think dressing a young child in skin tight clothes and cute short skirts and outfits, sets off the mind of a sexual predator...especially when it's modeled after a hooker. Predators are sick, and yes, rape is about control and violence and the victim doesn't ask for it...but unfortunately certain things will set off the mind of a predator. Cartoon looking or not, completely unecessary way to dress a 3 year old.

  10. I've watched the show before, but then again I also look at accidents when I drive by, so maybe I have a penchant for wanting to see giant trainwrecks like this :)

    In all honesty, it starts off midly amusing to watch because it IS so over the top and the moms are really the best source of entertainment. But I watched a few weeks of it and started to get really freaked out because below the surface of all the glittery costumes and kids having fun and stuff you can really SEE the way little girls are being taught body self-objectification, surface beauty =love, acceptance, and value. And that you can be a total bitch who whines and complains and is mean to others but as long as you step on that stage and work your face and body good enough, you will win. It's a fucking HORRIBLE set of ideologies to indoctrinate kids with, especially precious female children who will definitely get that misogynistic shit in our male-dominated society eventually. If anything these moms should be teaching their daughters ways to succeed without being reduced to body image. sheesh.

  11. Also YAY! The option of getting follow-up comments emailed to you is back!!!
    It's a Easter/Hannukah miracle!

  12. The saddest part odf these "pagents" is always the mothers. They are living their dreams through their children and it's nothing short of pathetic. I personally think they all have a loose screw somewhere.

  13. Well, she wanted attention for herself and her daughter...she got it. Also, hi CDANers :)

  14. Bring back Honey Boo Boo Chile!!!

  15. Hi RQ! Hope all's well w/you and baby! Have really missed you here.

  16. There should be birth control in the water and you have to get the antidote so you can get pregnant after taking courses in how to be a responsible parent.

    I know, not really ethical, but when I see stuff like this I really want to take the ability to birth a baby away from idiots.

  17. Hi EmEyeKaye! Yeah, I heard through the facebook grapevine some shit hit the fans over here so I came to take a look..seems ok to me :) Miss you all and hope to be back full-time soon!

  18. ^Everything Jasmine said.

  19. These assine, insne pagents are just the kids and a smattering of relatives. There is no other audience. Of course we, as normal humans, dont find kids dressed as hookers sexy, but perverts do. Why help their sickness along with your children? These pagaents should be outlawed, using child labor laws. Disgusting!!!

  20. Maja, I read somewhere that Honey Boo Boo Child is getting her own reality show somewhere. ::sigh:: Paisley's mom wants a future in some kind of show business and is using the attention to get the kid representation and access to some kind of work in modeling or acting. Seems like she might have been able to do that without playing the hooker card--lots of these girls have become well known via the show--but this seems to have really struck a nerve--on that show there were several really inappropriate costumes--at the time--the Pretty Woman one didn't freak me out any more than usual.

  21. @RQ - NOOOO, things have NOT been fine, it's all weird! Today is pretty calm but you wouldn't believe the weirdos and lookie-loos of late.

    Don't stay gone long *hangs on to your leg* :) We need more sanity, thought, and manners.

  22. Ah shit...that sucks. We don't like people without manners, do we?? ;)

  23. I think Paisley wears it better than Julia did.

  24. She named her daughter Paisley. That child's name is Paisley Dickey. Paisley.....Dickey. She'll be working the morning shift at Striperella's by the time she's 19.

  25. omg, I'm ... words fail ... Lucky for me, y'all have hit the major points here! I especially love ms cool and anita's comments, and ... omg ... that outfit!

  26. I have pics of my dad wearing a paisley dickey back in the 60s.

  27. These shows are pathetic. It's just a platform for shouldn't-be-mom's to live vicariously through their daughters (attention ho's). Men do the same with their sons, only with them it's through sports.

  28. I'm a criminal defense attorney and I've represented sex offenders before. Of course most of them have some kind of mental deficiency and I've heard several of them say "well she flirted with me" concerning their young victims. Dressing a child in hooker boots, heavy makeup and a crop top is dangerous. These pageants (and reality shows) make me sick.

  29. Thank you Vicki for posting what I was gonna say lol! Paisley isn't bad. But paired with Dickey as a last name?? Oh lordy

  30. Whether or not you perceive this little girl as sexual or not, there is absolutely no reason to dress a three year old in a hooker costume. A hooker is a sexual being so I don't know why you would want to project that on to a toddler. It isn't normal or right.

  31. I guess I will repeat what most ogyou have said the costume doesn't look sexy on her (she is 3) but she is dressed as a hooker. Would anyone of you think it was ok if a 3 year old trick or treated as a hooker?
    I won't watch most reality shows but shows like this that encourage crazy parents to objectify their own children for their personal gain and gratification make me Ill. The fact pageants for babys that need to look like sex objects to win exist is bad enough but TV execs making money off of which is then encouraging more of such behavior in both the execs and the parents is reprehensible.
    Everyone loves to watch a train wreck but not when a
    baby is involved......
    Sorry, i consider myself open to most anything but this has proven me wrong. I have a 3 year old and she loves dress up and ballet and to dance and even asks to put on my lipstick (I kiss her to give her some even) and she would love some of the pageant stuff but I would NEVER, for her own good, tell her about it much less get her involved. I am lucky enough to be her protector, advocate, and teacher, among other things, for 18 years and hopefully longer if she wants. I love her too much for her to think that her outside beauty is her worth. I praise her hard work, her diligence, her creativity and many other things including her beauty. There is so much more to anyone than their

  32. I tried to watch this show b/c my mommy friends love it, but I wanted to shoot myself in the head after a few episodes.

    mindyyj9 said ... "Just because you're a woman and you can have kids doesn't mean you are going to make a good, responsible Mother."


  33. Anonymous9:37 AM

    why isn't this bottom-of-the-barrel show cancelled already?
